Aimer - Ash flame - traduction des paroles en anglais

Ash flame - Aimertraduction en anglais

Ash flame
Ash flame
うらぶれたシグナル 無暗に光らせ
Dimmed signal lights up blindly
果てない迷路 進んだってどうせ
Endless maze, no matter how far I go
A 9 days wonder 絡まった旋律
A 9 days wonder, tangled melody
If I keep replaying it without solving it
いつまでも 疼いて痛い
It'll always keep hurting and aching
I'm not satisfied
変わりはしない? この世界
Will this world never change?
Do whatever you want with my heart
吠える勇気は 微塵もないくせに
I don't have the courage to roar, even though I'm dying to
I want to be loved
すがろうとしてるの? もういいって
Are you desperately clinging to me? Enough is enough
If I untie my murky thoughts
夜を撃つ サイレン
Siren piercing the night
夢想への SOS
SOS to my dreams
全部 朽ち果てていいから
I don't mind if it all crumbles to dust
透き通った一瞬を 呼び覚ましてよ
Wake up to a moment of clarity
ねえ ここから
Hey, from here on
Ash flame 宿して抗え
Fight with the Ash flame
Reach out your hand, no matter how pathetic you look
苦い笑みも ひび割れたくらいじゃ
Your bitter smile, even if it's all cracked
Will never break
丸めて心を 捨てようとして
I tried to crumple up my heart and throw it away
But I was off the mark
The runway is too long to endure
I want to be entrusted
変えようとしてるよ どうしたって
I'm trying to change, no matter what
So please
Sing those phrases one by one
ぼやけたシグナル 両手にあつめて
Dimmed signal gathered in both hands
急かすように 紡ぎだしたストーリー
The story that you spun, urging me on
A 9 days wonder 真夜中の不文律
A 9 days wonder, the unwritten rule of midnight
I won't leave a single one behind
いつまでも 抱いていよう
I'll always hold them close
夜を穿つ サイレン
Siren piercing the night
瞬くは SOS
Flickering SOS
どんなに 汚れ 削られても
No matter how dirty or worn it gets
夢という怪物は 美しいんだよ
The monster called dream is beautiful
Again and again
Ash flame 宿して刃向かおう
Fight with the Ash flame
I don't care who's chasing me
過ぎし日の cloud nine
Cloud nine of the past
宿命果たすまで 絶やさないよ
I'll never let it go until I fulfill my destiny
I'll never let it go

Writer(s): 永澤和真

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