Aitor - La Fiesta - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Aitor - La Fiesta

La Fiesta
The Party
Dime con quién andas y yo te diré quien eres
Tell me who you hang out with, and I'll tell you who you are
La gente que supuesta quieres
The people you supposedly love
Debe parecer a ti, si que si, esto no sucede
Should resemble you, yes they should, this is not happening
Llegará el momento que explote esto y huele
The time will come when this explodes and it stinks
La mitad de tu amistad se basa en algún vicio
Half of your friendship is based on some vice
Vas tirar tu integridad de al bote de servicio
You're gonna throw your integrity in the service bin
Yo que te irás y te dirán
I know you will leave and they will tell you
Que has hecho un estropicio
That you made a mess
Para ti será un fastidio
It will be a nuisance to you
Pero yo a ti te culparía por pedir limones a la Petro
But I would blame you for asking lemons from Petro
Y lo hacías tapar tu. este secreto
And you were covering your this secret
Melancolía, dolorida agonía yo te prometo
Melancholy, aching agony I promise you
Para estar mal acompañado mejor estar muerto
To be in bad company it is better to be dead
Ay, pasar por esto aunque te parezca molesto
Oh, go through this even if it seems annoying to you
Aunque te sientas solo
Even if you feel lonely
Mientras todo siguen en su puesto
While everyone remains in their place
No vas a perder el tiempo
You will not waste time
Arreglando todo lo que se ha convertido ya
Fixing everything that has already become
En un ambiente muy toxico
A very toxic environment
que esto se ha convertido ya
I know this has already become
En un ambiente muy toxico
A very toxic environment
que esto se ha convertido ya
I know this has already become
En un ambiente muy toxico
A very toxic environment
La suerte mayor-mente no existe
Luck mostly doesn't exist
sabes lo que elegiste
You know what you chose
La gente da pista
People give clues
Y ya la viste
And you already saw it
La muerte es muy triste
Death is very sad
Pero esto ha llegado al final bro
But this has come to an end bro
Ya ni de coña
Not even kidding
Podes a remediarlo
You can remedy it
Ya ni de coña
Not even kidding
Vas a querer remediarlo
You're gonna want to fix it
Te van a ver como el diablo
They will see you as the devil
No todo el mundo no está
Not everyone is not
Preparado a escuchar la verdad
Prepared to hear the truth
Y tú, no te puedes callar
And you, you can't shut up
(No te quieres callar)
(You don't want to shut up)
Y esto es un hondo rotundo
And this is a resounding blow
Para la estupidez
To stupidity
Me cruzo entre muros
I cross between walls
Rompiendo la pared
Breaking down the wall
Que le den a su secta
To hell with their sect
A su supuesta familia perfecta
To their supposed perfect family
que te cuesta pero abrir la puerta
I know it's hard for you, but open the door
Esto demuestra que tu vida importa
This shows that your life matters
No quieren oírte
They don't want to hear you
No pueden ni ver
They can't even see
No vas a ponerte en su mismo nivel
You're not going to put yourself on their level
Si quieren estar en la fiesta
If they want to be at the party
O estar de chantaje
Or be blackmailed
Lo siento ese no es tu papel
I'm sorry, that's not your role
Ese no es tu papel
That's not your role
La culpa ha sido tuya
It was your fault
Porque no quisiste ver
Because you didn't want to see
La cosa no ha cambiado
Things haven't changed
Solamente se ha complicado
It's just gotten complicated
Si la gente vive engañada
If people live deceived
Y nada no puedes hacer
And you can't do anything
Y te jode, y te duele
And it pisses you off, and it hurts you
Te supera, y te puede
It overcomes you, and it can
Si supieran
If they knew
Que se pierden
That they are missing
A un buen ser humano que en el fondo los quiere
A good human being who deep down loves them
Tal vez todo cambiaría
Maybe everything would change
Tal vez los abrazaría
Maybe he would hug them
Tal vez nunca mas sabrían
Maybe they would never know again
Tonterías te guardería
You would keep nonsense
Tal vez esto nunca había pasado
Maybe this never happened
Vuestro esto cambiaría en agua fría
Your this would change to cold water
En un ambiente muy toxico
In a very toxic environment
que esto se ha convertido ya
I know this has already become
En un ambiente muy toxico
A very toxic environment
que esto se ha convertido ya
I know this has already become
En un ambiente muy toxico
A very toxic environment
que esto se ha convertido ya
I know this has already become
En un ambiente muy toxico
A very toxic environment
Que, que, que, que
What, what, what, what
Que, que, que.
What, what, what.
Uoh .
No creo que deberías estar
I don't think you should be
En un ambiente muy toxico
In a very toxic environment
te piras de la fiesta
You leave the party
No terminas de encajar
You don't quite fit in
te piras de la fiesta
You leave the party
Necesitas escapar
You need to escape
te piras de la fiesta
You leave the party
Y respirar ni matar
And breathe or kill
Lo que has vivido
What you lived
Así divertido
So funny
Pero no tienes que aguantar un reproche mas
But you don't have to put up with one more reproach
Ajá (ajá, ajá)
Aha (aha, aha)

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