Aitor - Su Recompensa - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Aitor - Su Recompensa

Su Recompensa
His Reward
Él nunca ha sido popular, no ha tenido ese privilegio
He’s never been popular, he hasn’t had that privilege.
No se atrevía ni a preguntar en el colegio
He didn’t even dare to ask in school
A jugar nunca lo invitaron...
They never invited him to play...
Su ego pegó fuerte contra el suelo, lo pisaron
His ego hit the ground hard, they stepped on it.
Y a juzgar por todo lo que ha vivido
And judging by everything he's been through
Aquella clase nunca fue su lugar preferido
That class was never his favorite place
Siempre sometido a ser agredido sin una razón
Always subjected to being attacked for no reason
Y el partido no es tan divertido sin tocar balón
And the game is not so much fun without touching the ball.
Sin amigos... pero con imaginación
Without friends... but with imagination
Sus juguetes una vía de evasión
His toys a way to escape
Con la consola encendida iba pasando la vida
With the console on, his life was passing by
Siempre quería estar sólo en su habitación
He always wanted to be alone in his room.
Aquel día se llevó su colección de tebeos
That day he took his comic book collection
Para que la vieran sus compis en el recreo
So his buddies could see them at recess.
Una excusa para unir un lazo...
An excuse to tie a knot...
Esa tarde se quedó sin cómics y se llevó un puñetazo
That afternoon he was left without comics and got a punch.
Pero piensa que la vida le ha dado su recompensa
But he thinks life has given him his reward
Cada golpe, cada palo, cada ofensa...
Every hit, every stick, every offense...
Este ataque ha sido su mejor defensa y
This attack has been his best defense and
¿Quién sabe cómo acabará?
Who knows how it will end?
Pero piensa que la vida le ha dado su recompensa
But he thinks life has given him his reward
Cada golpe, cada palo, cada ofensa...
Every hit, every stick, every offense...
Este ataque ha sido su mejor defensa y
This attack has been his best defense and
¿Quién sabe cómo acabará?
Who knows how it will end?
Desolado, golpeando su propia frente
Desolate, hitting his own forehead
"¿por qué me tratará tan mal la gente?"
"Why do people treat me so badly?"
Pensaba siempre... al llegar la secundaria
He always thought... when he reached high school
La excusa para golpearle fuerte podía ser su indumentaria
The excuse to hit him hard could be his clothes.
O tal vez era porque no encajaba
Or maybe it was because he didn't fit in.
Este chico no fumaba y ese beneficio le perjudicaba
This kid didn't smoke and that benefit hurt him.
él no pisaba discotecas tan temprano...
He didn't go to discos so early...
Tuvo que aguantar tantas muecas, tantos palos...
He had to endure so many grimaces, so many sticks...
Cuando el chulito buscaba atención
When the bully was looking for attention
Decía "me has mirado mal, no te permito ser un vación"
He'd say "you looked at me wrong, I won't let you be a bum."
Su séquito le daba la razón
His entourage gave him the reason
Cuatro contra uno dando golpes como diversión
Four against one hitting like fun
La zorra de su profesora hacía la vista gorda
His bitchy teacher turned a blind eye
"En la salida lo que ocurra a ya no me importa"
"What happens at the exit doesn't matter to me anymore."
Sin nadie que le socorriese puede que se le ocurriese
Without anyone to help him, he may have become
Deprimirse y esconderse como siempre
Depressed and hiding as always
Pero piensa que la vida le ha dado su recompensa
But he thinks life has given him his reward
Cada golpe, cada palo, cada ofensa...
Every hit, every stick, every offense...
Este ataque ha sido su mejor defensa y
This attack has been his best defense and
¿Quién sabe cómo acabará?
Who knows how it will end?
Pero piensa que la vida le ha dado su recompensa
But he thinks life has given him his reward
Cada golpe, cada palo, cada ofensa...
Every hit, every stick, every offense...
Este ataque ha sido su mejor defensa y
This attack has been his best defense and
¿Quién sabe cómo acabará?
Who knows how it will end?
Pasaron los años, vinieron tiempos mejores
Years passed, better times came
Nuevo instituto y amigos con intereses comunes
New high school and friends with common interests
Una nueva época, una nueva etapa
A new era, a new stage
Atrás quedó la mala pata de topar con tanta rata
Gone is the bad luck of running into so many rats.
Mas ninguna lo derribó, él nunca se privó
But none brought him down, he never deprived himself.
Hizo lo que quiso y del enemigo se alejó
He did what he wanted and walked away from the enemy.
Su alrededor cambió, seguidor del hip-hop
His surroundings changed, a hip-hop follower
él jugaba a ser Eminem en el micrófono
He played Eminem on the microphone
Poco a poco sacó maquetas, dio conciertos
Little by little he released demos, gave concerts
Y con cientos de letras firmó un contrato discográfico
And with hundreds of lyrics he signed a record deal.
Siempre entre damas y fiestas casi no se daba cuenta
Always among ladies and parties he hardly noticed
Que había cerrado la puerta al pasado trágico
That he had closed the door on the tragic past.
Los abusones ahora tienen un bebé
The bullies now have a baby
Y pasean por el parque con el carro y su mujer
And they walk through the park with the stroller and their wife.
Amargados de vivir, lo saludan si lo ven
Bitter about life, they greet him if they see him.
"Siempre escucho tus canciones, porfa, fírmame un CD"
"I always listen to your songs, please sign a CD for me."
Y ahora piensa que la vida le ha dado su recompensa
And now he thinks life has given him his reward
Cada golpe, cada palo, cada ofensa...
Every hit, every stick, every offense...
Este ataque ha sido su mejor defensa y
This attack has been his best defense and
¿Quién sabe cómo acabará?
Who knows how it will end?
Pero piensa que la vida le ha dado su recompensa
But he thinks life has given him his reward
Cada golpe, cada palo, cada ofensa...
Every hit, every stick, every offense...
Este ataque ha sido su mejor defensa y
This attack has been his best defense and
¿Quién sabe cómo acabará?
Who knows how it will end?

Writer(s): Ivan Santos Ortiz, Aitor Herrada Aguilera

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