Ajs Nigrutin - 3000 e - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Ajs Nigrutin - 3000 e

3000 e
3000 euros
Ovde Ajzak svezi Mc kategorija teska
Here is Ajzak, the new fresh MC in the heavyweight category
Od rodjenja na mozku furam fabricka greska
A born brain with a factory error
Cirkam piva nemacka, domaca, crna, ceska
I drink German, domestic, black, Czech beers
Po buksna, po pljeska ustajem iz mesta
I get up from my seat after a fistfight, after a slap
Rima vesta secka MC-a k'o mesan
MC rhyme verses as dry as meat
Cirke kad na binu skoce misle da sam blesav
Fools think I'm an idiot when I jump onto the stage
Proseravam se kol'ko 'oces, al' sam toga svestan
I'm rolling my eyes like a madman, but I'm conscious of it
Nisam spav'o petn'est dana k'o Nikola Tesla
I haven't slept for fifteen days, just like Nikola Tesla
Ne grickam camac niti sisam vesla
I don't row a boat or hold oars
Na vozacki ispit sam is'o preko veza
I passed my driving test with bribes
Telefon zvoni k'o budala, glupaca me zeza
The phone rings like crazy, it's the voice of fools teasing me
Smuv'o bi se s njom samo kad bi bio krezav
I would sleep with her if I was crazy
U Timbetovom stilu idem noga desna, leva
I walk like Timbet, right foot, left foot
Rime jebem dobro jer ne znam da pevam
I fuck rhymes well because I can't sing
Udebreksovo sam se jako, kao stoka zevam
I yawn like a cow, really loudly
Vino dobro, verbla 3000 evra
Good wine, drums worth 3000 euros
Vreme je za kafu, stavio sam dzezva
It's time for coffee, I've put the coffee pot on
Ko to dalje repuje, a vidi da ne zna
Who is rapping next, but you can see he doesn't know
Nazdr'o se u meku, samo soja nema mesa
Cheers to the soft, there is no meat, only soy
Koka kole litre, polako jetra nesta
Liters of coke, slowly the liver disappears
Posto sam ljubazan, molim za malo mesta
Since I'm kind, I'm asking for a little space
Dodaj 'vamo mikrofon ripsone da cepam
Give me a microphone, let me tear it up
Evo novog spota, Djolo bacio na VeTa
Here is a new spot, Djolo threw it at VeTa
Prebledeli MC cuje pisanje uz vetar
The faded MC hears the writing in the wind
Smejem se i ne verujem koliko je smesan
I laugh and can't believe how funny he is
Zagoreo si, ortak, to mora da se mesa
You're tanned, friend, that must be nice
Na trule teme, budjave dodacu ti kecap
On rotten themes, I'll add ketchup to your awake ones
Malo senfa, girosa da bi bio srecan
A little mustard, gyros to make you happy
Furnjam granja vreca
I'm filling up the farm bag
Al' mi fali malo skreca
But I'm missing some weed
Podneo dva litra, ide flasa treca
I drank two liters, the third bottle is coming
'Ajde kuci feget, je l' igra bela mecka
Come on home, faggot, is the game white bear?
Bicarka se usrala pa se malo necka
The bicycle has fucked up and is teasing a little
Uhvatila je frka od mog koznog metka
It got a fright from my goat's ball
Ako neces ti, mozda 'oce tvoja tetka
If you don't want it, maybe your aunt will
Stara koka debela, rutava k'o cetka
Old, fat hen, shaggy like a brush
Cekaj da je obrijem, bice gotovo do petka
Wait, let me shave her, it'll be done by Friday

Writer(s): Vladan Aksentijević

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