Ajs Nigrutin - Ajzakov titanik - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Ajs Nigrutin - Ajzakov titanik

Ajzakov titanik
Ajs Nigrutin's Titanic
Suncam se na ostrvu
I found myself on an island
Krenu, trazim vino
I set out, looking for wine
Da se zabava ne bi prekinula
So that the party wouldn't end
Na plazi indo sino
On the beach, I'm in a trance
Cadim svuda okolo
I'm falling all over the place
Od miline sam se sav rasplin'o
From the bliss, I've completely crumbled
Od dima ne vidim kuda idem
From the smoke, I can't see where I'm going
Pa sam se srusio i usino
So I crashed and fell asleep
Pao sam na peskir prsate ribe
I fell onto a sunbathing fish
I nisam se izvin'o
And I didn't apologize
Odmah raspalio po prici
I immediately sparked up a chat
I narucio pivo
And ordered a beer
Prvi predlog mi je bio
My first suggestion was
Da odemo u otvoreni kino
That we go to an outdoor movie
Upicanih se to vece
More and more people showed up
I Silvestre fino
And the New Year's Eve was fine
Gledali smo film
We watched a movie
Od Dzonsona Dona
By Don Johnson
Sutra me je zvala
In the morning, she called me
Preko mobil-telefona
On her cell phone
Mislio sam da je Timbe
I thought it was Timbe
Al' to je bila ona
But it was her
Kaze, pravi zur na svojoj jahti
She says, she's having a party on her yacht
Od sto sezdeset tona
That weighs a hundred and sixty tons
Ne razmisljajuci pazarim paket
Without thinking, I buy a pack
Senzitiv kondoma
Of sensitive condoms
Neku tekilu da ne idem praznih ruku
Some tequila so I don't go empty-handed
I stoes rizlona
And a hundred sheets of rolling paper
Na zurci je bilo gomilu
At the party, there was a crowd
Ujdo morona
Of foreign morons
I riba s boljim guzama
And fish with better butts
Nego sto ima Ivona
Than Ivona has
Sve pice sljaste od minica
All the girls are sweeter than mints
I prozirnih najlona
And transparent nylons
Tri, dva, jedan, startujem na keca
Three, two, one, I start chatting
Poput Dzeremi Rona
Like Jeremy Rone
Sve su bile smorene
They were all turned on
Tad se setim nje
Then I remember her
I vidim je na palubi
And I see her on the deck
S drugarice dve
With two of her friends
Otisle su svojim putem
They went their own way
Da nas same ostave
To leave us alone
Bila je u tankoj haljini
She was in a thin dress
Bez brusa i postave
Without a bra or panties
Bacam neku spiku
I drop some spice
Sanker sprema bum tekilu
Sanker prepares the explosive tequila
Popio sam sest
I drank six
I jos pet na silu
And five more, just to be safe
Al' nikad nisam izjavljiv'o
But I never would declare
Ljubav u tehnikoloru
My love in Technicolor
Pogotovo ne na jahti
Especially not on a yacht
Okeanima i moru
In the oceans and seas
Pokrenuo me miris leta
The scent of summer and
I talasa zvuk
The sound of the waves drew me in
Prebih se ko bulja
I ran like a bull
Usiko se ko smuk
I crawled like a worm
Neke erogene rime
She whispered some erotic rhymes
Mi je bacila na uvo
Into my ear
Nije mogla dvaput da mi kaze
She didn't have to tell me twice
Jer sam odmah cuo
Because I heard her right away
DJ vrti dobar haus
The DJ is playing good house
Neki skacu s pramca
Some people are jumping off the bow
Neke ribe se lizu
Some fish are licking each other
U dva pomocna chamca
In two lifeboats
Uhvatila me za ruku
She took my hand
I krenusmo ka njenoj sobi
And we started walking toward her room
Sve to bese predivno
It was all so wonderful
Jer oplodnja je meni hobi
Because fertilization is my hobby
Namazani uljem
Covered in oil
Na njenom vodenom krevetu
On her waterbed
Jos je bilo rano
It was still too early
Za pozu sezdeset devetu
For the sixty-nine position
Tako krenulo je lepo
It started out so beautifully
Kako ide vec sve redom
How it usually goes
U pola seksa me prekinu
Halfway through, I'm interrupted
Zalutali torpedo
By a stray torpedo
Odleteli smo svi
We all flew
U vazduh, more, nebo
Into the air, the sea, the sky
Nisam isprsko
I didn't survive
Al' sam ipak jebo
But I did get laid

Writer(s): Vladan Aksentijević

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