Ajs Nigrutin - Sexy Medeni - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Ajs Nigrutin - Sexy Medeni

Sexy Medeni
Sexy Honey
Kada kenjam vnugo
When I smoke weed inside
Kada kenjam vnugo
When I smoke weed inside
Kada kenjam vnugo
When I smoke weed inside
Ej kada kenjam vnugo
Hey when I smoke weed inside
Ej nji ej nji ha
Hey nji hey nji ha
Kada kenjam vnugo mi se zaljepi za dlake
When I smoke weed inside it sticks to my hair
Slaba mi je bešika pa stalno mokre gaće
My bladder is weak so my pants are always wet
Da li ti se možda takav svidjam mače
Do you maybe like me like that kitty
Nahasam se luka i u nozdrve ti dahćem
I sniff onions and breathe into your nostrils
Imam trista mane jer sam stari ljakse
I have three hundred flaws because I'm an old goofball
Na čelu gajim bubuljice masne
I grow greasy pimples on my forehead
Koje se cede u vidu majoneza
Which are squeezed out in the form of mayonnaise
Kada šetam gradom kroz Mihajla Kneza
When I walk through the city through Mihajla Kneza
Devojka lepa svaka mene zeza
Every beautiful girl teases me
Zato sto mi jaja smrde na parmezan bazde mi I zubi jer sam pojačano
Because my balls stink of Parmesan my teeth also stink because I am heavily
Kada ljubim curice ostanu bez mleka zapitam se često da li sam
When I kiss girls they run out of milk I often ask myself am I
Ja retard
Zbog lekova za glavu kobas mi je
Because of the meds for my head my sausage is
Kad se vićgla zapusi onda uzmem šestar
When the bong gets clogged then I take a compass
Pročačkam dobro i mlaznica je lepa
I poke it well and the nozzle is nice
Master Dži poznat kao Manamen
Master Gee known as Manamen
Iz donjega veša ispada bananamen uvek slomi
A bananamen falls out of my underwear always breaks
Makaze kada šiša miške nerastu mi šiške zato lepim viške
Scissors when he cuts mice my bangs don't grow so I glue the excess
Neće nigde da me prime sa mnom
They won't take me anywhere with them
Da se druže
To hang out
Po asvaltu kad hodam uvek gaće
When I walk on the asphalt my pants are always
Odvaljen ko majmun trku vodim s
Cracked like a monkey I'm racing with a
Za dlaku ga dobijem nos mi je produžen
I beat him by a hair my nose is long
Ruke I noge na komandu mi rade
My arms and legs are at my command
Ko god kaže stani pada mi nastade kapacitet creva širi se ko prdež
Whoever says stop they fall for me my bowel capacity expands like a fart
Kad podrignem od mrlje opije se mladež svrbi me dupe gliste kao kobre
When I burp youth gets drunk from the stain my ass itches worms like cobras
Izleću kad serem za šporet su dobre
They fly out when I shit they're good for the stove
Ja sam ombre po licu katakombe
I'm ombre my face is like catacombs
Ko se sa mnom pozdravi izrašće
Whoever greets me will grow
Mu džombe
A jumbo
Zaboravim se odmah da mi neko
I forget right away that someone
Nešto sroči
To cook me something
Pogadjam banderu jer nevidim na
I hit the pole because I can't see on my
Ko ker jedem majonezu u pasulju nemam ni ruke pa mi keva brise bulju
Like a dog I eat mayonnaise I don't have hands in the beans so my mom wipes my snot
žvale bale razlivene po duksu
Jowls bales scattered on my t-shirt
Sa mnom niko neće da podeli buksnu volim gomile da trasvlačim kanjisu
Nobody wants to share a joint with me I like to change kanjisa in piles
Bradavičasti jezik od lizanja kliću
Warty tongue from licking the clit
Uzmem babinu protezu da mogu da zvačem
I take my grandma's dentures so I can chew
Hiruškim putem skidam čarape i gaće
Surgically I remove socks and pants
Kvazi Denis ja sam kvazi Denis
Quasi Denis I am quasi Denis
Bežite od mene kad digne mi se penis
Run away from me when my penis rises
Ćelav sam I imam kvrge posle temena
I'm bald and I have lumps after the top of my head
Dobio sam ulogu u filmu Vesa Grejbena master dži to
I got a role in the movie Vesa Grejben master gee that's
Vikler Ajs kada mene vide padaju u fras nemam vitak stas
Hairdresser Ajs when they see me they fall into a fras I don't have a fit physique
Kenjam u kontrabas
I smoke weed in contrabass
Kada treba nam za rucak iz sebe cedim
When we need it for lunch I squeeze out of myself
Ja ko tecan govor mana mi je znate
I'm like a flowing speech you know my flaw
Ako se raspricam supu će hasate
If I get carried away you will slurp the soup
Ne kupujem med proizvodim ga sam pročačkam uši
I don't buy honey I produce it myself I pick my ears
Pa uživam u slast stomak me baca na muke razne
Then I enjoy the sweetness my stomach throws me into various torments
Jer volim jesti salamčine kvarne
Because I like to eat spoiled salami
Smotan kao sajla noge su mi leve
Clumsy as a cable my legs are crooked
Bez imalo truda upadam u jendek kupatilo nemam ne kupam se
Without any effort I fall into a ditch I don't have a bathroom I don't bathe
Tabani mi buđavi a I glava resto
My soles are moldy and my head is rusty
Vadim karu skačem na maloletnjice sa sprata
I pull out the card I jump on minors from the floor
Nerviram komšiluk ko mene Edin iz
I annoy the neighbors like Edin from
Velikog brata
Big Brother
Ciganka mi u pečurke s kurca gata
A gypsy woman tells my fortune from the mushrooms on my dick
Imam plakar pun govana što iskenjala
I have a closet full of shit that grandma pooped out
Baka kata
Grandma Kata
Brate iz blaind biznisa odlicno je
Brother from the blind business is excellent
O pasulja hasam i komad slanine
I sniff beans and a piece of bacon
Stavljam na astal kad budjavi on je
I put it on the table when it gets moldy it is
Jedem zuto iz ušiju pasa I ono
I eat yellow stuff from dog ears and what's
Sto ima tamo neka Prasad
There let Prasad
Setih se I prelepe pesme jedne odjednom
I suddenly remembered a beautiful song
U kojoj debela zena hoce da igra sa svima odredom
In which a fat woman wants to dance with everyone by force
I još jedne lepše
And one more beautiful one
Sto ima neki ritam sad barac
That has some rhythm now barac
To je kadoni ortaci hoce da naruče sampanjac
That's when my buddies want to order champagne
Pevušim to I pustim rep ruski dok vutru pušim
I hum it and put on Russian rap while I smoke weed
Bicarke otvore paprikom puni mi kumi mi da se davi u vuni
The poor things open up my friends fill me with paprika to drown in wool
Iz bulje nasevaju prdezi to su munsuni
Farts emanate from the snot these are monsoons
U klubu sere na brodski pod parket
In the club they shit on the ship's deck floor
I klubski turnir nisam reper vrat mi neka lancina kazu
And club tournament I'm not a rapper my neck is some kind of chain they say

Writer(s): Djordje Miljenovic, Vladan Aksentijevic

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