Ajs Nigrutin - Spejs nigrutin - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Ajs Nigrutin - Spejs nigrutin

Spejs nigrutin
Space Nigrutin
Seo sam u kola, krenuo na Mars
I'm in my car, headed to Mars
Poneo sam sendvice i jedan paradajz
I've packed some sandwiches and a tomato
(Javi se Nigrutine, dal si u orbiti, ponesi sa Zemlje hasisa i rizli)
(Yo, Nigrutin, are you in orbit? Bring some hash and rolling papers from Earth)
Poneo sam vise nego prosli put
I've packed more than last time
Vi spremite hentor i 2 grama zljut
You guys get the blunt and two grams of weed
Jer klantor je jak za moj organizam
'Cause that stuff's too strong for my system
Na benziskoj pumpi sipam herozina
I'm filling up with heroin at the gas station
Svi misle da su marsovci zeleni
Everyone thinks Martians are green
Ustvari su metalik, roze i debeli
In reality, they're metallic, pink and fat
Usput sam svratio na planetu Vikler
On my way, I stopped at the planet Vikler
Gde se zene setaju gole i sa stikle
Where women walk around naked and in high heels
Imaju 3 sise i po 4 picke
They have three boobs and four pussies
Dolazim u miru i donosim virsle
I come in peace and I bring sausages
Tu nema vegetacije, samo raste zbidelj
There's no vegetation here, only weeds
To je biljka koja leci i od side
It's a plant that heals even AIDS
U kola se vratio, krenuo dalje, idem
I got back in my car, continued on my way
Meteori lete, jedva da se vide
Meteors are flying by, I can barely see them
Ukljucio sam mog, svetlosne brzine
I turned on my engine to light speed
(Ajzace barabcino kada ces da stignes)
(Ajzac, barabchino, when will you arrive?)
Posle 4 dana slecem u svemirsku bazu
After four days, I landed at the space base
(Jel si lepo putovo, jel si dono travu)
(Did you have a good trip? Did you bring any weed?)
Doneo sam sve moj metlik brate
I brought everything, my little brother
Bongove, pajpove zemaljske opijate
Bongs, pipes, Earthly opiates
(Volimo hasis, oci nam se cakle)
(We love hash, it makes our eyes water)
Volim i ja zljut, kento rime spakle
I love weed too, it makes my rhymes sparkle
Tu sam osto godinu i nekoliko dana
I stayed there for a year and a few days
Spakovo me spatler za ortake iz kraja
The Martian masons hired me for my rhymes
(Dovidjenja Ajzace dodji nama opet)
(Goodbye, Ajzace, come visit us again)
Marsovci mi masu dok spremam se za pokret
Martians gave me a massage as I prepared to leave
Podelio im diskove od Gazda Valde Rame
I gave them some CDs from Gazda Valda Rame
A sledeceg puta donecu im sarme
And I'll bring them some cabbage rolls next time
Masinu palim, krecem ka planeti Zemlji
I start my car and head for planet Earth
Doneo sam zljut, da dam malo velji
I brought weed back to share with my friends
Slecem u kotez na basket terene
I land in the park on the basketball courts
Signal mi ometele satelitske antene
Satellite dishes interfered with my signal
Sa planete Vikler doneo sam zbidelj
I brought back some weeds from planet Vikler
Da Ukrainke imju da lece se od side
So Ukrainian girls can use it to cure AIDS
Bese lose vreme naiso je Timbe
The weather was bad so Timbe came over
Na Marsu sam nabavio "Plazma 8 sistem"
I got a "Plasma 8 system" on Mars
Da mozemo da igramo zajebane igre
So we can play some awesome games
Sony je dosadio, bacam zljutu rizle
Sony's getting boring, I'm rolling a blunt
To je laka droga, kakve ovde nema nigde
It's a light drug, like nothing you've ever seen
Cepanjem atoma, parcica na kriske
Splitting atoms, particles into pieces
Dobija se kristal koji predivno mirise
You get a crystal that smells amazing
Marsovci mi salju SMS gde pise
Martians sent me an SMS saying

Writer(s): Vladan Aksentijevic

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