Akapellah - Beso Acido - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Akapellah - Beso Acido

Beso Acido
Acid Kiss
Dicen que esconde
They say he's hiding
mucho en su diminuto tamaño
a lot in its tiny size
Solo adora a maria y su hijo un marron tacaño
He just adores Maria and her son a stingy brown
Te contare lo que me causa tanto daño
I will tell you what causes me so much harm
Y la razon por la cual estoy ahogandome en un caño
And the reason why I'm drowning in a pipe
Soy felizmente enamorado desde hace 7 años
I am happily in love since 7 years
O al menos eso pensaba, si se que sueña extraño
Or at least that's what I thought, if I know that he dreams strange
Se lo pelean y regaño
They fight and I scold
Hasta que un dia probe de la fruta prohibida del maldito engaño
Until one day I taste of the forbidden fruit of the damned deception
Sali a divertirme mientras sufria por que ya tenia muchos dias sin ver a maria
I went out to have fun while I suffered because I had many days without seeing Maria
Se fue de viaje muy lejos y no venia
He went on a long trip and didn't come
Asi que atravesaba por una epoca de sequia
So I was going through a dry spell
LLegue a un local donde esa noche me veria con muchos amigos que sabian como me sentia
I arrived at a place where that night I would meet with many friends who knew how I felt
Para mi mas me organizaron una orgia con muchas mujeres y tambien me llevaron a la mia
For me they organized an orgy with many women and also took me to mine
Has escuchado hablar de ella, todos me decian
You've heard about her, everyone was telling me
Esa te hara ver las estrellas, yo no les creia
That one will make you see the stars, I didn't believe them
Que con un cuarto de su cuerpo bastaria para algrarme el dia y darme una noche de fantasia (Coño)
That with a quarter of her body would be enough to make my day and give me a fantasy night (Pussy)
Lo pense por primera vez mientras me venia
I thought about it for the first time while I was coming
Recuerdo que por primera vez no estaba maria
I remember that for the first time Maria was not
Pero sin embargo al final del dia
But nevertheless at the end of the day
Lo prohibido se hace tentador, Eso es poesia
The forbidden becomes tempting, that's poetry
Decidi acercarme aunque pesaba verga mucho gusto Pedro Aquino Hola yo Lisette Liserguia
I decided to approach even though I was heavy dick nice to meet you Pedro Aquino Hi yo Lisette Liserguia
Me sentare a su lado por que quiero conocerla
I will sit next to her because I want to meet her
Ya que me han hablado mucho de sus perlas
Since they have told me a lot about their pearls
Y comenzo...
And it began...
Fue estupendo...
It was great...
Aun lo recuerdo...
I still remember it...
Por se primera vez yo le meti despacio
For the first time I put him in slowly
Luego obiamos lo basico y vino lo clasico
Then we heard the basics and the classics came
Me dio un beso muy placido que supo acido
He gave me a very nice kiss that tasted acidic
Y en diez minutos me convecio de que era lo maximo
And in ten minutes I convinced myself that it was the maximum
Quisieras caminar lejos de aca, si mi amor
Would you like to walk away from here, if my love
Me deje llevar por ese aroma sin amor
I let myself be carried away by that loveless scent
Queria cantar como en el musical de Sinalon
I wanted to sing like in the Sinalon musical
Mi ardedora abrio un paisaje de monitor Siragon
My burning machine opened a Siragon monitor landscape
Que estas bebiendo Ron, yo pepsicola al higado
That you're drinking Rum, I pepsicola to the liver
Asi que cantas rap y esa cuestion, si mi amor
So you sing rap and that question, if my love
Que sexi chica bro
What a sexy girl bro
Su humor fue muy picaro
His mood was very naughty
Me tenia lazado al agua como un pelicano
He had me tied to the water like a Pelican
Pues si varon
Well, if they var
Logro cautivarme en seguida
I manage to captivate myself right away
No me acordaba ni si quiera de maris sativa
I didn't even remember about Maris sativa
Senti como si tuviera cinco mil hormigas
I felt like I had five thousand ants
En la espalda, en las piernas, los brazos y en la barriga
On the back, legs, arms and belly
Shiet Nigga
Shiet Nigga
Cruze por un portal
Cross through a portal
Delante iba ella
She was in front
Tan bella como el brillo del mar
As beautiful as the brightness of the sea
¿Sera normal?
Will it be normal?
¿O estoy mirando mal?
Or am I looking at it wrong?
Pense mientras pasaba que escuchaba a los arboles respirar
I thought as I was passing that I was listening to the trees breathing
El color de la tierra, el azul del mar
The color of the earth, the blue of the sea
El verde de los grillos
The green of the crickets
El amarillo de una luz frontal
The yellow of a front light
Donde se supone que era donde ibamos a llegar
Where was supposed to be where we were going to arrive
Pero, pense que como que nunca se iba terminar, bueno
But, I thought it was like it was never going to end, well
Justo cuando iba a llegar pude notar
Just as I was about to arrive I could tell
Un tipo me empezaba a llamar
A guy was starting to call me
Esto no puede pasar
This can't happen
A lo lejos viene un hombre
A man is coming from far away
Un pana quizas, porque se sabia mi nombre
A corduroy maybe, because he knew my name
Le dije Take it Easy mami, no te asombres
I said Take it Easy Mommy, don't be amazed
Seguro ese es Lince o puede ser Tonder
I'm sure that's Lynx or it could be Tonder
La chica suspiraba con mirada de inconforme
The girl was sighing with a look of nonconformity
Como diciendo justo cuando estaba mas Horny
Like saying just when I was the horniest...
Que falla tan enorme
What a huge flaw
Lo se chamo
I know I am a chamo
Desde ese instante bajo la intensidad de la llama que hablamos
From that moment under the intensity of the flame we spoke
No dije nada y camine mano
I said nothing and walked hand in hand
Nos soltamos de la mano y le dimos final al viaje que nos embarcamos
We let go of each other's hand and gave an end to the journey we embarked on
Desde Yeluza abrio un portal y salio una mano
From Yeluza he opened a portal and a hand came out
Era la cola pa pirar y dije coronamos
It was the tail to pirar and I said we crowned
Fue el tiempo pa decirle ¡Ey si quieres nos parchamos!
It was time to tell him Hey if you want we'll patch up!
Ya que no sabes la sorpresa que me dio hermano
Since you don't know the surprise that gave me brother
Cuando voltie ya estaba en otras manos...
When Voltie was already in other hands...
No solo fue una cuarta parte pero siento que la amo...
Not only was it a quarter but I feel like I love her...
Y bueno cuando llegue pa la casa Maria y yo nos reconsiliamos...
And well when I get to the house Maria and I will reconnect...
Y en este instante estoy saliendo con las dos...
And right now I'm dating both of them...
Asi que hablamos.
So we talked.

Writer(s): akapellah

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