Akil Ammar feat. Los Choclok - América - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Akil Ammar feat. Los Choclok - América

Tierra rebelde, mi cuna, mi casa, deja que te cante
Rebellious land, my cradle, my home, let me sing you
Estamos de pie, tenemos fé, pero ha costado sangre
We are standing, we have faith, but it has cost blood
En tiempos difíciles vemos al frente con el puño al aire
In difficult times we look ahead with our fists raised
Madre guerrera por ti va mi vida América eres grande
Warrior mother, my life is for you, America, you are great
Se come lo que se cultiva
You eat what you grow
Tus aguas son cristalinas
Your waters are crystal clear
Llegarón ladrones saquearón
Thieves came and plundered
Quisieron dejarte las manos vacías
They wanted to leave you with empty hands
Así se pasarón lo días, marcaron fronteras que no tenías
That's how the days passed, they marked borders that you did not have
Y falsos mesías trajerón a dioses que nunca venerarías
And false messiahs brought in gods you would never worship
Somos tus hijos, nos das cobijo al blanco, negro, mestizo
We are your children, you give us shelter to the white, black, and mixed
También al indígena que estuvo aquí luchando desde el inicio
And also to the indigenous people who have been here fighting from the beginning
Jamás con rodillas al piso
Never with knees on the ground
Jamás como pueblo sumiso
Never as a submissive people
Aquí nacimos, entramos, salimos y no requerimos permiso
Here we were born, we enter, we leave, and we do not require permission
Somos el palo mulato
We are the mulatto stick
Que en tierra negra se dio
That grew in black earth
Somos risa y somos llanto
We are laughter and we are tears
Alegría y dolor
Joy and pain
Somos pueblo que defiende
We are the people who defend
Su raiz y su color
Their roots and their color
Como luna que en la noche
Like the moon at night
Ilumina al corazón
It illuminates the heart
Nada podrá alejarme de ti
Nothing can take me away from you
Ni la misma muerte
Not even death
Cueste lo que cueste estaré para defenderte
Whatever it takes, I'll be there to defend you
Terreno sagrado, inmaculado es
Sacred ground, immaculate is
Benditos por acariciarte son mis pies
Blessed are my feet to caress you
Aquí respetamos ancestros
Here we respect our ancestors
Los frutos ahora son nuestros
The fruits are now ours
Jamás agachamos cabeza por eso los astros fuerón maestros
We never bow our heads, that's why the stars were our teachers
Entonces deseo que mis restos
So, I wish my remains
En polvo se lancen al viento
To be cast into the wind as dust
En tiempos de paz o violentos a ti te regalo mi último aliento
In times of peace or violence, to you I give my last breath
Amaneceres narajas
Orange dawns
Paisajes parecen estampas
Landscapes look like prints
Magia, plantas tantas luchas glorias tienes ambas
Magic, many plants, you have both struggles and glories
Tus cielos azules son bendición
Your blue skies are a blessing
Bajo tus estrellas vivimos pasión
Under your stars, we live passion
Baile, sonrisas, caritas bonitas espiritu a tope de revolución
Dance, smiles, pretty faces, spirit full of revolution
Ay América Sagrada ¿como no velar tus sueños?
Oh, Holy America, how can I not watch your dreams?
Si aquí me has parido madre, y descansarán mis restos
If this is where you gave birth to me, mother, and this is where my remains will rest
Oye América bendita, te canto para aliviarte
Oh, blessed America, I sing to you to relieve you
Del tirano y la mentira
Of the tyrant and the lie
Mi América eres grande
My America, you are great
Somos el palo mulato que en tierra negra se dio (en tierra negra se dio)
We are the mulatto stick that grew in black earth (in black earth it grew)
Somos risa y somos llanto, alegría y dolor (alegría y dolor)
We are laughter and we are tears, joy and pain (joy and pain)
Somos pueblo que defiende, su raíz y su color (su raíz y su color)
We are people who defend, their roots and their color (their roots and their color)
Como luna que en la noche, ilumina al corazón
Like the moon at night, it illuminates the heart

Writer(s): Jhonatan Rojas Mendoza

Akil Ammar feat. Los Choclok - América - Single
América - Single
date de sortie

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