Akwid - Si Pudiera - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Akwid - Si Pudiera

Si Pudiera
If I Could
Imaginate el poder de regresar el tiempo
Imagine the power to turn back time
Y rehacer todo
And redo everything
El poder de dominar y ser un gran heroe
The power to dominate and be a great hero
¿Te lo imaginas?
Can you imagine it?
Imaginete una cosa nada mas (imagina)
Just imagine one thing (imagine)
Si tuvieras los poderes de rehacer el mundo ¿te animarias?
If you had the powers to remake the world, would you dare?
Es semejante la idea manifestar para mi seria como una
The idea is similar, manifesting for me would be like a
Bomba nuclear
Nuclear bomb
Comenzaria desde abajo para arriba
I would start from the bottom up
Paro muchas de las cosas nunca las cambiaria
But many things I would never change
Tuviera yo el poder de 10 hombres pa' poder dominar
I would have the power of 10 men to be able to dominate
Todas mis malas costumbres
All my bad habits
Le arrancaria todo el daño al corazon (grrrraaaaa)
I would rip all the damage from my heart (grrrraaaaa)
Y los malos sentimientos no tuvieran mi atencion
And bad feelings wouldn't have my attention
La mente clara, como de niños
A clear mind, like a child's
Hiciera las paces con todos mis enemigos
I would make peace with all my enemies
Las inquietudes de ser malvado
The anxieties of being evil
Destrazaria con todo lo descarado
I would tear apart with everything that's shameless
Yo diera todo por poder ser el heroe que conquisto
I would give everything to be the hero who conquered
Todo lo malo que me hiere.
Everything bad that hurts me.
Cuantas cosas cambiarias tu,
How many things would you change,
Y cuantas cosas dejarias igual como estan en el momento
And how many things would you leave the same as they are right now
Y si pudieras ser el heroe que haras cuando todo el
And if you could be the hero, what would you do when the whole
Mundo se desahogue.
World vents.
Cuantas cosas cambiarias tu,
How many things would you change,
Y cuantas cosas dejarias como estan en el momento
And how many things would you leave as they are right now
Y si pudieras ser el heroe que haras cuando todo el
And if you could be the hero, what would you do when the whole
Mundo se desahogue.
World vents.
Si pudiera empezar todo de nuevo
If I could start all over again
Regresar el tiempo y quitarme el peso que yo llevo (arrrg)
Turn back time and take away the weight I carry (arrrg)
Borraria mis errores
I would erase my mistakes
Y comensar de nuevo con decisiones mejores
And start over with better decisions
Si pudiera cambiar todo lo que yo he visto
If I could change everything I've seen
Agradecer un poco mas que yo exito
Be a little more grateful for my success
Las cosas fueran mucho mas claras
Things would be much clearer
Y las caras no se me hicieran tan raras
And faces wouldn't seem so strange to me
Si pudiera confiar en toda la gente (ha)
If I could trust everyone (ha)
Supiera que la vida no me quitan de repente
I would know that life wouldn't be taken from me suddenly
Un poco de atancion a los consejos y de las malas
A little attention to advice and from bad
Influencias largarme lejos
Influences, get away
Si pudiera no me sintiera arrepentido de lo mal que he
If I could, I wouldn't feel sorry for the bad things I've
Hecho y la gente que ha sufrido
Done and the people who have suffered
Escojiera mis sacrificios y no tuviera pedos
I would choose my sacrifices and I wouldn't have problems
Con las jafas de mis hijos
With my children's diapers
Si pudiera me desiciera de enemigos, sin consecuencias
If I could, I would get rid of enemies, without consequences
Ni castigos
Or punishments
A mi gusto el mundo yo moviera todo esto
I would move the world to my liking, all of this
Solamente si pudiera.
Only if I could.
Cuantas cosas cambiarias tu,
How many things would you change,
Y cuantas cosas dejarias igual como estan en el momento
And how many things would you leave the same as they are right now
Y si pudieras ser el heroe que haras cuando todo el
And if you could be the hero, what would you do when the whole
Mundo se desahogue.
World vents.
Cuantas cosas cambiarias tu,
How many things would you change,
Y cuantas cosas dejarias igual como estan en el momento
And how many things would you leave the same as they are right now
Y si pudieras ser el heroe que haras cuando todo el
And if you could be the hero, what would you do when the whole
Mundo se desahogue.
World vents.
Si pudieras...
If you could...
Tu que hicieras...
What would you do...
Que cambiarias...
What would you change...
Que dejarias igual...
What would you leave the same...
La pregunta es...
The question is...
¿Te animarias?
Would you dare?
Le he mentado una madre a muchos
I've cursed at many
Y le he aguantado a las viejas todos sus capiruchos
And I've put up with all the old ladies' whims
Le he llamado la atencion a todos
I've called everyone's attention
Menos a mi mismo que estoy lleno de lodo
Except my own, that I'm full of mud
Por eso somos lo que somos
That's why we are what we are
Pretender ser correctos y eso va pa' todos
Trying to be correct and that goes for everyone
Cambiar el mundo, deja de tonteras
Change the world, stop the nonsense
Conformate contigo y eso es de a deberas
Be content with yourself and that's for real
Si pudiera controlaba mi destino
If I could, I would control my destiny
Me dirijiera por otro camino
I would head down another path
Que bueno fueran mas opciones
It would be good to have more options
Fuera libre volando como aviones
Be free, flying like airplanes
Pero he aceptado quien soy (aceptado)
But I have accepted who I am (accepted)
Y no estoy muy seguro pa' donde voy
And I'm not too sure where I'm going
Quisiera acabar donde yo quiera
I would like to end up where I want
Y comenzar de nuevo si pudiera.
And start over if I could.
Cuantas cosas cambiarias tu,
How many things would you change,
Y cuantas cosas dejarias igual como estan en el momento
And how many things would you leave the same as they are right now
Y si pudieras ser el heroe que haras cuando todo el
And if you could be the hero, what would you do when the whole
Mundo se desahogue.
World vents.
Cuantas cosas cambiarias tu,
How many things would you change,
Y cuantas cosas dejarias igual como estanen el momento
And how many things would you leave the same as they are right now
Y si pudieras ser el heroe que haras cuando todo el
And if you could be the hero, what would you do when the whole
Mundko se desahoge.
World vents.

Writer(s): Inconnu Compositeur Auteur, Sergio Gomez, Francisco Gomez

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