Akwid - Un Día - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Akwid - Un Día

Un Día
One Day
Un dia como a las diez de la mañana,
One day around ten in the morning,
Que me timbra el telefo quien creen que era,
The phone rings, who do you think it was,
Se le habian olvidado sus aretes a thalia,
Thalia had forgotten her earrings,
En mi ropero, que mas espero y yo le dije te los
In my closet, what else do I expect, and I told her I'd
Llevo al ratito no se valla a enojar
Bring them to her shortly, don't get mad
Aquel viejito que te los compro, mira esperame en la esquina
That old man who bought them for you, look, wait for me on the corner
Donde llegas a comprar lo que tu llamas,
Where you go to buy what you call,
Medicina, bueno arranco de todos modos tenia
Medicine, well, I took off anyway, I had
Que hacer una parada en el banco mientras
To make a stop at the bank while
Yo estaba parado en la linea se miraba
I was standing in line, it looked
Conocido el del insignia, me le quedo viendo
Familiar, the guy with the insignia, I kept looking at him
Y se me hizo familiar y no me acuerdo pero
And it seemed familiar and I don't remember but
Ha si este guey es bueno pa' pelear
Oh yeah, this dude is good at fighting
Que ondas pinches chavez le grito guantame
What's up, damn Chavez, he shouts, hold on a
Un momento mientras deposito yo he fanatico
Moment while I deposit, I'm a fan
Voy a saludarlo me le hacerco y tratando de imitarlo
I'm going to say hi, I approach him and trying to imitate him
Cuando le di yo reconocimiento, avienta
When I recognized him, he throws
Su pistola al viento y dice este es un asalto
His gun in the air and says this is a robbery
Avientense todos al asfalto de volada
Everyone get down on the ground, quickly
Y en eso entran otros seis hombres enmascarados
And in that moment, six other masked men enter
Y bien acelerados dicen nadie grite y nadie corra
And very accelerated they say nobody scream and nobody run
Lo juro por mi jefe, por mi madre y por mi morra
I swear by my boss, by my mother and by my girl
Que les meto un par y no lo pienso en el
That I'll shoot a couple and I won't think twice
Momento le jalo al gatillo y se me pierde el
I pull the trigger and my
Pensamiento les grita su acomplice chavez
Thought is lost, his accomplice Chavez yells at them
¡hey! gueyes aca tengo las llaves, va uno van dos,
Hey! Guys, I have the keys here, one goes, two go,
Y los demas sigiendo en eso sali en chinga
And the rest follow, in that I got out of there
Yo corriendo les note cuando pase por ahi
I ran, I noticed them when I passed by
Volando las chamarras decian montez de durango
Flying jackets, they said Montez de Durango
Corriendo como si fuera maraton
Running like it was a marathon
Con los huevos en la mano y la caca
With my balls in my hand and poop
En el calzon hay guey me les escape a penas todo esto por
In my underwear, oh man, I barely escaped, all this for
Tratar de complacer a gente ajenas
Trying to please strangers
Me trato de esconder en un hotel por favor
I try to hide in a hotel, please
No molesten decia el papel entro y la muchacha me resueña
Do not disturb, the sign said, I enter and the girl makes me gag
Era mister bermudez besando al miss es peña
It was Mr. Bermudez kissing Miss Peña
Hey compa no es por ser malvado pero
Hey buddy, it's not to be mean but
Fuera buena onda si me dices a que sabo
It would be cool if you told me how it tastes
Y me brinco por la ventana bajo a la esquina
And I jump out the window, I go down to the corner
Se me quedan viendo los dos por la cortina
The two of them stare at me through the curtain
La moraleja de la historia es la siguiente
The moral of the story is as follows
Tanto pinche pedo por un pinche par de aretes,
So much damn trouble for a damn pair of earrings,
Estas son las historias son la realidad
These are the stories, they are reality
No se mentir pues yo siempre digo la verdad
I don't know how to lie because I always tell the truth
Yo soy honesto me tienes que creer no soy
I'm honest, you have to believe me, I'm not
Como pinocho yo no se pretender lo que hoy escuchas fue
Like Pinocchio, I don't know how to pretend what you hear today was
Lo que paso, tambien tengo una nave
What happened, I also have a spaceship
Que en marciano me dejo neta fue la tercera vez que
That a Martian left me, it was the third time we
Fuimos ala luna y nos estacionamos debajo de la laguna.
Went to the moon and parked under the lagoon.
Escribiendo como niño bueno estaba yo
I was writing like a good boy
Tu sabes las escenas y los chistes pa'
You know the scenes and the jokes for
Mi compa polo-polo, pues a mi lado se sienta jorge campos
My buddy Polo-Polo, well, Jorge Campos sits next to me
Me cuenta que madreo a blue demon y a santo,
He tells me he beat up Blue Demon and Santo,
Calmate le digo que quieres hacer
Calm down, I tell him, what do you want to do
Se me hace heria a uno y tengo que corre
I think he hurt one and I have to run
No hay pedo vente conosco unas amigas las angeles
No problem, come on, I know some friends, the angels
De charly son cabronas y se animan, hay te quedas tu mientras
Of Charly, they're awesome and they're up for it, you stay there while
Salgo a vigilar no asomes la cabeza
I go out to keep watch, don't stick your head out
Si es que llegan a tocar tambien por si las moscas
If they happen to knock, also just in case
Guey hay ta'la chinita por que tengo apartadas
Dude, there's the little Chinese girl because I have them reserved
A las dos de las gueritas pues pa' no andar
The two little blonde ones, well, so I don't have to
A pata dando vueltas por el barrio me lleve el pinche caballo
Walk around the neighborhood, I took the damn horse
De llanero solitario hace quince dias
Of the Lone Ranger, fifteen days ago
Me lo dejo por que se fue, que iba rehacer su vida con otra
He left it to me because he left, that he was going to rebuild his life with another
Mujer por que la que tenia se le escondio
Woman because the one he had hid from him
Con sadam hussein pero el esta convencido
With Saddam Hussein, but he's convinced
Que se fue con kaliman pues hay boy yo muy valiente
That she left with Kaliman, well, there I go, very brave
Y con machete le llamo a valentin trujillo
And with a machete, I call Valentin Trujillo
Y llega como cuete con dos pistolas
And he arrives like a rocket with two pistols
Y poca suerte ya chingamos le digo vamos
And little luck, we're screwed, I tell him, let's go
A la esquina y los esperamos en poco rato llega
To the corner and we wait for them, soon Lola arrives
Lola la trailera pregunta donde esta el cabron
The trucker asks where the bastard is
Y saquenlo pa' fuera, me debe feria y
And get him out here, he owes me money and
Por eso fue que huyo como crees que
That's why he ran away, how do you think he
Iva a madrear a blue demon le digo vamos lola yo
Was going to beat up Blue Demon, I tell him, let's go Lola, I'll
Te llevare que llega batman y que dice yo tambien
Take you, Batman arrives and says I'll also
Te ayudare y en poco tiempo regresamos al
Help you and in a short time we return to the
Local pinche campos ya tenia de su lado a superman
Place, damn Campos already had Superman on his side
Neta no te miento esa no me la crei pero no
Seriously, I'm not lying, I didn't believe that one, but they didn't
Pensaron que tambien fui alumno de brus lee
Think that I was also a student of Bruce Lee
Y en poco tiempo pues que se arman los
And in a short time, well, the
Madrazos, con pedro y mario almada
Fights break out, with Pedro and Mario Almada
Los sacamos a balazos, estas historias son la realidad no
We took them out with bullets, these stories are reality, I don't
Se mentir pues yo siempre digo la veredad yo
Know how to lie because I always tell the truth, I
Soy honesto me tienes que creer no soy como
Am honest, you have to believe me, I'm not like
Pinocho yo no se pretender lo
Pinocchio, I don't know how to pretend
Que hoy escuchas fue lo que paso, tambien
What you hear today was what happened, I also
Tengo una nave que un marciano me dejo
Have a spaceship that a Martian left me
Fue la tercera vez que fuimos a la luna
It was the third time we went to the moon
Y nos estacionamos debejo de la laguna.
And parked under the lagoon.

Writer(s): Inconnu Compositeur Auteur, Sergio Gomez, Francisco Gomez

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