Al Nather feat. Shabjdeed & Muqata'a - Bansak - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Al Nather feat. Shabjdeed & Muqata'a - Bansak

طريقك مش خضرة بلا هبل
Your way is not green without nonsense
مش عارف مع مين واقع
I don't know who I'm in love with
استنى يصيبك نص شلل
Wait until you get half-paralyzed
مش عارف مع مين واقع
I don't know who I'm in love with
بلا نقاش كيد فيه خلل
Without discussion there's a defect
اكتمل نصاب و صاحبه انعدل
The quorum is complete and its owner is adjusted
شوف شب جديد ملا جبل
See a new guy filling a mountain
مقاطعة كم فلو مريض قتل
مقاطعة means if a flu kills
انت واحد بس كمالة عدد
You are just one extra number
حصة رياضة اخر واحد تتنقى
Sports, last one to get picked
وال شو بيصير بالبلد
And what's going on in the country?
شكلك شوي ضايع زي تاخدلك شقة
You seem a little lost like you're getting an apartment
خود و تلقى
Take and receive
زي تاكلك دقة
Like a sting
تنزل تتمشى
Go for a walk
اذا ما تشوفني بنسى
If I don't see you, I'll forget
بنسى بنسى بنساك
I'll forget you. I'll forget you. I'll forget you.
بنساك بنسى بنسى بنساك
I'll forget you, I'll forget you, I'll forget you
بنساك بنسى بنسى بنساك
I'll forget you, I'll forget you, I'll forget you
بنساك بنسى بنسى بنساك
I'll forget you. I'll forget you. I'll forget you
هادا اجا حكى غير اللي فقلبه
This guy came to talk differently from what's in his heart
مش ملاقي ايش اللي مغلبه
He does not find what overwhelms him
بين اللي متربه
Between what is raised
جد بعيد
Really far
حاول يقربه
Try to approach him
سأل مجربه
Ask the experienced
طلب يدربه
Ask him to train him
يلاقي حل... تعقيد
Find a solution...complication
عامل معطل مش نايم
Unemployed worker never sleeps
مضرب مسطل مش هاين عليهم تصعيد
Stoned striker not easy for them to escalate
بس إيديهم بتزيد
But their hands increase
بين الدخنة
Between the fumes
بالعتمة بتستحضر بتجيب شب جديد
In the dark you summon, you bring a new guy
رح تنقز
You will jump
بتخاف فيه بعبع
You are afraid of a monster
رح تضبع
You will be crushed
فارتاح ليش تحرث
So relax why do you plow?
ارتاح فيداك من الخوف عم ترجف
Relax, your hands are shaking with fear
عم تدبك ترقص
You tap and dance
اذا جاك الموت رح تلبد تنصت
If death comes to you, you will listen intently
سمعني صوت سكوتك
Hear me silence
رمضان ما بيجيش ببلاش
Ramadan does not come for free
رمضان عفريت و العيد بعديه جوكر
Ramadan is a goblin and the holiday after him is a joker
برمتجان بتفوتش ببلاش
Eggplants that you can play with for free
تيل اڤيڤ مش النا
Tel Aviv is not ours
بالداخل فش صنوبر
There is no pine cone inside
يا رفيق ايام العز قصة
Oh friend, the days of glory is a story
و القدس بتروح تحت حفر
And Jerusalem will go under a grave
تصفح لزهق
browse until you get bored
بطل الطلق يخترق
The shot stops penetrating
فانضرب المثل بالمثل
So the proverb is hit by the proverb
مفتاحه بالقفل
Its key is in the lock
الغلط انجلط و جابه للصفر
The mistake coagulated and brought it to zero
اثارة السيل بكاس نحاس
The thrill of the torrent in a copper cup
بلاش ترش الرعد
Don't rush the thunder
ادارة السير عأساس الناس بدهاش تخش ببعض
Traffic management is based on people wanting to enter each other
To you
قرف اللي يقرفك
The disgust that disgusts you
لسا مش فاهم عن الارق اللي بيقلقك
Still do not understand about insomnia
و الصنم اللي بيصلبك
And the idol that crucifies you
او الطمم اللي بيكبسك
Or deafness that suppresses you
او الهرم اللي بيلبسك
Or the pyramid that clothes you
او الحرم اللي بيلمسك
Or the sanctuary that touches you
قول و غير
Say and change
طول و طير
Long and fly
فضول بيحير
Curiosity amazes
كسول يشيد
Lazy creates
نزول مغيم
Cloudy descent
عالاصول معين
On the ground essentially
بشو متخير
By what he chooses
بنسى بنسى بنساك
I'll forget you. I'll forget you. I'll forget you.
بنساك بنسى بنسى بنساك
I'll forget you, I'll forget you, I'll forget you
بنساك بنسى بنسى بنساك
I'll forget you, I'll forget you, I'll forget you
بنساك بنسى بنسى بنساك
I'll forget you. I'll forget you. I'll forget you
ما بينتساش
Don't forget
زي النهاج حداش
Like a new approach
رح تتعلق لونها بالعبري
You will hang its color in Hebrew
و ما حدش بيقراها
And no one reads it
حنكسر عالشارع قزاز
We will break glass on the street
حنصفت في الشارع كواشك
We will set up kiosks on the street
حنكيف حتسكر حتدقر انساك
We will blow you up, we will knock you down, and we will make you forget
تحاولش اتديون تنتاك
Don't try to play around with us
و الاشاعة بتقول فيه ترقيه عالطريق
And the rumor says that there is a promotion on the way
طالما انت بتصل عالوقت
As long as you call on time
و بتبذل جهد و بتروح تخلي المكتب نظيف
And you make an effort and go and clean the office
والاشاعة بتذكر ان المنصب
And the rumor reminds that the position
بيجيب معاه افضليات و مزايا كتير
Brings with it many advantages and benefits
كل ما بنت جديدة تيجي عااالقسم
Whenever a new girl comes to the department
يا متير يا متير يا متير
Oh, what a long time, what a long time, what a long time

Writer(s): mohammad masrouji

Al Nather feat. Shabjdeed & Muqata'a - Jdeed, Vol. 1
Jdeed, Vol. 1
date de sortie

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