Al Safir - Blow Up - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Al Safir - Blow Up

Blow Up
Blow Up
Blow up
Blow up
No lo que me queda en esta celda así que blow up
I don't know what I have left in this cell so blow up
L ghorba dhoret zebi twa7acht jaw louled l 7ouoma, (Wled l 7ouma)
L ghorba dhoret zebi twa7acht jaw louled l 7ouoma, (Wled l 7ouma)
Caballo ganador va metido en un cajón
The winning horse is in a drawer
Le metieron preso y qué a la cárcel va el ladrón
They put him in jail and see you in prison the thief
Esas bocas me pintaron como que yo era un cabrón
Those mouths painted me like I was a bastard
Fui a hablarlo con ellos y ahora me pintan peor
I went to talk to them and now they paint me worse
Dile keloke nikelao la puta era el encargao
Tell keloke nikelao the whore was the one in charge
Yo prefiero el conflictivo que se está más relajao
I prefer the conflict that is more relaxed
Doy el cuarto a veinte si es pagao
I'll give the room to twenty if it's paid for
Si tengo la oreja en el chabolo es con cuidao
If I have the ear in the shack it is with care
Chache eres mi amigo parto contigo
Chache you are my friend I'm going with you
El de cali ya ha metido lo que le pedí a mi primo
The one from Cali has already put in what I asked my cousin for
Y encima el gitanillo que le sueltan me ha dao un disco
And on top of that the gypsy who they let go gave me a record
Y me ha dicho que por la veinte hay temas de los chichos
And he told me that there are songs by the boys
Le digo al david que si me corta el pelo
I say David if he cuts my hair
Le doy un paquetillo y mientras nos fumamos un chelo
I'll give him a little package and while we smoke a cello
Me pregunta que si algo del chileno
He asks me if I know anything about the Chilean
Lo mismo que mi hermano que está en aislamiento
The same as you my brother who is in isolation
Vendo rulas a los yonkis regalo sudaderas a los yonkis
I sell pills to junkies I give hoodies to junkies
Le compro un chandal de los yankees a mi compi
I buy a Yankees tracksuit for my buddy
Me la pela
I don't give a damn
La vida va pasando y me la estoy perdiendo entera
Life is passing me by and I'm missing out
Y me pongo hasta la puta telenovela
And I'm up to the fucking soap opera
Ya no qué hacer joder llevo como mil vueltas
I don't know what to do anymore I've been going around like a thousand times
Como tres sentencias y ninguna absuelta
Like three sentences and none acquitted
Rallo 28290 en la celda
Rallo 28290 in the cell
Fallas entre módulos cabrón eso es por ley
Failures between modules bastard that's by law
Bellotas volando del 3 al 6
Acorns flying from 3 to 6
Música y porno en usb
Music and porn on usb
Rezos en el corcho y en el papel
Prayers on the cork and on the paper
Las 8 cae el recuento, lo que te cuento
At 8 o'clock the count falls, what I tell you
Gente que no sale al parse lo mataron dentro
People who don't go out to parse were killed inside
Y no le guardaron ni un minuto de silencio
And they didn't even keep a minute of silence for him
Pero qué va a pasar si aquí no pasa ni el tiempo
But what will happen if time doesn't pass here
Mientras pulo rutinas me busco la vida
While I polish routines I earn a living
No me va tan mal tengo pa jas y chucherías
I'm not doing so badly I have for jerks and candies
Aquí se paga a 100 el gramo de cocaína
A gram of cocaine is paid for here at 100
Se pasan las chustas se esconden las papelinas
The chustas are passed the raviolis are hidden
Ángel júrame que no vuelves a tocar la base
Angel swear to me that you won't touch the base again
Como te vea con tulas me cago en tu padre
If I see you with tulas I'll shit on your father
Voy a estar aquí pa ti pase lo que pase
I'll be here for you no matter what happens
Porque contigo he llorao ríos de sangre
Because with you I've cried rivers of blood
Te alegras cuando un hermanito sale cabron tu sabes
You're happy when a little brother goes out bastard you know
Haz caso a la ma no te enredes en más maldades
Listen to the mother don't get involved in more evil
Ni malas amistades a la niña me la escribes
Neither evil friendships write to me the girl
Yo sigo en la 111 hasta que me saquen
I'm still in 111 until I get out
Blow up
Blow up
No lo que me queda en esta celda así que blow up
I don't know what I have left in this cell so blow up
Mañana entran siete por paquete así que blow up
Tomorrow they will enter seven by package so blow up
Nik omou eli y7agar fina sahbi dima blow up
Nik omou eli y7agar fina sahbi dima blow up
L ghorba dhoret zebi twa7acht jaw louled l 7ouoma, (Wled l 7ouma)
L ghorba dhoret zebi twa7acht jaw louled l 7ouoma, (Wled l 7ouma)
No lo que me queda en esta celda así que blow up
I don't know what I have left in this cell so blow up
Mañana entran siete por paquete así que blow up
Tomorrow they will enter seven by package so blow up

Writer(s): Diego Izquierdo

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