Al2 El Aldeano feat. Papá Humbertico - Es un Sueño - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Al2 El Aldeano feat. Papá Humbertico - Es un Sueño

Es un Sueño
It's a Dream
Hola, como te sientes tu
Hey babe, how are you feeling?
Ya no se nos va el gas, tampoco quitan la luz
We don’t lose gas anymore, nor do they cut off the electricity.
El transporte mejoro, los salarios subieron
Transportation has improved, salaries have gone up.
Los precios bajaron y ya el RAP lo promovieron.
Prices have gone down, and they’ve finally started promoting rap.
Las leyes nos favorecen, cezan las necesidades
The laws favor us, necessities cease.
Nustras formas de pensa nadie las invade
Our ways of thinking are no longer invaded.
Los negros haciendo hoteles se pueden ir a los hoteles
Black people building hotels can now actually go to hotels.
Y cuando dices la verdad piñazo ya nadie te muele.
And when you speak the truth, no one beats you up anymore.
Los cubanos no se quedan en el extranjero,
Cubans don’t stay abroad anymore,
Y sin robar ya se puede tener lo q queremos
And without stealing we can have what we want.
La moneda nacional esta por encima del euro
The national currency is above the euro.
Y no solo los hijos, los pinchos ven el cartoonnetwork.
And not just our kids, but everyone gets to watch Cartoon Network.
La gente no discute, no se mata
People don’t argue, they don’t kill each other.
No hay cola y cuando la hay nadie se maltrata
There are no lines, and when there are, no one gets mistreated.
Es q ser descertor no es corrputo
Being a deserter is no longer corrupt.
Se saben los productos, y diferenciar lo justo de lo Injusto.
They know the products and can differentiate between what’s just and unjust.
A gusto estamos todos en nuestra nacion
We are all happy in our nation
Por q el amor del presidente en cada ---
Because the president’s love in every--
Hay mas de una opcion para salir adelante
There is more than one option to get ahead
Y para triunfar no tienes q ser un care guante.
And you don't have to be a ruthless person to succeed.
Ya viajar es algo normal,
Traveling is normal now,
Y la gente no sufre mas con --- q una perdida familiar
And people don't suffer anymore with --- than a family loss
Los abusos se extinguieron y por supuesto en el mar
Abuses have become extinct and of course at sea
Ya no mueren tantos jovenes tratando de emigrar
So many young people no longer die trying to emigrate
Los chimbatos son ciegos sordos y no pueden hablar
The snitches are blind, deaf and can't speak.
Las leyes salen del pueblo no del ministro y las FARC
Laws come from the people, not from the minister and the FARC.
Amar es tan comun q llorar es extraño
Loving is so common that crying is strange.
Y en el barrio hay muchas fiestas cuando llega el fin de año.
And there are many parties in the neighborhood when the end of the year comes.
Los chamas montan bicicletas y utilizan los juegos,
Kids ride bicycles and use the playgrounds,
Y al vecino no le importa si entras con el aire nuevo
And the neighbor doesn't care if you come in with the fresh air.
Los huevos son polas libre, no se usa la mentira
Eggs are free poles, lies are not used.
Y ningun gordo te erraciona el aire q respiras.
And no fat man rations the air you breathe.
No hay contaminacion, y la tia del maleton
There is no pollution, and the lady with the suitcase
Q vendia manis se enontro en la chorrera un millón,
Who used to sell peanuts found a million in Chorrera,
Hay mucha comunicacion entre padres e hijos
There's a lot of communication between parents and children.
Y Cristo se canso de estar clavado en el crusifijo.
And Christ got tired of being nailed to the crucifix.
Y es un sueño dificil de lograr,
And it’s a dream, difficult to achieve,
Pero no por eso vamos a parar de luchar,
But that doesn’t mean we’re going to stop fighting,
No se rindan q aun qda camino por andar
Don’t give up because there’s still a long way to go.
Y esto a favor del pueblo algun dia va a cambiar.
And this, in favor of the people, is going to change one day.
Todo esto lo soñe en compañia de mi almohada
I dreamt all this in the company of my pillow.
Y desperte diciendo q rico es todo, q malo es nada
And I woke up saying how great everything is, how bad nothing is.
Hay fantasia si te cojo
It's fantasy if I catch you
---En un abrir y cerrar de ojo.
---in the blink of an eye.
Legalizaron la marihuana,
They legalized marijuana,
Nunca sintieron inoscentes el peso de una cana
Innocent people never felt the weight of a sentence.
Por la habana camino y se me respeta
I walk around Havana and I'm respected.
Por gusto a un calabozo no te regala la meta,
They don't just throw you in jail for nothing.
No sonaban escopetas, enemigos se abrazaban
No shotguns were firing, enemies were hugging.
Mujeres por dinero su cuerpo no entregaban
Women didn't give up their bodies for money.
Manes no jineteaban ni asedeaban las extranjeras
Men didn't ride or harass foreigners.
Dejo de ser un negocio portar la drena.
Carrying a drain stopped being a business.
Se encontro una manera, se libera la mente
They found a way, they freed the mind.
En el barrio se estudia, se acaban los delincuentes
They study in the neighborhood, criminals disappear.
En los -- No hay pacientes, termino la amargura
In the--there are no patients, the bitterness ended.
Encontraron para el sida la cura
They found a cure for AIDS.
Cobardes no se juran ni andan buscando lios
Cowards don't swear or go looking for trouble.
Conceptos y principios retornaron del vacio
Concepts and principles returned from the void.
El dinero es compartdo a partes iguales,
Money is shared equally.
El fandito y sibonei comparten sus hogares
Fandito and Siboney share their homes.
La verdad es lo q vale se unen el pueblo y estado
Truth is what counts, the people and the state unite.
Devolvieron esa libertad q habian quitado
They returned that freedom that had been taken away.
Cada uno esta autorizado a esa paz inmensa
Everyone is entitled to that immense peace.
Ser futuro esperado para el cubano comienza.
The long-awaited future for Cubans begins.
La prensa habla bn de mi
The press speaks well of me.
Y mi suegra me lo habia puesto, sabe q soy MC
And my mother-in-law had told me, she knows I’m an MC.
Ya no s aqui el servicio militar obligatorio,
Military service is no longer mandatory here,
Y de mi super vecina me hago novio.
And I start dating my super neighbor.

Writer(s): Rodriguez Baquero Aldo Roberto, Cabrera Humberto Yoel

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