Al2 El Aldeano - Dhl Al2 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Al2 El Aldeano - Dhl Al2

Dhl Al2
Dhl Al2
Yo no me auto margino, ni me auto discrimino
I don't marginalize myself, I don't discriminate against myself.
Se que no se siente bien, cuando a su lado camino
I know you don't feel well when I walk by your side.
Tiene modales tan finos, que se nota que es vulgar
You have such fine manners that it's obvious they're vulgar.
Y que solo intenta una mejor persona aparentar
And that you're just trying to appear to be a better person.
Le quería preguntar? Que tal se siente ser, aquel ser
I wanted to ask you: How does it feel to be that being
Con el cual no tiene nada que ver
That has nothing to do with you?
Y además poner, una serie de frases en la boca
And on top of that, put a series of phrases in your mouth
Que no encajan con lo que a simple vista no se nota
That don't match what's obvious at first glance.
Su única verdad, es que todo es mentira
Your only truth is that everything is a lie.
Y que es un gran imbecil, aquel que su postura admira
And that the one who admires your posture is a great imbecile.
Por que aquellos que miran, por encima del hombro
Because those who look down on others
Se quedan en la superficie no tocan el fondo y que tan hondo
Stay on the surface, don't touch the bottom, and how deep
Puede ser un ser humano,
Can a human being be?
Que escrupulosamente deja en el aire una mano
Who scrupulously leaves a hand in the air
Y que tan limpio es aquel que gana mucho,
And how clean is the one who earns a lot,
Si para ganarlo tiene que jugar sucio, mira socio
If to win it, they have to play dirty, look partner,
Tienes dinero? Ok te felicito
You have money? Okay, congratulations.
Tienes carro, hueles bien? OK Te felicito
You have a car, you smell good? Okay, congratulations.
No trates de humillarme tratándome de lejitos
Don't try to humiliate me by treating me from afar.
Por que cada día, estas mas cerquita de un buen tromponcito
Because every day, you're closer to a good punch.
Yo permito que se me ignore, no que se me pise
I allow myself to be ignored, not to be stepped on.
No creas todo lo que por ahí de mi se dice
Don't believe everything that's said about me out there.
Que los comentaristas andan últimamente sin empleo y
That commentators are lately unemployed and
Con deseos de manchar expedientes
Eager to tarnish records.
Y aunque mi encalaje, no encaje, en tu fiesta traje
And although my attire doesn't fit your party dress,
No hará que la frente baje y me avergüence de mi tatuaje
It won't make me lower my forehead and be ashamed of my tattoo.
Relajen sus ojitos no me encajen por favor
Relax your eyes, don't fit me in, please.
No robo adornos, mírenme como un portador de amor
I don't steal ornaments, look at me as a carrier of love.
Amor a mi familia, amor a lo correcto,
Love for my family, love for what's right,
Amor al color de piel, que llevamos por dentro
Love for the skin color we carry inside,
Amor a un sentimiento, no a marcas registradas
Love for a feeling, not for registered trademarks.
Y es que nada, tiene un valor tan grande,
And it's that nothing has such great value,
Cuando con tan poco nos sentimos importantes
When with so little we feel important.
Y cuanto tengo y cuanto valgo,
And how much I have and how much I'm worth,
Cuanto valgo eso depende de lo que aparente yo
How much I'm worth, it depends on what I appear to be.
Monetariamente hay pero que equivocada esta la gente,
Monetarily, yes, but how wrong people are,
Como sin voy a seguir siendo el mismo de siempre
As if without it I'm going to keep being the same as always.
Acercate ven, no dejes que te lo cuenten no
Come closer, don't let them tell you, no.
Ni tan cobarde ni tan valiente yo
Neither so cowardly nor so brave am I,
Ni tan distinto ni tan corriente
Neither so different nor so ordinary,
Aldo asi sencillamente
Aldo, simply like this.
Yo soy un mister natural señor tal
I am a natural mister so-and-so,
De un lugar ahi que intenta ser feliz como muchos
From a place there that tries to be happy, like many others.
A ver porque me quieren cambiar a mi
Let's see, why do they want to change me?
Si yo no soy ni refrigerador ni ruso
If I am neither a refrigerator nor Russian.
Es que queren *** mañana puede ser un buso
It's that they want *** tomorrow, it could be a diver.
La vida da mas vueltas que el antiguo m3
Life takes more turns than the old M3.
Cambiese de nube, dejese de abuso
Change your cloud, stop abusing.
Y no escupa mas pa riba que se pue mojar depue
And don't spit up anymore because you might get wet afterwards.
Y aunque que mi pinta
And even though my appearance
No se le despinta la mona
Doesn't remove the monkey's paint,
Voy a seguir siendo asi si asi me quiere mi mama
I'm going to keep being like this if my mama wants me to be like this.
Algun dia demostrare que no soy malo na
One day I'll prove that I'm not bad at all,
Pa que se metan el deo donde el sol no les da
So they can stick their finger where the sun doesn't shine on them.
Sus palabras rebusca metasela en el culo
Your fancy words, shove them up your ass.
Su fina cabrona metasela metasela en el culo
Your fine bitch, shove it, shove it up your ass.
Su ideas equivocas metasela en el culo por fi
Your misguided ideas, shove them up your ass, please.
Como un surfin en su ofi y a cagar oro golfi
Like a surfer in your office, and shit gold, golfing.
No soy lo que paresco soy distinto al resto
I'm not what I seem, I'm different from the rest.
Me gusta el rap, el ron y el baloncesto
I like rap, rum, and basketball.
Soy mas honesto que ustedes un millon de veces
I'm a million times more honest than you,
Que actuan con bondad solo cuando les favorece
Who act with kindness only when it suits you.
Disputas moralistas entre viejas putas crecen
Moralistic disputes grow among old whores,
Chochas insatisfechas que no gozan hace meses
Unsatisfied chicks who haven't enjoyed themselves for months,
Chismosas que enfurecen porque la del segundo piso tiene quince
Gossipy women who are enraged because the one on the second floor has fifteen
Y a su esposo le saka la leche
And is milking her husband.
Entonces entretenerse con la vida que no aclaro
So they entertain themselves with the life they haven't cleared up,
El timon en el valcon y el telefono en la mano
The steering wheel on the balcony and the phone in their hand,
Y hablar de los demas por que no hay ma na que hacer
And talking about others because there's nothing else to do.
Si el marido ta roncando y no se la quere meter
If the husband is snoring and doesn't want to stick it in.
Apariencias, ya nadie es sincero ahora todo es
Appearances, nobody is sincere anymore, now everything is
A conveniencia y por dinero
Out of convenience and for money.
Recordarle quero que aunque se vista de seda
I want to remind you that even though you dress in silk,
Uste siempre sera un mantel de comedor obrero
You will always be a blue-collar dining room tablecloth.
Dime ese pero que hay de malo en ser asi
Tell me, what's wrong with being like this?
En defender lo que sentimo si nos sentimo feliz
In defending what we feel if we feel happy.
Por eso le descargo a too lo negro de este pais
That's why I unload on all the black people in this country,
Que pa entrar en casa de blanco no se hace el berri
That to enter a white person's house, you don't have to act crazy.
Hay policias por ahi que se emborrachan no te asombres
There are policemen out there who get drunk, don't be surprised,
Y les da por bailar y tocar a los hombres, depue
And they feel like dancing and touching men, then
No se recuerdan al otro dia
They don't remember the next day.
Y uste me disculpa pero pa mi eso es mariconeria
And you'll excuse me, but to me, that's faggotry.
Me lo imagino a usted sentao en su butaca
I imagine you sitting in your armchair
Y me dan ganas de hacer caca
And it makes me want to poop
Y de pedirle su corbata
And ask for your tie
Pa limpiar lo que me queda entre el culo y los vellos
To clean up what's left between my ass and my hair,
Y depue como si na ponersela en su propio cuello
And then, as if nothing happened, put it on your own neck.
Yeyo ya yo de ello huyo
Yeyo, I already run away from it
Para evitar un problema y el chanchuyo suyo
To avoid a problem and your shady business.
Por que el dia que tenga el moño a 180 grado girao
Because the day I have my bun turned 180 degrees,
Le voy a dar el piano que el chucho valdes a tocao
I'm going to give you the piano that Chucho Valdés played,
Desfasao siempre e andao por donde quera que andao
Unhinged, I've always walked wherever I wanted to walk,
Y he dejao demostrao en too lao que aldo no ha cambiao
And I've shown everywhere that Aldo hasn't changed.
Chao pescao nos cogemos donde quera
Bye, fish, we'll meet wherever,
Que aunque tus escamas brillen conosco tu ciguatera
Because even though your scales shine, I know your cigarette butt.
Y cuanto tengo y cuanto valgo,
And how much I have and how much I'm worth,
Cuanto valgo eso depende de lo que aparente yo
How much I'm worth, it depends on what I appear to be.
Monetariamente hay pero que equivocada esta la gente,
Monetarily, yes, but how wrong people are,
Como sin voy a seguir siendo el mismo de siempre
As if without it I'm going to keep being the same as always.
Acercate ven, no dejes que te lo cuenten no
Come closer, don't let them tell you, no.
Ni tan cobarde ni tan valiente yo
Neither so cowardly nor so brave am I,
Ni tan distinto ni tan corriente
Neither so different nor so ordinary,
Aldo asi sencillamente
Aldo, simply like this.
No niegue tanta agua que el pasado tiene sed
Don't deny so much water, the past is thirsty.
Mañana anda en carro mañana quien sabe a pie
Tomorrow in a car, tomorrow who knows, on foot.
Allá tu con tu conciencia, sigue viviendo de las apariencias...
There you are with your conscience, keep living on appearances...

Writer(s): Rodriguez Baquero Aldo Roberto

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