Alan - Pahar Dupa Pahar - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Alan - Pahar Dupa Pahar

Pahar Dupa Pahar
A Pint after Pint
Pentru ce urmeaza as putea sa pun pariu
I could bet on what comes next
Asta daca nu-ntelegi ca altfel n-am cum sa fiu
If you don't understand that that's how I must be
Eu traiesc in prezent ca viitoru′ iti ia totu'
I live in the present because the future takes everything from you
Sa privesc mai departe ar trebui sa-mi dai binoclu...
To see further I would need binoculars...
Am invatat ca vezi cine ti-e aproape
I have learned who is close to you
Cand fara calmante nu prea te mai uiti la pleoape
When without painkillers you no longer look at your eyelids
Poate d-asta n-alerg dupa bani, nu pot s-o ard asa
Maybe that's why I don't run after money, I can't act like that
Ca linistea mea nu se poate cumpara!
Because my peace can't be bought!
Oricum n-am cum sa te mai ascult
I can't listen to you anyway
Am impresia ca te-am avut pe repeat prea mult
I feel like I had you on repeat for too long
Si-acum imi zic "n-are rost sa ma complic"
And now I tell myself "it's no use getting involved"
Esti ca hitu′ ala de care toti ne-am plicitisit!
You're like that hit song that everybody's tired of!
Nu stii ce faci, zilele sar
You don't know what you're doing, the days fly by
Cand norii dispar vezi totul in clar
When the clouds disappear you see everything clearly
Grijile o ard ca un superstar
Your worries burn like a superstar
Noptile se duc pahar dupa pahar
The nights go by one pint after pint
Nu stii ce faci, zilele sar
You don't know what you're doing, the days fly by
Cand norii dispar vezi totul in clar
When the clouds disappear you see everything clearly
Grijile o ard ca un superstar
Your worries burn like a superstar
Noptile se duc pahar dupa pahar
The nights go by one pint after pint
Eu n-am cum sa ma schimb, mai bine ma-ntelegi
I can't change, you better understand
Plus ca sunt deja acolo oriunde ai sa mergi
Plus I'm already there wherever you'll go
Am inteles c-am doar o viata - asta a-nceput sa mi placa
I've understood that I only have one life - that's started to please me
Mai vreau inca vreo zece c-asta a nceput sa treaca!
I want another ten years because this one has started to pass by!
O voce calda imi spunea "sa fiu pe faza
A warm voice told me "to stay alert
Ca unde lipsa nu se simte nici prezenta nu conteaza"
Because where absence is not felt presence doesn't count either"
D-aia zic "ia lasa, fac ce simt" - mereu e asa
That's why I say "leave it, I'll do what I feel" - it's always like that
Plus ca inima imi spune sa fac ce vrea pula mea!
Plus my heart tells me to do whatever I want!
Viata-i cartea mea, o pun pe beat da' isi cere filmu'
Life is my book, I put it to a beat but it asks for a film
Iar fiecare capitol mi-l scrie atent destinu′
And every chapter is carefully written by destiny
Si cum stiu ca la final raman doar eu si timpu′,
And as I know that at the end it's just me and time
Las ultima pagina s-o completeze fi'miu!
I'll leave the last page for my son to fill in!
Nu stii ce faci, zilele sar
You don't know what you're doing, the days fly by
Cand norii dispar vezi totul in clar
When the clouds disappear you see everything clearly
Grijile o ard ca un superstar
Your worries burn like a superstar
Noptile se duc pahar dupa pahar
The nights go by one pint after pint
Nu stii ce faci, zilele sar
You don't know what you're doing, the days fly by
Cand norii dispar vezi totul in clar
When the clouds disappear you see everything clearly
Grijile o ard ca un superstar
Your worries burn like a superstar
Noptile se duc pahar dupa pahar
The nights go by one pint after pint

Writer(s): Anghel Alan

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