Alan - Oameni De Nimic - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Alan - Oameni De Nimic

Oameni De Nimic
Good-for-nothing People
Ascultă... nu vorbesc ce nu ştiu
Listen...I don't talk about things I don't know
Când problemele m-apasă mintea mă-mpinge scriu
When problems weigh on my mind, it's time to write
Sincer fiu. te'nţeleg nu-ţi arde de şoti
To be honest, I understand you're not in the mood for nonsense
când ştii portofelul tău E ROS ca Ramazzotti.
when you know your wallet is AS RED as Ramazzotti.
Trăim printre paradoxuri, nu ştiu cum ar fi altfel
We live among paradoxes, I don't know how else it could be
Aici ai dat de dracu dacă Dumnezeu te vrea la El,
Here you're in trouble if God wants you with Him,
Mulţi o fac lată după care vor s-o-ntindă
Many go wild and then try to run away
E ok s-o comită dacă nimeni n-o sa-i prindă
It's okay to do it if no one's going to catch them
Când uit in oglindă vad cum vremurile te schimbă
When I look in the mirror I see how times change you
Vin dintre cei cu chei la gât nu la seringă...
I come from those with keys around their necks, not syringes...
Mi s-a arătat destul de des
I have been shown quite often
toate trec, de la probleme la succes mai ales.
That everything passes, from problems to success especially.
Am înţeles, bineinteles, orice om greşeşte,
I understand, of course, that everyone makes mistakes,
Când pui totu-ntr-un vis realitatea te trezeşte.
When you put everything into a dream, reality wakes you up.
Ce vezi nu-i de râs, ca un show cu grupu' Vouă,
What you see is no laughing matter, like a show with the group Vouă,
Peisaju'i rece ca decembrie '89,
The scenery is as cold as December '89,
Aleşii noştri aleşi de alţii învaţă poporu' să-ndure,
Our chosen ones chosen by others teach the people to endure,
Se gândesc omu' cât trăieşte'nvaţă fure...
They think that the human being learns to steal as long as he lives...
Ţipăm vrem spitale când ăştia le'nchid,
We scream that we want hospitals when they close them,
Nu-nghit atâtea minciuni livrate zâmbind da' nu mai zic nu'nghit
I can't swallow so many lies delivered with a smile, but I don't say I don't swallow anymore
ia de prost nimeni iar statu' o arde aşa la nesfârşit,
Nobody can make a fool of me and the state pretends to be like this indefinitely,
Ieşim o ţară-ntreagă-n stradă-n frig nu schimbăm nimic!
A whole country takes to the streets in the cold to change nothing!
Nu mai zic de 30 de ani aud aceleaşi lucruri,
I have been hearing the same things for 30 years,
Văd aceleaşi trucuri, vor te bucuri la ciurucuri,
I see the same tricks, they want you to enjoy the rags,
Guvernu' parcă joaca alba neagra cu noi toţi
The government seems to be playing Russian roulette with all of us
Mare atenţie ca ţi-o furi dacă spui eşti condus de hoţi!
Be very careful, because you'll get robbed if you say you are being led by thieves!
Am văzut atâtea. d-asta uneori iau foc
I've seen so much - that's why I sometimes get angry
Suflete pline de locuri goale'n care nimeni n'are loc
Souls full of empty places where no one has a place
Ignoranţa ne sapă groapa, vezi tac nu pot
Ignorance is digging our grave, you see I can't keep quiet
Dacă-nchizi ochii la ce se'ntampla'n jur - închide-i de tot!
If you close your eyes to what's happening around you - close them for good!
Apreciază ce ai - astea nu sunt vorbe-n vant,
Appreciate what you have - these are not empty words,
Pe ai tai tre-să-i iei asa cum sunt, pe cuvânt,
You have to take your loved ones for what they are, on their word,
Iar dacă vrei le ai pe toate ia'le pe rând şi ţine minte-n primul rând:
And if you want to have them all, take them one at a time and remember first of all:
Şcoala te-nvaţă cum vorbeşti iar strada când!
School teaches you how to speak and the street when!
N-am de gând urc pe acolo pe unde alţii coboară,
I am not going to climb where others go down,
Eu nu dau vrabia din mână pe cioara de la bară.
I am not going to give up a sparrow in the hand for a crow on the bar.
Am câteva planuri de viitor, îţi spun drept:
I have a few plans for the future, let me tell you:
Dacă o am un copil de aur, o sa-l bag la amanet!
If I have a golden child, I'll put it in pawn!

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