Alan Fur - Inverzia - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Alan Fur - Inverzia

Neber to moc
Don't take it too much
Nepleť tam love
Don't mix money
Nevieš jak veľa znamená noc
You don't know how much that night meant to me
Nevieš jak veľa znamená noc
You don't know how much that night meant to me
Neber to moc
Don't take it too much
Nepleť tam love
Don't mix money
Nevieš jak veľa znamená noc
You don't know how much that night meant to me
Nevieš jak veľa znamená noc
You don't know how much that night meant to me
Život sa mení tak o 100% - stopnem čas
Life changes by one hundred percent - I stop time
Môžme sa túlať celú noc po meste - pozri sa
We can wander all night in the city - look
Nevieme mená sme stále strangers - stále sám
We don't know names, we're still strangers - still alone
Motorika je spomalená
Motor skills are slow
Na kolená padáme dorazte ma
We fall on our knees, finish me
Tak prerastená
So overgrown
Tŕňmi je duša čo zodpovedá
The soul is thorns, which is responsible
Za činy po tme a za nové loves
For acts in the dark and for new loves
Eufória čo zapáli nás
Euphoria that will ignite us
Vtedy keď von lezie nostalgia
When nostalgia crawls out
Padal by dážď
The rain would fall
Sme príliš vysoko inverzia
We're too high up, inversion
Si príliš nízko ja nevidím ťa
You're too low, I can't see you
Sme príliš high
We're too high
Čo stebou urobia lóve? (lóve, lóve)
What will money do to you? (money, money)
Povedz mi čo s tebou urobil cash
Tell me what cash did to you
Povedz mi čo s tebou urobil svet
Tell me what the world has done to you
Keď podstatné je to čo dáte na sieť
When the main thing is what you put on the network
Nepodstatné je to čo vrátiš naspäť
It's not important what you give back
Je to zlý sen - zobudiť sa chcem
It's a bad dream - I want to wake up
Aj keď to nedokážem nedá sa ne
Even though I can't do it, I can't
The wind
Rozfúkal nás od seba piesok
Scattered us apart, sand
Kde som
Where am I
Dnes ou
Today, oh
The wind
Rozfúkal nás od seba - piesok
Scattered us apart - sand
Ya ya ya
Ya ya ya
Vidím ich pomaly padať na dno
I see them slowly sinking to the bottom
Virtualita im zobrala moc
Virtual reality has taken their power away
Za umelé šťastie, fakeový crown
For fake happiness, fake crown
No čo sa vie stať keď položíš phone?
But what can happen when you put the phone down?
Keď si offline, keď si somnou
When you're offline, when you're with me
Všetci alright insta postom
Everybody's alright with an Instagram post
No depky do duše all noc
But a depressing soul all night
Nepleť tam love, neber to moc
Don't mix love, don't take it too much
Chcú len nech sa točí
They just want to keep it spinning
Dolár nevidia cez oči
They can't see the dollar through their eyes
Ich displej padaj vločky
Snowflakes fall off their display
Nechcem riešiť čo tie holky
I don't want to deal with what those girls
Ja mám ďalší panák borky
I have another shot of fighters
Sedím v štúdiu na trosky
I'm sitting in the studio on the wreckage
Vajbím z mojej novej dosky
I'm vibing my new record
Zatiaľ čo pridávaš storky
While you're adding stories

Writer(s): Alan Kožuch

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