Albert Plá - La Sequia - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Albert Plá - La Sequia

La Sequia
Tens paper de water enganxat al cul
You have toilet paper stuck to your butt
De l'última cagada tens caca entre les cames
From your last crap, you have poop between your legs
Tens sang incrustada entre els cabells del cony
You have blood caked in the hair on your pussy
Menstruació coagulada tens regla entre les cames
Coagulated menstrual blood, you have your period between your legs
I ho sento molt, i ho sento molt, i ho sento molt
And I'm so sorry, and I'm so sorry, and I'm so sorry
Però haurem de resignar'n-se a no poder rentar'n-se
But we'll have to resign ourselves to not being able to wash
Hi ha sequia
There's a drought
Hi ha sequia a la comarca
There's a drought in the region
Un tràgic racionament d'aigua
A tragic water shortage
I els porcs moren a les granjes
And the pigs are dying on the farms
I els iaios se'ns deshidraten
And our grandparents are getting dehydrated
S'empastifen les sabates de ciment per les aceres
The sidewalks are getting dirty with cement dust
I ara haurem de resignar'n-se
And now we're going to have to resign ourselves
A sofrir la cara bruta de l'amor
To suffering from the dirty face of love
I ho sento molt, i ho sento molt, i ho sento molt
And I'm so sorry, and I'm so sorry, and I'm so sorry
Però potser ara sabràs que jo t'estimo igual
But maybe now you'll know that I love you all the same
Pulcrament perfumada o tinguis pus entre les cames
Immaculately perfumed, or with pus between your legs
Necessito tant el teu cos com tu el meu
I need your body as much as you need mine
Som com dos cagaradates
We're like two pieces of crap
Tu i jo som com cul i merda
You and I are like ass and shit
I ho sento molt, i ho sento molt, i ho sento molt
And I'm so sorry, and I'm so sorry, and I'm so sorry
Però així són i estan les coses
But that's the way things are
Un dia fresques i un dia seques
Fresh one day and dry the next
Hi ha sequia
There's a drought
Hi ha sequia a la comarca
There's a drought in the region
Hi ha amors que són com waters
There are loves that are like toilets
Embussats per falta d'aigua
Clogged for lack of water
Vine abraça'm i ara acosta't
Come, embrace me and now come closer
Obrim entre els dos la tapa
Let's open the lid together
Mira al fondo a la tassa
Look into the bottom of the bowl
Mira al fondo hi ha una caca
Look into the bottom, there's a turd
La gran cagada de l'amor
The big turd of love
I ho sento molt, i ho sento molt, i ho sento molt
And I'm so sorry, and I'm so sorry, and I'm so sorry
I ho sento molt, i ho sento molt, i ho sento molt
And I'm so sorry, and I'm so sorry, and I'm so sorry

Writer(s): Albert Plá

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