Alberto Gambino - In Zion - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Alberto Gambino - In Zion

In Zion
In Zion
Llego a mi casa con los ojos coloraos,
I arrive home with red eyes,
Si llama mas haber decidme cuantos porros he fumao,
If you call further, tell me how many joints I've smoked,
De donde vienes me pregunta, vengo de aqui al lao,
Where do you come from, you ask, I come from here next door,
¿Que te pasa en los ojos?, dime con quien has estao.
What's wrong with your eyes? Tell me who you've been with.
Vengas de donde vengas tu ya vienes colocao,
Wherever you come from, you come stoned,
Mama no cenare, despues me hare un Cola-Cao,
Mom, I won't have dinner, later I'll have a Cola-Cao,
Pena de crio dime a que estas enganchao,
Pity you cry, tell me what you're hooked on,
Solo unas caladas he pegao, un porro que me han pasao.
I've only taken a few puffs, a joint they passed me.
Y la poca memoria que me queda
The little memory I have left
Sera para no hacer na algunas pocas letras,
Will be to do almost no letters,
Humo denso, ya no pienso,
Dense smoke, I don't think anymore
Es esta hierba que ya la llevo dentro.
This herb is already in me.
Es tiempo de volar, es tiempo de fumar,
It's time to fly, it's time to smoke,
Situacion In Zion,
Situation In Zion,
Es tiempo de flotar, es tiempo de flipar,
It's time to float, it's time to flip,
Situacion In Zion.(x2)
Situation In Zion.(x2)
Enciendo otro y el humo inunda la habitacion,
I light another one and the smoke fills the room,
Mis pupilas se dilatan, comienzo la meditacion,
My pupils dilate, I begin meditation,
Sin moverme del suelo consigo la levitacion,
Without moving from the ground I achieve levitation,
Situacion In Zion.
Situation In Zion.
Pasatelo, hazme llegar la inspiracion,
Pass it on, make the inspiration come to me,
Suena la musica, noto en mi alma la vibracion,
The music plays, I feel the vibration in my soul,
Aumenta mi sensacion, mi comunicacion,
My sensation increases, my communication,
Aunque vaya muy fumado y este en otra dimension.
Even though I am very high and in another dimension.
Es tiempo de volar, es tiempo de fumar,
It's time to fly, it's time to smoke,
Situacion In Zion,
Situation In Zion,
Es tiempo de flotar, es tiempo de flipar,
It's time to float, it's time to flip,
Situacion In Zion.(x2)
Situation In Zion.(x2)
Con demasiada mi cabeza se ofusca,
With too much my head is foggy,
El boli tambien la quiere y por eso la busca,
The pen wants it too and that's why it looks for it,
Dame de fumar aunque sea la chusta,
Give me to smoke even if it's junk,
La escun jamaicana es la que a mi mas me gusta.
Jamaican grass is what I like the most.
Y entre grandes fumadas y siete pulgadas,
And between big puffs and seven inches,
Entre tensas caladas y ritmos de ragga,
Between tense puffs and rhythms of ragga,
Entre mierda, entre hierba estoy,
Between shit, between weed I am,
Unas caladas y ya voy, guay, guay, guay.
A few puffs and I'm going, cool, cool, cool.
El tiempo de brotar es tiempo de molar,
The time to sprout is time to cool,
Es Gambinoman y se esta fumando hasta el Sayon,
It's Gambinoman and he's smoking himself to the Sayon,
Y que mas bloques y hierba sin cesar,
And more blocks and weed without ceasing,
Pues mañana el sol dira y podemos estar muertos.
Because tomorrow the sun will say and we can be dead.
Es tiempo de volar, es tiempo de fumar,
It's time to fly, it's time to smoke,
Situacion In Zion,
Situation In Zion,
Es tiempo de flotar, es tiempo de flipar,
It's time to float, it's time to flip,
Situacion In Zion.(x4)
Situation In Zion.(x4)

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