Alberto gambino, No-Eh & Parejo - Matemático - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Alberto gambino, No-Eh & Parejo - Matemático

Con los pies colgados, a mi lado un horizonte
With my feet hanging down, on my side a horizon
Vuelan las ideas pero ninguna responde
Ideas are flying around but none of them answers
Todas van marcadas, tatuadas con tu nombre
All of them are signed, tattooed with your name
Todas menos una que se la llevaba un hombre
All of them except for one that a man was taking away
No viste de traje, ni corbata, ni sombrero
You don't wear a suit, tie or a hat
Siempre me persigue, salta pa' atraparme y vuelo
You always chase me, jump to catch me and I fly
Soy como el mercurio, que resbala entre sus dedos
I'm like Mercury, that slips through your fingers
Aun asi politicos se libran de ser presos
Even still, politicians avoid being prisoners
Me clava mirada fijamente me desarma
You're staring firmly at me, you disarm me
De pronto me da por empujar haber que pasa
Suddenly, I decide to push and see what happens
Para mi sorpresa solo es humo lo que habia
To my surprise, there's only smoke where they were
Todo sigue siendo tan real que era mentira
Everything is so real that it was a lie
Catate, hazte el hueco en el sistema
Catate, make room for yourself in the system
Te codeas con gente que no sabe del tema
You hobnob with people who don't know about the subject
Me lleva la vida, pa ti no es ese el problema
Life carries me away, for you that's not the problem
Necesario es el dinero, justamente enferma
Money is necessary, it just makes you sick
Es matematico, vivamos en un atico
It's mathematical, let's live in an attic
Si prestamos bancarios me ofrecen a diario
If I take out bank loans they offer them to me every day
Tan tragico, resulta comico
So tragic, so comical
Que cambien animales por personas de zoologicos
That animals should be replaced in zoos by people
Que no, que no, que no halla mas pobreza
Oh no, oh no, that there is no more poverty
Que luego esperas que se acabe la violencia
You then expect violence to end
Que no que no, que no que no
Oh no, oh no, oh no oh no
Hee!. Haa!.
Hee!. Haa!.
Yo quiero poder vivir tranquilo
I want to be able to live peacefully
Pero aqui el dinero nos hace estar en el filo
But here the money makes us live on edge
Todas las promesas de mi amor se iran contigo
All your promises of my love will go with you
Si no me queda claro quien es amigo o enemigo
If it's not clear to me who is a friend or an enemy
Porque lo que llegua suena todo a propaganda y
Because what arrives sounds like propaganda and
Manejan los hilos, siempre la empresa que manda
The one who's in charge is always the company
Consiguen que olvidemos genocidios como en ruanda
They make us forget about genocides like Rwanda
Para que el imperio de las armas, se expanda
So that the empire of arms can expand
Y bajo un cielo gris, nos dejan vivir
And, under a grey sky, they let us live
Hipotecando vidas para pagar hasta morir
Mortgaging lives to pay until we die
Si el suelo no es de nadie pero te lo venden a ti
If the ground doesn't belong to anyone, but they sell it to you
Siempre a sido asi nunca nos han dao a elegir
It's always been like this, they've never let us choose
Y bajo un cielo gris, nos dejan vivir
And, under a grey sky, they let us live
Hipotecando vidas para pagar hasta morir
Mortgaging lives to pay until we die
Si el suelo nos de nadie pero te lo venden a ti
If the ground doesn't belong to anyone, but they sell it to you
Siempre a sido asi nunca nos han dao a elegir
It's always been like this, they've never let us choose
La tele te miente para poder engancharte
The television lies to you to be able to hook you
Darte verdades a mitad es estafarte
To give you partial truths is highway robbery
Aparte, te hacen ser mas ignorante
Beside, they make you more ignorant
Ante la sociedad que tienes enfrente
Compared to the society you have in front of you
Detente y pon razon a todo lo que te cuenten
Stop and apply reason to everything they tell you
Ni los buenos son tan buenos ni los malos delincuentes
Neither the good guys are as good nor the bad guys are criminals
Escucha al corazon muchos son los que se sorprenden
Listen to your heart, there are many who are surprised
Pero ahi esta la clave de tu mejor version
But there lies the key to the best version of yourself
Deja de ser lo que ellos quieren
Stop being what they want you to be
Tu quierete de verdad
Love yourself for real
Ni prensa ni radio, yo me informo por la retroval
Neither the press nor the radio, I gather my information on the retroval
Manipula medios y a gremios de altas esferas
It manipulates the media and high society guilds
Cuando todo va mal, dan la mejor novela
When everything's bad, they put on the best soap opera
Ver la caja es embobarse, en vez de amarse
Watching the boob tube is being gullible, instead of falling in love
Utilizar el cerebro para poder escaparse
To use the brain to be able to escape
De esta sociedad que su valor es ser tendencia
From this society where the value is to be the trend
Me da mas lastima que un yonki con su dependencia
It makes me sadder than a junkie with his addiction
Es matematico, vivamos en un atico
It's mathematical, let's live in an attic
Si prestamos bancarios me ofrecen a diario
If I take out bank loans they offer them to me every day
Tan trajico resulta comico
So tragic, so comical
Que cambien animales por personas de zoologicos
That animals should be replaced in zoos by people
Que no que no, que no halla mas pobreza
Oh no, oh no, that there is no more poverty
Que luego esperas que se acabe la violencia
You then expect violence to end
Que no que no, que no que no
Oh no, oh no, oh no oh no
Hee!. Haa!.
The end

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