Ale Dee - 4 Real - traduction des paroles en anglais

4 Real - Ale Deetraduction en anglais

4 Real
4 Real
Hľadám spôsob ako povedať ti
I'm looking for a way to tell you
že mi naozaj veľmi chýbaš,
that I really miss you so much,
Ani neviem ako sa mi do tej hlavy
I don't even know how you still manage to
Ešte dostávať stíhaš ... chýbaš.
get into my head... I miss you.
Chvíľu zmätená zistila že to tak často býva
Confused for a moment, I realized that it often happens
Ten film ktorý na mňa vplýva, snívam
The film that influences me, I dream
Zbadala som teba, by ma neprebrala
I saw you, you wouldn't wake me up
Asi ani mína, povedal si že raz príde
Maybe not even a mine, you said it would come someday
Ten pocit, no pre ten teraz, nič nevnímam
That feeling, but for that now, I don't perceive anything
Snáď príde znovu, znovu chvíľa
Maybe it will come again, that moment again
Snáď nekončí to, iba začína zas snívam,
Maybe it's not ending, it's just starting again, I'm dreaming,
Každý to cíti no občas to skrýva, tak to
Everyone feels it, but sometimes they hide it, so
býva, ten tvoj úsmev moju myseľ, myseľ dobýva.
It's already been, your smile conquers my mind, my mind.
Hľadám spôsob ako vrátiť čas a zas ťa objímať,
I'm looking for a way to turn back time and embrace you again,
Odpovedáš mi že vrátiš sa neverím myslím že
You answer me that you'll come back, I don't believe it, I think
Tam sa to klamstvo skrýva (skrýva),
That's where the lie hides (hides),
Občas vravíme veci pre dobrý pocit
Sometimes we say things for a good feeling
Bola to vzácna chvíľa no chýbaš,
It was a precious moment, but I miss you,
Chcem aby si sa znovu na mňa díval, díval
I want you to look at me again, look at me
No snívam, snívam, sa díval, díval, no snívam.
But I dream, I dream, I look at you, look at you, but I dream.
Snívam, snívam, ja len snívam, snívam,
I dream, I dream, I just dream, dream,
Ja len snívam, snívam, ja len sníííváám.
I just dream, dream, I just dreeaam.
Snívam, snívam, ja len snívam, snívam,
I dream, I dream, I just dream, dream,
Ja len snívam, snívam, ja len sníííváám.
I just dream, dream, I just dreeaam.
Podaj mi ruku a povedz mi prosím ťa
Take my hand and tell me please
že je to NAOZAJ REAL, chyť ma a povedz
that it's REALLY REAL, catch me and say
Mi že pri mne niekedy budeš môcť stáť ty.
To me that you will be able to stand by me someday.
Podaj mi ruku a povedz mi či je to NAOZAJ REAL,
Take my hand and tell me if it's REALLY REAL,
Ak je to sen prosím nebuď ma lebo v tom si iba ty.
If it's a dream, please don't leave me, because in it you're just you.
Hľadám spôsob ako povedať ti
I'm looking for a way to tell you
že mi naozaj veľmi chýbaš, chýbaš,
that I really miss you so much, I miss you,
Neviem ako sa mi do tej hlavy ešte stále
I don't know how you still manage to get into my head, I wish
Dostávať stíhaš, síce chcela by som
That it would stop, but it doesn't subside.
Aby prestalo to, no neutícha.
The call of the heart that can be heard,
Volanie srdca ktoré počuť,
Always in a moment of silence.
Vždy vo chvíli ticha.
Always in a moment of silence.
Snívam, snívam, ja len snívam, snívam,
I dream, I dream, I just dream, dream,
Ja len snívam, snívam, ja len sníííváám.
I just dream, dream, I just dreeaam.
Snívam, snívam, ja len snívam, snívam,
I dream, I dream, I just dream, dream,
Ja len snívam, snívam, ja len sníííváám.
I just dream, dream, I just dreeaam.
Podaj mi ruku a povedz mi prosím ťa
Take my hand and tell me please
že je to NAOZAJ REAL, chyť ma a povedz
that it's REALLY REAL, catch me and say
Mi že pri mne niekedy budeš môcť stáť ty.
To me that you will be able to stand by me someday.
Podaj mi ruku a povedz mi či je to NAOZAJ REAL,
Take my hand and tell me if it's REALLY REAL,
Ak je to sen prosím nebuď ma, lebo v tom si iba ty.
If it's a dream, please don't leave me, because in it you're just you.

Writer(s): Alexandre Duhaime, Nabob

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