Alejandro Sanz - Se le apagó la luz - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Alejandro Sanz - Se le apagó la luz

Se le apagó la luz
The Light Went Out
Yo no siento nada
I feel nothing,
Pero presiento que a chorros se escapa
But I sense it's draining away in torrents,
La magia de mi alma gastada
The magic of my weary soul,
Ella en la calle tirada
Lying in the street.
Algunas sirenas lejanas
Distant sirens,
Resuenan en la noche olvidadas
Forgotten echoes in the night
Veloz caballo de acero
Swift steed of steel,
Tu gasolina mi sangre y su cuerpo
Your fuel is my blood and her body
Se mezclaron en el suelo
Mingled on the ground.
El gris de la carretera
The grayness of the road
Dibujando su melena
Sketches her mane,
Y la luz se le apago
And her light goes out,
Y su voz se le apago
And her voice goes out.
Se le apago la luz, temblo
Her light goes out, I tremble,
Y no llega la camilla
And the stretcher doesn't arrive.
Luche buscando una salida
I struggle, seeking an escape,
Para ir a escuchar su corazón
To hear her heart beat.
Con las manos confundidas
My hands in confusion,
No me mantengo en pie
I cannot stand.
No llego hasta la niña de mi vida
I cannot reach the girl of my life,
Porque no habla no entiendo
For she does not speak, I do not understand.
Hace un momento me iba diciendo
Just a moment ago she was saying,
No corras tanto que tengo miedo
Don't drive so fast, I'm scared.
La ambulancia volaba
The ambulance sped,
Entre la vida y la muerte pensaba
Between life and death I thought,
Que echaba tanto de menos su casa
How much she missed her home.
Amarga risa en la cama
A bitter laugh in the bed,
Imagina que es una diana
Imagine it's a target,
Con todas esas agujas clavadas
With all those needles stuck in it.
Bromea sobre su suerte
She jokes about her fate,
Le hace sentirse mas fuerte
It makes her feel stronger.
Y la luz se le apago
And her light goes out,
Y su voz se le apago...
And her voice goes out.
Se le apago la luz, temblo
Her light goes out, I tremble,
Le cerraron las cortinas
They closed the curtains on her,
Y escucho pasar la vida
And I hear life pass by.
Y el suave latir de un corazón
And the soft beating of a heart,
La indirecta comprendida
The unspoken understood,
Una torpe despedida de
A clumsy goodbye from
La niña de su vida...
The girl of his life.
Se le apago la luz, temblo
Her light goes out, I tremble,
Suave latir de un corazón
The soft beating of a heart,
De la niña de su vida...
Of the girl of his life.


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