Aless - Všetko Čo Potrebuješ Máš - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Aless - Všetko Čo Potrebuješ Máš

Všetko Čo Potrebuješ Máš
You Got Everything You Need
Všetko čo potrebuješ máš.
You've got everything you need.
Všetko čo potrebuješ máš, kým sám seba máš,
You've got everything you need, as long as you have yourself,
Ty si ten jediný, koho potrebuješ mať na to, aby si mohol životom kráčať podľa seba, podľa svojich rád, podľa svojich právd sám snáď. Bez ohľadu na to, že kto ťa rád.
You're the only one, who you need to have to be able to walk through life according to yourself, according to your own advice, according to your own truths alone. Regardless of who loves you.
Všetko čo potrebuješ máš.
You've got everything you need.
Vždy, keď máš pocit, že niečo ti chýba, máš
Whenever you feel like something is missing, you got
Všetko čo ti treba, máš sám seba, ostatné tvoríš sám. Dostavam tie otázky, tak veľa krát "Jak začať mám?".
All you need, you got yourself, you create the rest yourself. I get these questions, so many times "How do I start?".
Vždy vám odpovedám, všetko máš. Tak ako mne raz môj brat povedal, keď som myslela že sama to nedám tam, tak jak každý z vás vzdá to.
I always answer you, you have everything. Like my brother once told me, when I thought I couldn't do it on my own, like each of you gives up on it.
Toto je ten rap, možeš tvrdiť furt že ne.
This is that rap, you can keep claiming that it's not.
Toto je ten rap čo vraj nepatrí žene.
This is that rap that supposedly doesn't belong to women.
Toto je ten rap, život písaný vo veršoch,
This is that rap, life written in verse,
Baví ma písať, aj ked stále som preto terčom.
I enjoy writing, even though I'm still a target for it.
Minulé dni ma zradila viera, padla som dole aj ___
In the past few days, I've been betrayed,
Samotu, bolesť a roky bez svetla,
Loneliness, pain and years without light,
Slová ma zaviedli priamo do pekla.
Words that led me straight to hell.
Zhasnuté svetlá,
Lights out,
Nesvietili ani na Nikola Tesla, nepomohol.
Not even Nikola Tesla couldn't help.
Bola som sama,
I was alone,
Aj keď sa ma snažila chraniť mama.
Even though my mom tried to protect me.
Škola, deň, rana.
School, day, morning.
Dnes som svoj život do rúk vzala.
Today I took my life in my hands.
Kým sa mám, viac niesom sama.
As long as I have me, I'm not alone anymore.
Dík mama, ty si rada, moja rada,
Thank you, mom, you are my joy, my advice,
Liek, vždy keď príde zrada, z rána do rána,
Medicine, whenever betrayal comes,
Svoj správny čas si určím sama.
I will determine my own right time.
Všetko čo potrebuješ máš, kým sám seba máš, ty si ten jediný. Jediný. Všetko čo potrebuješ máš. Všetko čo potrebuješ máš.
You've got everything you need, as long as you have yourself, you're the only one. The only one. You've got everything you need. You've got everything you need.
Sedemnásty Jún.
June the seventeenth.
Vtedy dostala som všetko.
That's when I got everything.
Život pre to aby žila som ho, vieš to.
Life to live it, you know that.
Od narodenia je z každeho z nás niekto.
From birth, each of us is someone.
A kto je aký niekto, je uplne jedno.
And who that someone is, is irrelevant.
Aj ked stále ťa súdia a stále ti hovoria, kedy tvoj čas prísť, tvária sa že ti chcú pomôcť, pri tom čakaju len na zisk.
Even though they're always judging you and telling you when your time will come, they pretend to want to help you, while they're just waiting for the profit.
Ak bolo by na vás, moja chvíľa by nikdy nemala byť,
If it was up to you, my moment would never have come,
Vďaka že bol tu on kto, uprímne povedal kade mám ísť,
Thanks that he was here, who honestly told me where to go,
Kade mám zisť, kade za svetlom a kade mám výjsť.
Where to find, where to find the light and where to go out.
Kade neísť, kade nájsť cestu na ktorej nežiť iba pre zisk, ale pre posun, ktorý chce risk.
Where not to go, where to find the path on which not to live just for profit, but for progress, which wants risk.
Sedemnásty Jún.
June the seventeenth.
Vtedy dostala som všetko.
That's when I got everything.
Život pre to aby žila som ho, vieš to.
Life to live it, you know that.
Od narodenia je z každeho z nás niekto.
From birth, each of us is someone.
A kto je aký niekto, je uplne jedno.
And who that someone is, is irrelevant.
Toto je ten rap, možeš tvrdiť furt že ne.
This is that rap, you can keep claiming that it's not.
Toto je ten rap, čo vraj nepatrí žene.
This is that rap, that supposedly doesn't belong to women.
Toto je ten rap, život písaný vo veršoch,
This is that rap, life written in verse,
Baví ma písať, aj keď stále som preto terčom
I enjoy writing, even though I'm still a target for it
Všetko čo potrebuješ máš
You've got everything you need
Všetko čo potrebuješ máš
You've got everything you need
Všetko čo potrebuješ máš
You've got everything you need
Všetko čo potrebuješ máš
You've got everything you need

Writer(s): Alessia Capparelli

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