Alessio - 'A primma vota nuje - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Alessio - 'A primma vota nuje

'A primma vota nuje
'The First Time with Us Two'
Comm' er bell abbracciat cu te
How beautiful it was to embrace you
Senza scarp int' arena come cuscino
Barefoot on the sand, using an inflatable float as a cushion
Tu avevi la testa appoggiata al mio petto
Your head was resting on my chest
Quei sassolini buttavi nell'acqua così per giocare
You were playfully throwing pebbles into the water
Je te vasavo ma infondo cercavo qualcosa di più
I was kissing you, but deep down I was looking for something more
L'acqua di mare saliva così e a tutte e duj ce nfunneva
The seawater was rising and soaking us both
Brividi addosso di freddo e kiù fort a me t'astrigniv
Shivering from the cold, you clung to me even tighter
E le miei mani toccavano piano il tuo piccolo seno
And my hands gently touched your small breasts
E comm a me pur tu tanta voglia di fare l'amore
And like me, you too wanted to make love
Nuje a primma vota stis a riva e mare
That first time for us, on the seashore
Le labbra tue avevano quel gusto 1 po' di sale
Your lips had that slight taste of salt
Lei ca nu poc e luce e nammurate rint'ò scur
A bit of moonlight and lovers in the dark
Mezza luna Tu fra le mie braccia avevi 1 po' paura
With the crescent moon, you were a bit scared in my arms
Mentre Io sentivo così forte il tuo respiro
While I could feel your breath so strongly
Tu ca te vuliv senter sicur ca j murev pe st'ammore
You wanted to feel safe, that I was dying for this love
Poi dopo fatto l'amore il tuo jeans era tutto bagnato
After we made love, your jeans were all wet
Tu non volevi tornare più a casa teniv paur
You didn't want to go home, you were afraid
Ma 1 orologio diceva era tardi e all'amica del cuore
But a watch said it was late and your best friend
Ce raccuntast stà storia e avevi bisogno di lei
You told her this story and needed her
Nuje a primma vota stis a riva e mare
That first time for us, on the seashore
Le labbra tue avevano quel gusto 1 po' di sale
Your lips had that slight taste of salt
Lei ca nu poc e luce e nammurate rint'ò scur
A bit of moonlight and lovers in the dark
Mezza luna Tu fra le mie braccia avevi 1 po' paura
With the crescent moon, you were a bit scared in my arms
Mentre Io sentivo così forte il tuo respiro
While I could feel your breath so strongly
Tu ca te vuliv senter sicur ca j murev pe st'ammore
You wanted to feel safe, that I was dying for this love

Writer(s): R. Armani

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