Alex Velea - Tiki Taka - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Alex Velea - Tiki Taka

Tiki Taka
Tiki Taka
As vrea sa-mi dai
I wish you would give me
Macar un minut sa lamurim ce tu nu ai
At least a minute to clear up what you didn't get
Primit, ca nu ti-am oferit, dar nu stiai
Received, that I did not offer, but you did not know
Aveai tot si ce-i mai rau
You had everything and what was worse
E ca toate astea, baby, erau doar in capul tau
It's like all this, baby, was just in your head
Si de ce sa ma complic
And why should I complicate things
Ca nu-mi vine nimic
Because nothing comes to me
Nu iti convine
It doesn't suit you
Vrei sa facem mereu cum vrei tu
You want us to always do it your way
Mereu iti zic
I always tell you
Ca nu-i bine
That it's not good
Nu te poti abtine
You can't help yourself
Si la toate tu spui nu
And to everything you say no
Si nu stiu ce sa zic
And I don't know what to say
Sau ce sa fac
Or what to do
Ca de fiecare data trebuie sa te impac
That every time I have to make up with you
De la cum vorbesc
From the way I talk
La cum ma imbrac
To the way I dress
Nimic nu ti-e pe plac
Nothing pleases you
De ce te joci cu mine tiki taka
Why are you playing tiki taka with me?
Azi esti bine, tu schimbi placa
Today you are fine, you change the record
Stop, ca ti se pune pata
Stop, because you're getting angry
De parca m-ai vazut cu alta
As if you saw me with another woman
Si numai tiki taka
And only tiki taka
Azi esti bine, tu schimbi placa
Today you are fine, you change the record
Si ti se pune pata
And you get angry
Aud numai tiki tiki tiki taka
I only hear tiki tiki tiki taka
Tiki tiki tiki taka
Tiki tiki tiki taka
Tiki tiki tiki taka
Tiki tiki tiki taka
Tiki tiki tiki taka
Tiki tiki tiki taka
Nu stiu ce ai
I don't know what's wrong with you
Esti ca o placa pe repeat si parca te-ai
You're like a record on repeat and you seem to be
Blocat, ca nu-ti place nimic
Blocked, because you don't like anything
De ce mai stai
Why do you stay
Doar ca sa-mi zici mereu de rau
Just to always tell me bad things
Baby, nu e treaba mea sa aud tot ce e in capul tau
Baby, it's not my job to hear everything that's in your head
Si de ce sa ma complic
And why should I complicate things
Ca nu-mi vine nimic
Because nothing comes to me
Nu iti convine
It doesn't suit you
Vrei sa facem mereu cum vrei tu
You want us to always do it your way
Mereu iti zic
I always tell you
Ca nu-i bine
That it's not good
Nu te poti abtine
You can't help yourself
Si la toate tu spui nu
And to everything you say no
Si nu stiu ce sa zic
And I don't know what to say
Sau ce sa fac
Or what to do
Ca de fiecare data trebuie sa te impac
That every time I have to make up with you
De la cum vorbesc
From the way I talk
La cum ma imbrac
To the way I dress
Nimic nu ti-e pe plac
Nothing pleases you
De ce te joci cu mine tiki taka
Why are you playing tiki taka with me?
Azi esti bine, tu schimbi placa
Today you are fine, you change the record
Stop, ca ti se pune pata
Stop, because you're getting angry
De parca m-ai vazut cu alta
As if you saw me with another woman
Si numai tiki taka
And only tiki taka
Azi esti bine, tu schimbi placa
Today you are fine, you change the record
Si ti se pune pata
And you get angry
Aud numai tiki tiki tiki taka
I only hear tiki tiki tiki taka
Tiki tiki tiki taka
Tiki tiki tiki taka
Tiki tiki tiki taka
Tiki tiki tiki taka
Tiki tiki tiki taka
Tiki tiki tiki taka
De ce iti place sa ma scoti din minti
Why do you like to drive me crazy?
Nici tu nu stii ce simti
You don't even know what you feel
De fapt, stiai, dar nu tii minte
In fact, you did know, but you don't remember
De ce nu te mai uiti in ochii mei
Why don't you look me in the eyes anymore?
Nici tu nu stii ce vrei
You don't know what you want either
Haide, spune-mi pe bune acum, de ce te joci tiki taka
Come on, tell me honestly now, why are you playing tiki taka?
Azi esti bine, tu schimbi placa
Today you are fine, you change the record
Stop, ca ti se pune pata
Stop, because you're getting angry
De parca m-ai vazut cu alta
As if you saw me with another woman
Si numai tiki taka
And only tiki taka
Azi esti bine, tu schimbi placa
Today you are fine, you change the record
Si ti se pune pata
And you get angry
Aud numai tiki tiki tiki taka
I only hear tiki tiki tiki taka

Writer(s): vlad popescu

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