Alexis Chaires & Josee Garcia - Supéralo - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Alexis Chaires & Josee Garcia - Supéralo

Get Over It
Una mujer bonita no puede estar triste
A pretty woman shouldn't be sad
Una mujer no debe sufrir humillaciones de ningún tipo de hombre
A woman shouldn't suffer humiliation from any kind of man
Ustedes están echas para recibir besos, abrazos, respeto y por supuesto mucho amor
You are made to receive kisses, hugs, respect and of course a lot of love
No se hagan daño así mismas! Disfruten de la vida.
Don't hurt yourself like this! Enjoy life.
Oye princesa anda levanta tu cabeza
Hey princess, go ahead and lift your head
Brinda al mundo una sonrisa y que noten tu belleza
Give the world a smile and let them notice your beauty
Hay un camino largo aun puedes recorrerlo
There is a long way you can still go
También hay muchos chicos
There are also many boys
Y puedes conocerlos.
And you can meet them.
Deja que tus sueños hablen que tu corazón descanse
Let your dreams speak, let your heart rest
Detrás de ti hay una fila y mueren por un chance
There's a line behind you and they're dying for a chance
Ya no te sofoques deja todo ese romance
Don't suffocate anymore, let go of all that romance
Y has que tu felicidad despierte y tus pasos avancen
And make your happiness awaken and your steps move forward
Salta de esa cama preciosa no te engañes
Jump out of that bed, darling, don't fool yourself
No te ahorques a ti misma tira todos sus detalles
Don't hang yourself, throw away all his details
No luches, si te llama no lo escuches
Don't fight it, if he calls don't listen
Rompe todas sus cartitas y patea sus peluches
Tear up all his letters and kick his stuffed animals
Cuida tu hermosa imagen
Take care of your beautiful image
Piensa antes de tus actos, prende el celular y borra lo de tus contactos
Think before you act, turn on your cell phone and delete him from your contacts
Apártalo de todos lados y cura tus males
Get him out of everywhere and cure your ills
Elimina lo y bloquea lo de tus redes sociales
Delete him and block him from your social media
Aléjate de sus amigos y sus conocidos
Stay away from his friends and acquaintances
Todo aquello que los una
Everything that unites them
Ahora dalo por perdido
Now take it for granted
Mira hacia el futuro que el pasado es aburrido
Look to the future for the past is boring
Y si habla mal de ti ignóralo pobre anda ardido
And if he speaks ill of you, ignore him, poor boy, he's burning
Sorprende lo demuéstrale que no lo necesitas
Surprise him, show him you don't need him
Levanta la cabeza que observe que eres bonita
Lift your head up so he can see that you're beautiful
Que sepa que tu corazón por el ya no palpita
Let him know that your heart no longer beats for him
Y que las flores que te dio ya te da igual si se marchitan
And that the flowers he gave you, you no longer care if they wither
Se fiel a ser soltera vuélvete muy cruel
Be faithful to being single, become very cruel
Es importante que no sepa que tu sufres por el
It's important that he doesn't know you're suffering for him
Al contrario resaltas mas mostrando estar contenta
On the contrary, you stand out more by showing that you're happy
Poco a poco todo sera hermoso y te vas a ir dando cuenta
Little by little everything will be beautiful and you will realize it
Como una hermosa dama se que eres inteligente
As a beautiful lady I know you are intelligent
Valorate respetate y ante todo protégete
Value yourself, respect yourself and above all protect yourself
Compórtate como siempre lo haces se decente
Behave as you always do, be decent
Que te valga todo el mundo solo sal amor diviértete
Let the world be damned, just go out, have fun and love yourself
Dale vuelta a la pagina conoce muchos hombres
Turn the page, meet many men
Elige al correcto sólita no te deshonres
Choose the right one, don't dishonor yourself
Pinta un nuevo mundo quiero que el pasado borres
Paint a new world, I want you to erase the past
Para que cuando te vea el baboso se asombre
So that when he sees you, the jerk is amazed
Y veras como se pone observaras todo su odio
And you will see how he reacts, you will notice all his hatred
Querra volver a ti y eso lo notaras muy obvio
He will want to come back to you and you will notice it very obviously
Escupe lo y aplástalo a ese feo microbio
Spit on him and crush that ugly microbe
Ya que una mujer para ser feliz no depende de un novio.
Because a woman doesn't need a boyfriend to be happy.

Writer(s): Chaires Narvaez Angel Alexis

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