Alexis Chaires - Sola y Dolida - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Alexis Chaires - Sola y Dolida

Sola y Dolida
Alone and Hurt
Vi que andas sola y dolida pasando otra decepción,
I saw you alone and hurt, going through another disappointment,
bebiendo y llorando solo pa sanar tu corazón,
drinking and crying just to heal your heart,
se que no es algo fácil olvidarte del dolor,
I know it's not easy to forget the pain,
ya que tampoco te gusta que te hablen del amor
since you also don't like talking about love.
Sal vive la vida y disfruta que el sol sale una vez más deja atrás
Go out, live life, and enjoy the sun rising once again. Leave behind
todos los problemas todo vuelve a su lugar,
all the problems, everything returns to its place,
si piensas que la noche es larga y no quieres
if you think the night is long and you don't want
regresar, nunca pierdas esa esperanza ya que todo pasará.
to go back, never lose that hope, because everything will pass.
Duermes más de lo que ríes, y lloras más de lo que amas, da
You sleep more than you laugh, and you cry more than you love, give
le un giro a las tristezas remplaza cada
a twist to the sadness, replace each
llanto de nada sirve llorarle a la almohada,
tear, it's useless to cry into your pillow,
Se que jugaron contigo, y que te duele en el alma lo que te hicieron,
I know they played with you, and it hurts your soul what they did to you,
pero déjame te digo,
but let me tell you,
que no vale la pena que te encierres mejor sal con tus amigos.
it's not worth shutting yourself away, it's better to go out with your friends.
Bien Simple, encuentra el lado amable,
Quite simply, find the bright side,
ya no hay quien te reclame cuando con otro hombre hables,
there's no one to scold you when you talk to another man,
deja de sentirte la culpable,
stop feeling guilty,
el no supo valorarte eres algo inigualable
he didn't know how to value you, you are something unique.
Ya no quieres tener nada con ninguno,
You don't want to have anything to do with anyone anymore,
Mejor diviértete y enfiéstate es tu turno,
Better have fun and party, it's your turn,
Ya conocerás alguno,
You'll meet someone,
que siempre te respete y te trate como si fueras su mundo
who will always respect you and treat you like you are their world.
Sal vive la vida y disfruta que el sol sale una vez más deja atrás
Go out, live life, and enjoy the sun rising once again. Leave behind
todos los problemas todo vuelve a su lugar,
all the problems, everything returns to its place,
si piensas que la noche es larga y no quieres
if you think the night is long and you don't want
regresar, nunca pierdas esa esperanza ya que todo pasará.
to go back, never lose that hope, because everything will pass.
Recuerdas, cuantas amistades te quito?
Do you remember how many friendships he took away from you?
Cuantas cosas te prohibió y cuantos hombres te bloqueo,
How many things did he forbid you and how many men did he block you from?
desbloquealos dales una simple explicación,
Unblock them, give them a simple explanation,
diles que no fue tu culpa que ese bobo te obligo
tell them it wasn't your fault that that fool forced you.
Llámale a tus cómplices y diles que te saquen, a
Call your accomplices and tell them to take you out,
l fin que ya estás sola ya no hay nadie que te aplaque,
after all, you're alone now, there's no one to hold you back,
veras que estarás bien un amor ya viene al
you'll see that you'll be fine, a love is already coming to the
rescate y si quieres conocer a otro dale ve al ataque,
rescue and if you want to meet someone else, go for it,
Ponte tu mejor vestido y mira a la ventana,
Put on your best dress and look out the window,
que siempre es un día nuevo y siempre existirá un mañana, ha
it's always a new day and there will always be a tomorrow, do
z lo que quieras no te quedes con las
what you want, don't hold back,
ganas, que las eridas siempre sanan, ¿okay?
because wounds always heal, okay?
Deja que tu corazón descanse un poco,
Let your heart rest a little,
al menos aprendiste y ya no lloraras por otro,
at least you learned and you won't cry for another,
mejor saca esa loca olvida tu corazón roto,
better bring out that crazy side, forget your broken heart,
que para cada loca siempre existirá otro loco.
because for every crazy person there will always be another crazy person.
Sal vive la vida y disfruta que el sol sale una vez más deja atrás
Go out, live life, and enjoy the sun rising once again. Leave behind
todos los problemas todo vuelve a su lugar,
all the problems, everything returns to its place,
si piensas que la noche es larga y no quieres
if you think the night is long and you don't want
regresar, nunca pierdas esa esperanza ya que todo pasará.
to go back, never lose that hope, because everything will pass.

Writer(s): alexis chaires

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