Ali Magic Mg - Gheysar Kojayi - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Ali Magic Mg - Gheysar Kojayi

Gheysar Kojayi
Where Are You, Gheysar?
قيصر کجايي که عليو کشتن / نفساي اخره زمين خوردم
Gheysar, where are you, for they have killed Ali? / Barely breathing, I fell to the ground.
از اين نامرداي نا لوتي مفنگي / بيا که تو کفن منه حقيرو بردن
These treacherous, cowardly vagabonds / Come, for they have wrapped this wretch in a shroud.
کجايي ؟ برگرد به ميدون / بگير يه بليت برگشت به تهرون
Where are you? Return to the fray / Get us a return ticket to Tehran
تو با جيب خالي دور دنيا گشتي / ده داش آکل بيا نزار بهم بگن زور
With empty pockets, you wandered the world / Ten, greedy brothers, don't let them call me a braggart.
رضا موتوري تند تر بيا / سوته دلان يه دل محکم ميخواد
Come quicker, Reza the Motorcyclist / The brokenhearted need a strong heart.
مرد يعني تو / قيصر کجايي؟ / ببين همه طوقيا مردن بيا
You are the man / Gheysar, where are you? / See, all the ruffians are dead, come here.
ده بيا مرد بودنو ياد بده / کجايي؟ تورو خدا گاز بده
Come, teach us the meaning of manhood / Where are you? For God's sake, step on the gas.
همسفر تو خداس ميدونم / طوفان کن بيا بزار باد بره
I know your companion is God / Come, let the storm rage, let the wind blow.
قيصر کجايي که دلمون تنگ / سر لفظاتو لوتي بودنت جنگه مثه
Gheysar, where are you, for our hearts ache / Your words, your loyalty, they were like weapons
شعراي سوسن سوزمون رفته / بگو کجايي که کل ايران دلشون تنگه
Like the poems of Sosen, our aspirations have faded away / Tell me, where are you, for all of Iran misses you.
بگو قيصر کجايي / کجايي مشتي
Tell me, where are you, Gheysar / Where are you, my friend?
بگو قيصر کجايي / نه نيستي رفتي
Tell me, where are you, Gheysar / No, you're gone, you're gone.
بگو قيصر کجايي / به روح آقامون تختي بر نگردي دلامون ميشه سنگي
Tell me, where are you, Gheysar / By the spirit of Takhti, if you do not return, our hearts will turn to stone.
تو از کدوم قصه اي که اينجا نيستي / اگه نباشي مرد نيست هيج جا هيچکي
What story do you belong to, that you are not here? / If you are not here, there are no men, no one, anywhere.
اگه نميخواي برگردي کافيه بگي / نه نيازي نيست اين همه حاشيه بري
If you do not wish to return, just say so / No need for all this fuss.
مردم هي ميگن ديگه اين روزا غروبي / بيا بگو زندست بهروز وثوقي
People keep saying, these are the days of decline / Come, tell us that Behrouz وثوقی is still alive.
هي قيصر کجايي لوتي ؟ بدون تو ماها خدايي پوچيم
Oh Gheysar, where are you, ruffian? Without you, we are nothing before God.
يه عطر مشهد و يه تسبيح تو جيب / يه دستمال يزدي و کلاه کوچيک
A scent of Mashhad and a rosary in your pocket / A Yazdi scarf and a small hat.
يه پيرهن سفيد و يه کت مشکي / پشت کفشامونم که لا خورده زکي
A white shirt and a black jacket / The heels of our shoes worn smooth by Zaki.
مارو باش / ما که قيصر نميشيم
Look at us / We will never be Gheysar.
اسطوره تويي / خاک پاتيم عشقي
You are the legend / We are the dust beneath your feet, your lover.
تو هيمنجا بودي و من نديدم / تو تو قلب مردم ايراني مرسي
You were here all along, and I did not see you / You are in the heart of every Iranian, thank you.
قيصر کجايي که دلمون تنگ / سر لفظاتو لوتي بودنت جنگه مثه
Gheysar, where are you, for our hearts ache / Your words, your loyalty, they were like weapons
شعراي سوسن سوزمون رفته / بگو کجايي که کل ايران دلشون تنگه
Like the poems of Sosen, our aspirations have faded away / Tell me, where are you, for all of Iran misses you.
بگو قيصر کجايي / کجايي مشتي
Tell me, where are you, Gheysar / Where are you, my friend?
بگو قيصر کجايي / نه نيستي رفتي
Tell me, where are you, Gheysar / No, you're gone, you're gone.
بگو قيصر کجايي / به روح آقامون تختي بر نگردي دلامون ميشه سنگي
Tell me, where are you, Gheysar / By the spirit of Takhti, if you do not return, our hearts will turn to stone.

Writer(s): Ali Magic Mg

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