Alina Eremia - Cum se face (Radio Edit) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Alina Eremia - Cum se face (Radio Edit)

Cum se face (Radio Edit)
How It's Done (Radio Edit)
Nu vreau money, money, honey
I don't want money, money, honey
Nu, asta crezi doar tu
No, that's just what you think
Inca ti se pare funny
You still think it's funny
Sa te porti ca restu'
To act like the rest
Nu-ntelegi, pentru tine stau
You don't understand, I'm waiting for you
Pe tine te vreau
I want you
Nu vreau money, money, honey
I don't want money, money, honey
Nu, nu vreau la Miami
No, I don't want to go to Miami
Nu, asta crezi doar tu
No, that's just what you think
Si trec ani, ani, ani
And years pass by, years, years
Inca ti se pare funny
You still think it's funny
Sa te porti ca restu'
To act like the rest
Da' nu-ntelegi, pentru tine stau
But you don't understand, I'm waiting for you
Acum plangand, ca pe tine te vreau
Now crying, because I want you
Scuzele tale candva contau, dar acum nu
Your excuses used to matter, but not anymore
Ohh, baby, cum se face
Ohh, baby, how is it done
Ca ma vezi plangand si-ti place
That you see me crying and you like it
Dar vezi ca roata se intoarce
But you see, the wheel turns
Si atunci cand o sa ne-mpace
And when we make up
Ar trebui sa fim atenti la cum ma consum
We should be careful how I burn myself out
Pana o sa ma fac scrum
Until I turn to dust
Cum se face
How is it done
Ca ma vezi plangand si-ti place
That you see me crying and you like it
Numai tu iesi cu altii-n oras
You're the only one who goes out with others in the city
Si, bineinteles, ma lasi sa te astept mereu
And, of course, you leave me waiting for you all the time
Nu uita ca tot acest peisaj dispare ca un miraj
Don't forget that this whole picture disappears like a mirage
Poate o fac si eu
Maybe I'll do it too
Da' nu-ntelegi, pentru tine stau
But you don't understand, I'm waiting for you
Acum plangand, ca pe tine te vreau
Now crying, because I want you
Fetele bune candva existau, dar acum nu
Good girls used to exist, but not anymore
Stii, iubire, eu zic sa-mi vad de viata mea
You know, love, I think I should take care of my own life
Imi pierd timpul cu tine, incercand sa schimb ceva
I'm wasting my time with you, trying to change something
Baby, hai, arata-le ca nu sta treaba chiar asa
Baby, come on, show them that it's not really like that
Sunt sigura ca daca ai incerca sigur ai putea
I'm sure that if you tried, you could surely do it
Sa ma tratezi frumos cum o faceai candva
To treat me nicely like you used to
Sa fim din nou subiectul principal cand cineva
To be the main subject again when someone
Vorbeste despre cat e de frumoasa dragostea
Talks about how beautiful love is
Ohh, baby, cum se face
Ohh, baby, how is it done
Ca ma vezi plangand si-ti place
That you see me crying and you like it
Dar vezi ca roata se intoarce
But you see, the wheel turns
Si atunci cand o sa ne-mpace
And when we make up
Ar trebui sa fim atenti la cum ma consum
We should be careful how I burn myself out
Pana o sa ma fac scrum
Until I turn to dust
Cum se face
How is it done
Ca ma vezi plangand si-ti place
That you see me crying and you like it
Iti place
You like it
Ohh, baby, cum se face
Ohh, baby, how is it done
Ca ma vezi plangand si-ti place
That you see me crying and you like it
Dar vezi ca roata se intoarce
But you see, the wheel turns
Si atunci cand o sa ne-mpace
And when we make up
Ar trebui sa fim atenti la cum ma consum
We should be careful how I burn myself out
Pana o sa ma fac scrum
Until I turn to dust
Cum se face
How is it done
Ca ma vezi plangand si-ti place
That you see me crying and you like it

Writer(s): Claudiu Polk, Mihai Boldea

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