Alisher Fayz - Firoq - traduction des paroles en anglais

Firoq - Alisher Fayztraduction en anglais

Kõchalardan kuz qochdi, falak tinmay qor sochdi
The autumn wind has blown through the streets; relentless heaven has showered snow
Nega bedorsan demang, bilmasam uyqum qochdi
Why do you torment me with insomnia? I cannot sleep with worry
Kõnglimni õrtar firoq, yorginam mendan yiroq
My heart is consumed by distance; I'm weary yet far from you
Ovozini soğindim, qilsammikan qõnğiroq
I miss your voice; should I call?
Kõchalardan kuz qochdi, falak tinmay qor sochdi
The autumn wind has blown through the streets; relentless heaven has showered snow
Nega bedorsan demang, bilmasam uyqum qochdi
Why do you torment me with insomnia? I cannot sleep with worry
Kõnglimni õrtar firoq, yorginam mendan yiroq
My heart is consumed by distance; I'm weary yet far from you
Ovozini soğindim, qilsammikan qõnğiroq
I miss your voice; should I call?
Kel kel, armon õlsin kel
Come, let us be content
Kel kel, bağrim tõlsin kel
Come, let my heart be filled
Mendan bõlmay gumonda, bõlsa bõldi omonda
Do not doubt my love; if it were true, it would be enough
Men õzimdan gapirsam yolğizligim yomonda
When I speak of myself, my solitude is unbearable
Qovurilaman hijronda, shundan holim yomonda
I am tormented by your absence; that is why I am so distressed
Bahor yorim yonida, qor yoğar man tomonda
Spring is with my love, while snow falls on my side
Kel kel, armon õlsin kel
Come, let us be content
Kel kel, bağrim tõlsin kel
Come, let my heart be filled
Kõchalardan kuz qochdi, falak tinmay qor sochdi
The autumn wind has blown through the streets; relentless heaven has showered snow
Kimdir keldimi desam, eshikni shamol ochdi
Someone came, I thought; the wind opened the door
Kõnglimni õrtar firoq, yorginam mendan yiroq
My heart is consumed by distance; I'm weary yet far from you
Allamahal bõlmasidan qilsammikan qõnğiroq
Before it's too late, should I call?
Qovurilaman hijronda, kõzlarim eshik tomonda
I am tormented by your absence; my eyes are fixed on the door
Bahor yorim yonida, qor yoğar man tomonda
Spring is with my love, while snow falls on my side
Holatimdan behabar, poralar bõldi jigar
Unaware of my plight, you have tormented my heart
Nega qilmas qõnğiroq, soğingan bõlsa agar
Why don't you call? Have you grown cold?
Kel kel, armon õlsin kel
Come, let us be content
Kel kel, bağrim tõlsin kel
Come, let my heart be filled
Kõchalardan kuz qochdi, falak tinmay qor sochdi
The autumn wind has blown through the streets; relentless heaven has showered snow
Shamol yeldimi desam, eshikni yorim ochdi
The wind blew, I thought; my love opened the door
Yiroq ket mendan firoq, yorginam emas yiroq
Distance, leave me alone; I'm not weary of distance
Ana õzi keldiku, qilmasimdan qõnğiroq
You have come yourself; I won't call.

Writer(s): Alisher Fayz

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