Alka Vuica - Mana - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Alka Vuica - Mana

Sve sam skole prosla Alijne, skolu kod tebe Malo sta, malo sta me iznenadjuje
I finished all the schools in vain, the school with you Hard to believe, but little surprises me
Sve i svasta mi dosadjuje, dosade mi svia nikada ti. Moja ljubavi U zivotu, u zivotu imam samo jednu manusto od jutra pa do mraka samo si mi ti u planuu zivotu, u zivotu imam jedan nedostatakda od 24 sata, s tobom mi je uvijek kratak (x2) malo gdje, malo gdje se dobro osjecam
Everything and every bothers me, everyone does, but you never do. My love In life, in life I have only one addiction from morning till dusk in my plans only you lie In life, in life I have only one shortage that 24 hours with you, is always too short (x2) Rarely, so rarely do I feel good
Na mjestima rjetkim uzivam, Ali kad god sam s tobom
In rare places I enjoy myself, But whenever I'm with you
Za mene to je naj bolje
For me it's the best

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