Allame - Rastgele - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Allame - Rastgele

Aynen böyle
Yeah, just like that
Yeah, Funk Rap (aha)
Yeah, Funk Rap (aha)
Yemini verdim atıma, deh
I swore to my horse, whoa
Köy göründü soylu sınıfı soyunun ortalıkta
The village appeared, the noble class, their lineage in the middle
Ben, serince teçhizatı korkun haliniz vahim
Me, with serenity, the equipment, your fear is grave
Sabahtan bu yana çektiğim deva geldi şimdi?
Is it the cure I've been taking since morning that's kicking in now?
Sıradakileri ben mi seçeyim yoksa siz mi?
Should I choose the next ones or you?
Hiç bir iz bırakmam, içini rahat tut yeter ki
I won't leave a trace, just rest assured
Kim beter ki benden üstün olsun
Who can be better than me, superior
Ortalıkta popçular, orospularla Ortacom Recordz'u kurdular
Pop stars are around, they started Ortacom Records with whores
Ganstar oldu gerizekalı, tek rakibi 50 Cent'miş
The retard became a gangster, his only rival is 50 Cent
Elma şekeri versen eline çocukluğuna döner eminim
If you give him a candy apple, I'm sure he'll go back to his childhood
Ben tabibinim senin, yeter ki bok yemekten ölme
I'm your healer, just don't die from eating shit
Parayı bas, bu seni hip-hop star yapar sen iste yeter
Print the money, this will make you a hip-hop star, just ask for it
Yerin rahat senin, bi' tarafın acımasın olur ya
You're comfortable, one side might not hurt
Günün birinde sakın düşme, bura Kamboçya
Don't fall one day, this is Cambodia
İlkokulda şamarı basan hocandı, şimdi ben
It was the teacher who slapped you in elementary school, now it's me
Bu sayfa döndüğünde sürprizim var al Batarya
When this page turns, I have a surprise for you, take the Battery
Kon yeniden otur istediğin yere
Sit back wherever you want
Tacı takın hadi bütün götü güzellere
Put on the crown, come on, all you beautiful asses
Sen kralsın ayak yapan hergele
You're the king, you scoundrel who serves
Benden uzak kal, işitme rastgele
Stay away from me, don't listen randomly
Kon yeniden otur istediğin yere
Sit back wherever you want
Tacı takın hadi bütün götü güzellere
Put on the crown, come on, all you beautiful asses
Sen kralsın ayak yapan hergele
You're the king, you scoundrel who serves
Benden uzak kal, işitme rastgele
Stay away from me, don't listen randomly
Copy klonlarıyla doldu, underground çalıntı
It's full of copy clones, underground rip-offs
İlk etapta iyi hoştu, şimdi iyice boka sarıldı
It was nice at first, now it's all messed up
Hiç bir yok ibnelerde ancak kuru gürültü, hasılatı topla
There's no work in the bastards, just dry noise, collect the proceeds
Mundar etti rap'ini pop'la feat atarak
He messed up his rap with pop by featuring
Bunca velete gaz veren kim, az yavaşla şaklaban
Who's gassing all these kids, slow down, clown
Sikik flowlarınla kandı, rap'ten anlamaz salak
He tricked the fool who doesn't understand rap with his shitty flows
Götünün bokunu kurutup öyle gelsen daha bi makbulümdün
I'd rather you come after you've dried your shit
Beyne ver şırınga dolusu zehri, geberip gitsin idolü
Inject the brain with a syringe full of poison, let the idol die
Yolundan oldu, şimdi kellesinden olmak üzere
He's out of his way, now he's about to be beheaded
Sözüne inanıp ortalıkta kalana has bi' tekme benden
I'll give a special kick to those who stay around believing his words
Evvelinde affederdim ancak artık prim yok
I would have forgiven before but now there's no premium
Çişinde boğularak can verirse oldu diycem
If he dies drowning in his own piss, I'll say it's done
Nedir ki, istediğine montofon bu mikrofon
What is it, a montophone for anyone who wants it, this microphone
Balistik hatıralarıyla dolu, konumsal istilaydı fon
Full of ballistic memories, the background was a positional invasion
Şaşırdı kaldı bi'çok gereksiz orta yol
Many unnecessary middle roads were surprised and left behind
Olma masa dolaylarında, felç geçirdi mutlu son
Don't be around the table, the happy ending had a stroke
Kon yeniden otur istediğin yere
Sit back wherever you want
Tacı takın hadi bütün götü güzellere
Put on the crown, come on, all you beautiful asses
Sen kralsın ayak yapan hergele
You're the king, you scoundrel who serves
Benden uzak kal, işitme rastgele
Stay away from me, don't listen randomly
Kon yeniden otur istediğin yere
Sit back wherever you want
Tacı takın hadi bütün götü güzellere
Put on the crown, come on, all you beautiful asses
Sen kralsın ayak yapan hergele
You're the king, you scoundrel who serves
Benden uzak kal, işitme rastgele
Stay away from me, don't listen randomly
Bunayanlara yer tayin edin, her zalim işi böyle başlar affedin
Assign places to those who are bored, every tyrant starts his work like this, forgive me
Sana tekmeyi hak gören benim, daha şimdiden fenalık geçirdiniz
I'm the one who thinks you deserve the kick, you've already fainted
Bunayanlara yer tayin edin, her zalim işi böyle başlar affedin
Assign places to those who are bored, every tyrant starts his work like this, forgive me
Sana tekmeyi hak gören benim, daha şimdiden fenalık geçirdiniz
I'm the one who thinks you deserve the kick, you've already fainted
Kon yeniden otur istediğin yere
Sit back wherever you want
Tacı takın hadi bütün götü güzellere
Put on the crown, come on, all you beautiful asses
Sen kralsın ayak yapan hergele
You're the king, you scoundrel who serves
Benden uzak kal, işitme rastgele
Stay away from me, don't listen randomly
Kon yeniden otur istediğin yere
Sit back wherever you want
Tacı takın hadi bütün götü güzellere
Put on the crown, come on, all you beautiful asses
Sen kralsın ayak yapan hergele
You're the king, you scoundrel who serves
Benden uzak kal, işitme rastgele
Stay away from me, don't listen randomly

Writer(s): Hamza Gül

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