Allame - Teybim Çalar - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Allame - Teybim Çalar

Teybim Çalar
My Tape Player Plays
Sana galaksimden eziyet getirdim
I brought you torment from the galaxy
Punch beynine park edildi
A punch parked in your brain
Taç aşkına kapılma senin gibi çoğu
Don't fall for the love of the crown, many like you
Bu stile kapılarak un ufak edildi
Have been crushed by getting caught up in this style
Mic sende kalsın ayıp edersin
Keep the mic, you'd be doing wrong
Beni tanıyan bilir homie sayko tersim
Those who know me know, homie, my psycho side is terrifying
Bu bomba tesir eder ve resmin unutularak hikâye olursun
This bomb takes effect and you become a story, forgotten
Gider ömründen ömür
Life goes from your life
Gördün ömründe yakından ölü?
Have you ever seen a dead person up close?
Parçalara bölün evinin odalarına dağıl ömrünce sürün
Break into pieces, scatter into the rooms of your house, crawl for the rest of your life
Profesörü benim rapin üretelim hadi sömür
My rap is the professor, let's produce and exploit, come on
Rap ateşi sönük o mal için bi keşif olabilir aga Sahra çölü
The rap fire is dim, the Sahara Desert could be a discovery for that fool
Duman içi bölü rotan içi kömür aklının aldığı tarafıda holomenin uzak bu köyü!
Smoke inside, coal inside your route, the side your mind takes is far from this village, holomen!
Homolara tuzak bu ateş hattı
This firing line is a trap for homies
Ben sert değilim sen yumuşaksın
I'm not hard, you're soft
Batarya bir değil tam bin uşaktır
The battery is not one, but a thousand servants
En sert adamın o pembe bıçaklı
The toughest guy is the one with the pink knife
Mes-tası benim o flowun aslı
My flow is the original of this thing
Bu bi' tek sigara gibi koluna bastığın
This is like the first cigarette you press on your arm
Velhasıl hasta ruhlu mahallede namım underground'un yedi belası
In short, my name in the sick soul neighborhood is the seven plagues of the underground
Ben savaş öncesi asker taburu
I'm the army battalion before the war
Sen lirik akabinde kuluçkadaki tavuk
You are the chicken in the incubator after the lyric
Posteri as evine bak avun
Hang the poster in your house, look and be comforted
İdol aldığın MC benim ara bul
The MC you idolize, find me
Zahmet etme bu ateş kavurur
Don't bother, this fire will burn you
Sana kapak oldu velet orospudaki gurur
It became a cover for you, kid, the pride in a whore
İçimdeki cehennemi saklı tuttukça dünyanızdaki magma kurur
As long as I keep the hell inside me hidden, the magma in your world dries up
Battle sanat yapamadan elin kanar
Your hand bleeds before you can do battle art
Tarafını seç ol bela, bana flow etti selam
Choose your side, be trouble, the flow greeted me
Tribün gol at der, ağlar havalanır yanar
The stands say score a goal, cry, show off, burn
Seni top, Hip-Hop'sa konu benim teybim çalar
You're a ball, if it's Hip-Hop, my tape player plays
Battle sanat yapamadan elin kanar
Your hand bleeds before you can do battle art
Tarafını seç ol bela, bana flow etti selam
Choose your side, be trouble, the flow greeted me
Tribün gol at der, ağlar havalanır yanar
The stands say score a goal, cry, show off, burn
Seni top, Hip-Hop'sa konu benim teybim çalar
You're a ball, if it's Hip-Hop, my tape player plays
Senin cesaretin anca tuvalette geçer
Your courage only passes in the toilet
Dolu bel emanetle gecen
The night is full of trust
Konu bi rivayette geçer
The subject passes in a narration
Çok önemli bir durum son derece
A very important situation, extremely
Bi de melekleri gör erkendir ecel düşün atlarken bunu pencereden
And it's too early to see the angels, think of death as you jump out the window
Emeklemekten vazgeç çünkü bi kara kalemle yaşamına son vericem
Give up sucking because I'm going to end your life with a black pencil
Vur her şeyi al, bu menşe'i rap'in, unut her şeyi mal
Hit everything, take this origin of rap, forget everything, fool
Kalp deştiğim elim ona karşı bi' can
My hand that pierced the heart is a life against it
Bana şartlar eşit içi boş bi yalan
Equal conditions for me are an empty lie
Politikanda rejim, al kandır o mal, gel kanlı domal
The regime in your politics, take it, fool that fool, come and fall bloody
Can çıktı dona, kaç kılıbık olan
Life is gone, frozen, how cowardly
Kancığına dolarlar bastık o sahte tacı terk et evini bastı Conan
We put dollars in his cunt, leave that fake crown, Conan raided his house
Yine de masada kalır ederi ne verin o malın
Still, what's its worth, stay at the table, what do you give that fool
Çok para koparır elim oldukça falın
My hand makes a lot of money, quite a fortune
Geri buldukça alın son çare bul ve gir al yeniden fare kapanı
Find the last resort, get in and take the mousetrap again
Harem kapanır eder dar alanı
The harem closes, makes the area narrow
Damarına kalın gelir (geril)
It comes thick to your vein (stretch)
Yakarım o gemileri gelip gözünün feri bal mumudur erir
I'll burn those ships, the light in your eyes is beeswax, it melts
Anafartada komutan benim ölüleri dizin kenara
I'm the commander in Anafarta, line up the dead to the side
Batarya bi simurg'tur emin ol
The battery is a simurg, be sure
Kan verip on ton ağır bir cyborg yarattık en güçlüsü bize naylon
We created a ten-ton heavy cyborg by giving blood, the strongest is nylon to us
O dakka paydos bu Hip-Hop geçmişine kanlı ringteki en sert thai-box
That minute is over, this Hip-Hop is the hardest Thai-box in the bloody ring in the past
Tanrılar savaşı bu fakat o korkaklar için ruhumda dirildi Kratos!
This is a war of the gods, but for the cowards, Kratos is resurrected in my soul!
Battle sanat yapamadan elin kanar
Your hand bleeds before you can do battle art
Tarafını seç ol bela, bana flow etti selam
Choose your side, be trouble, the flow greeted me
Tribün gol at der, ağlar havalanır yanar
The stands say score a goal, cry, show off, burn
Seni top, Hip-Hop'sa konu benim teybim çalar
You're a ball, if it's Hip-Hop, my tape player plays
Battle sanat yapamadan elin kanar
Your hand bleeds before you can do battle art
Tarafını seç ol bela, bana flow etti selam
Choose your side, be trouble, the flow greeted me
Tribün gol at der, ağlar havalanır yanar
The stands say score a goal, cry, show off, burn
Seni top, Hip-Hop'sa konu benim teybim çalar
You're a ball, if it's Hip-Hop, my tape player plays
Battle sanat yapamadan elin kanar
Your hand bleeds before you can do battle art
Tarafını seç ol bela, bana flow etti selam
Choose your side, be trouble, the flow greeted me
Tribün gol at der, ağlar havalanır yanar
The stands say score a goal, cry, show off, burn
Seni top, Hip-Hop'sa konu benim teybim çalar
You're a ball, if it's Hip-Hop, my tape player plays
Battle sanat yapamadan elin kanar
Your hand bleeds before you can do battle art
Tarafını seç ol bela, bana flow etti selam
Choose your side, be trouble, the flow greeted me
Tribün gol at der, ağlar havalanır yanar
The stands say score a goal, cry, show off, burn
Seni top, Hip-Hop'sa konu benim teybim çalar
You're a ball, if it's Hip-Hop, my tape player plays

Writer(s): Hamza Gül

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