Allexinno & Starchild - Va Fi OK - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Allexinno & Starchild - Va Fi OK

Va Fi OK
Va Fi OK
Iti va fi dor
You will miss it
Sa mai poti petrece o zi
To be able to spend one more day
Nu-i usor
It's not easy
Cand vremea ta nu va mai fi
When your time will be no more
Iti va fi dor
You will miss it
Sa mai poti petrece o zi
To be able to spend one more day
Nu-i usor
It's not easy
Cand timpul te va depasi
When the time will overcome you
Si hai sa-ti explic cate ceva
I'll tell you something
Despre cum era cand eram noi cam pe la varsta ta
About how it was when we were about your age
Da, noi naveam griji de bani, bai nene
Yes, we didn't worry about money, my dear
Ieseam repede toti din casa, bucurosi ca n-avem teme
We happily went out of the house, because we had no chores
Ne fluieram la geam sau ne cautam mereu la usi
We whistled at our windows or looked through the doors
Faceam schimbi de masini si fetele de papusi
We exchanged toy cars and you, dolls
Ieseam si noi prin parcuri si n-o sa-ti vina sa crezi
We went to the park and you won't believe
Cate puteam face c-o minge si patru pomi verzi
How much we could do with a ball and four green trees
Faceam portile si apoi ziceam sa-i dam bataie
We played "gate" and then cried "let's play!"
De dimineata pana seara jucam fotbal, c****e
From morning till night, we played football, hell
Care rusi, ce razboaie?
What Russians, what wars?
Email era scrisoare si se tiparea pe foaie
Email was a letter and it was printed on paper
Bicicletele cu frana la pedala o sa le uiti
You will forget of bicycles with brakes
Orele de joaca dupa scoala o sa le uiti
You will forget the playing time after school
Si iti vei aminti mereu, cand o sa ma asculti
And you will remember it whenever you listen to me
Dar sa nu uiti ca a fost candva la moda sa umbli descult
But don't forget that once upon a time walking barefoot was cool
Iti va fi dor
You will miss it
Sa mai poti petrece o zi
To be able to spend one more day
Nu-i usor
It's not easy
Cand vremea ta nu va mai fi
When your time will be no more
Iti va fi dor
You will miss it
Sa mai poti petrece o zi
To be able to spend one more day
Nu-i usor
It's not easy
Cand timpul te va depasi
When the time will overcome you
Au disparut, usor si pompele cu apa
Water pumps simply disappeared
Pe care le puteam numi candva locuri de joaca
We used to call them meeting places
Acum bem apa imbuteliata
Now we drink bottled water
La pretul unei paini si spunem ca e apa plata
For the price of bread and we call it "flat water"
E o adevarata provocare, fratioare
It's such a challenge, my friend
Sa tii pasul cu moda daca-n buzunare
To keep up with the fashion if your pockets
Ba e ploaie, ba e soare si mereu apare
Ever worry, ever happy, and then it comes
Odata cu timpul, ceva nou, si tu nu esti in stare
Something new and you're not ready
Sa tii ritmul, dar cu timpul
To keep up, but with time
O sa vezi ca totul in jurul tau dispare
You will see that everything around you disappears
Cam asta-i filmul, dar nu esti primul
That's the situation, but you're not the first
La randul lui a fost ca tine fiecare
Each and every one in turn was just like you
Bicicletele cu frana la pedala o sa le uiti
You will forget of bicycles with brakes
Orele de joaca dupa scoala o sa le uiti
You will forget the playing time after school
Si iti vei aminti mereu, cand o sa ma asculti
And you will remember it whenever you listen to me
Dar sa nu uiti ca a fost candva la moda sa umbli descult
But don't forget that once upon a time walking barefoot was cool
Iti va fi dor
You will miss it
Sa mai poti petrece o zi
To be able to spend one more day
Nu-i usor
It's not easy
Cand vremea ta nu va mai fi
When your time will be no more
Iti va fi dor
You will miss it
Sa mai poti petrece o zi
To be able to spend one more day
Nu-i usor
It's not easy
Cand timpul te va depasi
When the time will overcome you

Writer(s): ionica nicolae cristinel

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