Todo empezo como un cuento de adas la conoci me conocio pero no habia nada no puedo evitar mirar sus ojos su hermosa cara definicion de la mujer perfecta y mi alma enamorada
It all started like a fairy tale, I met her, she met me, but there was nothing there. I can't help but look at her eyes, her beautiful face, the definition of the perfect woman, and my soul is in love.
Me acerque y tu hermosa como siempre tiene toda las definiciones que le gustan a este hombre no puedo darte dinero carro yo soy pobre pero tengo la meta de hacerte feliz con mi corazon de noblre
I approached you and you beautiful as always, you have all the definitions that this man likes. I can't give you money, a car, I'm poor, but I have the goal of making you happy with my noble heart.
Coro: x2
Chorus: x2
Te pienso y te pienso yo pienso en mi señorita
I think and think of you, I think of my lady.
Te pienso y te pienso por que en mi mente habitas
I think and think of you because you live in my mind.
Te pienso y te pienso tampoco no puedo entender como en tan poco tiempo llegar a amarse a una mujer
I think and think of you, I also can't understand how in such a short time you can come to love a woman.
Te pienso y te pienso yo pienso en mi señorita
I think and think of you, I think of my lady.
Te pienso y te pienso por que en mi mente habitas
I think and think of you because you live in my mind.
Te pienso y te pienso tampoco no puedo entender como en tan poco tiempo llega al amarse a una mujer
I think and think of you, I also can't understand how in such a short time you can come to love a woman.
Desde ese dia que te vi solo basto una mirada para sentirme feliz una hermosa sonrisa que se quedo en mi mente
From that day I saw you, it only took one look to feel happy, a beautiful smile that stayed in my mind.
Sin yuctos del pasado y ahora un lindo presente
Without the burdens of the past and now a beautiful present.
Que se entere toda la gente que prometi amarte por siempre y se que muchos quisieran tenerte se morderan el codo no me sacan de tu mente
Let everyone know that I promised to love you forever and I know that many would like to have you, they will bite their elbows, they will not get me out of your mind.
Tenlo presente que todo es asi que como me piensas yo pienso en ti y tenlo bien claro que nada es facil pero unidos nunca tendra fin
Keep in mind that everything is like this, that as you think of me, I think of you, and be very clear that nothing is easy, but together it will never end.
Coro: x2
Chorus: x2
Verte a tiii produce un sentimiento en miii algo que hace mucho tiempo no sentiii
Seeing you produces a feeling in me, something I haven't felt in a long time.
Hermosa princesita tan especial para miii y verte a tii produce un sentimiento en miii algo que hace mucho tiempo no sentiii
Beautiful princess so special to me, and seeing you produces a feeling in me, something I haven't felt in a long time.
Hermosa princesita tan especial para miii
Beautiful princess so special to me
Coro: x2
Chorus: x2
Te pienso y te pienso yo pienso en mi señorita
I think and think of you, I think of my lady.
Te pienso y te pienso por que en mi mente habitas
I think and think of you because you live in my mind.
Te pienso y te pienso tampoco no puedo entender como en tan poco tiempo llegarse a amarse a una mujer
I think and think of you, I also can't understand how in such a short time you can come to love a woman.
Te pienso y te pienso yo pienso en mi señorita
I think and think of you, I think of my lady.
Te pienso y te pienso por que en mi mente habitas
I think and think of you because you live in my mind.
Te pienso y te pienso tampoco no puedo entender como en tan poco tiempo llegar a amarse a una mujer
I think and think of you, I also can't understand how in such a short time you can come to love a woman.
Es poco el tiempo el que has estado presente y ahora en cada momento habitas en mi mente
It's a short time that you've been present and now every moment you live in my mind.
Mi corazon cada momento tu nombre grita
My heart shouts your name every moment.
Ya te quedaste en mi yo te pienso mi señorita bonitaa
You already stayed in me, I think of you, my pretty lady.
Mi dama girl yo te doy mi abrigo y si sientes dudas mi cuaderno es un testigo
My lady girl, I give you my coat, and if you feel any doubt, my notebook is a witness
De aquellas palabras escritas para una mujer que me vuelve loco que habita en mi mente completa mente lo hizo poco a poco
Of those words written for a woman who drives me crazy, who lives in my mind, she completely did it little by little.
Una nueva sensacion inspiracion en poco tiempo
A new sensation, inspiration in a short time.
Te pienso, te pienso en mi creas un sentimiento
I think, I think of you, you create a feeling in me.
Ouwwm tu creas un sentimientooo owmm
Ouwwm you create a feeling in me owmm
Y verte a tiii
And seeing you
Produce un sentmiento en mii
Produces a feeling in me
Algo que hace mucho no senti
Something I haven't felt in a long time
Hermosa princesita tan especial para mi
Beautiful princess so special to me
Coro: x2
Chorus: x2
Te pienso y te pienso yo pienso en mi señorita
I think and think of you, I think of my lady.
Te pienso y te pienso por que en mi mente habitas
I think and think of you because you live in my mind.
Te pienso y te pienso tampoco no puedo entender
I think and think of you, I also can't understand
Como en tan poco tiempo llegarse a amarse a una mujer
How in such a short time you can come to love a woman.
Te pienso y te pienso yo pienso en mi señorita
I think and think of you, I think of my lady.
Te pienso y te pienso por que en mi mente habitas
I think and think of you because you live in my mind.
Te pienso y te pienso tampoco no puedo entender como en tan poco tiempo llegar a amarse a una mujer
I think and think of you, I also can't understand how in such a short time you can come to love a woman.
Me acuerdo de aquella anoche en la que probe tus labios consumidos por el frio y agarrados de la mano en aquel oculto parque que siempre recordare esos delicados besos tan dulces como la miel que me inspiraban ternura locura y satisfacion
I remember that night when I tasted your lips consumed by the cold and holding hands in that hidden park that I will always remember those delicate kisses as sweet as honey that inspired me tenderness, madness and satisfaction.
No es por que sean tus besos es por que besas con pasion
It's not because they are your kisses, it's because you kiss with passion.
Me generas adiccion al mirarte fijamente siempre preguntan si te pienso te respondo lo siguiente sin pensar recordare todo lo que hemos vivido cuando me besas me abrazas para no sentir el frio cuando te digo princesa y me pides que no te achante si para ti eso es pensarte pues te pienso cada instante
You generate addiction in me by looking at you intently, they always ask if I think of you, I answer you the following without thinking, I will remember everything we have lived when you kiss me you hug me so as not to feel the cold when I tell you princess and you ask me not to flatter you if that is to think of you because I think of you every moment
Coro: x2
Chorus: x2
Y verte a tiii produce un sentimiento en miii algo que hace mucho no sentiii
And seeing you produces a feeling in me, something I haven't felt in a long time.
Hermosa princesita tan especial para miii
Beautiful princess so special to me
Coro: x2
Chorus: x2
Te pienso y te pienso yo pienso en mi señorita
I think and think of you, I think of my lady.
Te pienso y te pienso por que en mi mente habitas
I think and think of you because you live in my mind.
Te pienso y te pienso tampoco no puedo entender como en tan poco tiempo llegarse a amarse a una mujer
I think and think of you, I also can't understand how in such a short time you can come to love a woman.
Te pienso y te pienso yo pienso en mi señorita
I think and think of you, I think of my lady.
Te pienso y te pienso por que en mi mente habitas
I think and think of you because you live in my mind.
Te pienso y te pienso tampoco no puedo entender como en tan poco tiempo llegar a amarse a una mujer
I think and think of you, I also can't understand how in such a short time you can come to love a woman.
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