Alter Ego - Gauak - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Alter Ego - Gauak

Larunbat gauero irten, ta ezin aurkitu inor
Going out on a Saturday night, and I can't find anyone
Penak alkoholean bustiz bizitza badoa kalean behera
Life goes down the street, drowning in alcohol
Garito batetik bestera, hemen sartu, handik atera...
From bar to bar, going in here, getting out there...
Zeharo galduta norabidea
Completely lost the way
Kubata esku batetik, zigarroa bestetik
A cup in one hand, a cigarette in the other
Ta zure izena buruan, beste edozerren gainetik
And your name on my mind, above anything else
Esan zer egin didazun, nola engainatu nauzun
Tell me what to do, how you cheated on me
Pakean utz nazazu
Leave me alone
Gauero bezala aurkitzen zaitut taberna zikin hontako komune barrun
Every night I find you in the bathroom of this filthy tavern
Eta ahots goxoz esaten didazu: "zatoz, nere arima usaindu"
And with a sweet voice you tell me: "come, smell my soul"
Begiak itxi, zu arnastu, gaua hasi da, aurpegi hori poztu
Close your eyes, breathe you in, the night has begun, brighten that face
Goizean, esnatzean, burua kolpeka darabilt
In the morning, when I wake up, my head is pounding
¿Non nago? ¿Zein egun da? Nor naizen ere ez dakit
Where am I? What day is it? I don't even know who I am
Hurrengo larunbatean larunbat honen berdin
Next Saturday just like this Saturday
Eta igandean, berriro, gorrotatuko zaitut
And on Sunday, again, I will hate you
Eta igandean, berriro, gorrotatuko zaitut
And on Sunday, again, I will hate you

Writer(s): Miriam Inza

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