Alternosfera - Ne E Nimeni Vinovat - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Alternosfera - Ne E Nimeni Vinovat

Ne E Nimeni Vinovat
Nobody's Guilty
Nu e nimeni vinovat
Nobody's guilty
La colt de strada
At the crossroads
La drum cu inima ai stat
You stood at the road with your heart
M-ai asteptat, m-ai asteptat
You waited for me, you waited for me
Dar tu si ceru-n lacrimi spart
But you and the sky are torn in tears
Tristetea-i boala
Sorrow is a disease
Tristetea-i toamna cand sub ploi
Sorrow is autumn when under the rains
O palm-ntinsa pentru noi
An outstretched palm for us
Cerseste-o soarta l-amandoi
Begging for a fate for both of us
Cine stie
Who knows
Poate maine
Maybe tomorrow
Cu luna noua
With the new moon
Vin la tine
I'll come to you
La colt de strada
At the crossroads
Atat de singura ai stat
You were so lonely
Stiu nu e nimeni, nimeni nu e
I know there is no one, no one is
La colt de strada
At the crossroads
O inima pe-asfalt un strop
A heart on the asphalt a drop
O palma intinsa si doi ochi
An outstretched palm and two eyes
Aduna toamna apa-n tropi
Gather autumn water in the tropics
O frunza cade
A leaf falls
Foaie uscata ce-o pictezi
Dry sheet what do you paint
Timpul tau trece, dar nu-l crezi
Your time passes, but you don't believe it
Ca e usor sa uiti sa pierzi
That it's easy to forget to lose
Cine stie
Who knows
Poate maine
Maybe tomorrow
Luna noua
New moon
Ajung la tine
I'll get to you
In usa stramta
In the narrow doorway
Tacuta ochii imi atingi
Silent eyes touch me
Si inecata-n lacrimi
And drowned in tears
Dulce ma cuprinzi
You embrace me sweetly
Ma atingi
You touch me
Ma cuprinzi
You embrace me
Ma atingi
You touch me
Ma cuprinzi
You embrace me
Ma atingi
You touch me
Ma cuprinzi
You embrace me
Ma atingi...
You touch me...

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