Amir Meludah - Igauan Si Laknat - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Amir Meludah - Igauan Si Laknat

Igauan Si Laknat
The Cursed Lizard
Yo ah
Yo ah
Igauan si laknat
The cursed lizard
Dua ekor makhluk si kanan dan kiri
Two creatures, one on the right, one on the left
Malam berdiri sorok sembunyi siang pekik menyanyi
Standing in the night, hiding, singing in the daytime
Ekor mulut si lotor mengangguk menakuk
The tail and mouth of the loiterer, nodding and bowing
Air dalam baldi bocor diteguk tersangkut
The water in the bucket leaks, swallowed, stuck
Lebih tinggi memanjat
Climbing higher
Capai hati firasat
Reaching for the heart of premonition
Benih asli dijerat meratap
The original seed, trapped and lamenting
Tirai badi hantu pesawat
The curtain of a ghost's plane
Baju terlipat terlepas roh bakar merempat gelabah nak cepat
Folded clothes, the spirit burns, frantically trying to escape
Ternak juta lipas
Millions of cockroaches
Cicak sangkut belakang kipas
The gecko is stuck behind the fan
Semak samun tanpa nafas
Thickets of wilderness without breath
Maha satu angkat hadas
The Almighty raises the hads
Cermin lantun foton
The mirror reflects photons
Positron akan bergabung
Positrons will merge
Fokus depan satu kanta cembung bengkok kelengkung
Focus in front of a single convex lens, bent and curved
Api bara
Mengalah pun mara
Yielding to the march
Salah kah dia? tukar kiblat nescaya
Is he wrong? Change the Qibla, and surely
Cahaya tujuh warna
Seven colors of light
Spektrum atom terbuka
Atomic spectrum open
Bebaskan tenaga ganda kuasa tiga
Release the power of three, double power
Bina neraka dunia
Build a world of hell
Satu neraka pusing putar maya
One hell of a spinning virtual world
Piring pancar berita
The news plate
Sebar gelombang mikro hasut suara audio
Spread microwave waves, incite audio voices
Sembang seantero injek masuk kepala si bodoh
Talk across the whole world, inject into the fool's head
Pemabuk diseru
The drunkard is called
Habuk debu dikumpul
Dust is collected
Tangan terpatuk dan beguk bawah dagu tertonjol
His hands are clenched, his chin is sticking out
Mengamuk terhantuk kecamuk terbenjol
He rages, bumps his head, gets a bump
Ubat batuk kodein disorok bawah sanggul
Codeine cough syrup is hidden under the bun
Dua ekor makhluk si kanan dan kiri
Two creatures, one on the right, one on the left
Sorang sedang lompat sorang lagi garang berlari
One is jumping, the other is running fiercely
Atas atap berentap asap tenangkan diri
On the roof, the smoke is flaring, calming down
Hukum informatik mendetik tiap bit-bit
Informational law ticks every bit
Revolusi azali
Primordial revolution
Partisipasi si mati masih lebih berisi
The participation of the dead is more substantial
Dari buku si fasik
Than the book of the wicked
Bunyi sarkastik
The sound of sarcasm
Semantik dalam melodi
Semantics in melody
Jerit hati sintetik
The scream of a synthetic heart
Jangan lupa realiti
Don't forget reality
Ahli matematik teori utas tali
The mathematician, the rope theory
Formula atas baju
Formula on the shirt
Tergaru keliru
Scratched, confused
Si buta nak tahu
The blind man wants to know
Siapa susun buah catur?
Who arranged the chess pieces?
Sepuluh kuasa seratus
Ten to the power of one hundred
Algoritma beratur tiada ruang berundur
The algorithm is lined up, no room to retreat
Hanya salah bila mula terasa termundur
Only wrong when you start to feel backward
Pernah belot tergelot terbelit mengarut
Once betrayed, slipped, entangled, rambling
Semput sampah kolot tergigit kata-kata mencarut
Gasping for breath, old trash, bitten by cursing words
Bangkai manusia lebih suci dari darah dara
A human corpse is holier than a virgin's blood
Bangkai manusia lebih suci dari dewi dewa
A human corpse is holier than gods and goddesses
Bangkai manusia lebih suci dari mereka
A human corpse is holier than them
Mana peranan kamu? apa saranan kau pada diri aku?
What is your role? What advice do you give me?
Terlahu tak tak tentu merapu perangkap sarang kupu-kupu
You're too uncertain, rambling, a butterfly trap
Ulat bulu merangkak silap jerat terempat tersekat
The caterpillar crawls, mistakenly trapped, stuck
Nak tengok esok mentari malang skali tak dapat
You want to see tomorrow's sun, but it's too late, you can't
Tuangkan racun
Pour poison
Buangkan maksud
Throw away the meaning
Usangkan karun
Use up the treasure
Sembang tanpa tajuk
Talk without a topic
Juang kata beralun
The struggle of words in rhythm
Dosa takkan diampun
Sin will not be forgiven
Musang ada berpantun
The civet cat has a rhyme
Perkosa makan sejemput
Rape, eat a handful
Baris subjektif alternatif bisu
A subjective alternative line of silence
Waris si daif datuk moyang di kalbu
The heir of the weak, the ancestors in the heart
Lebih banyak bersuara cetek aras ilmu
More voice, shallow level of knowledge
Tambah retak di dada lepas belek senaskah buku
More cracks in the chest, after looking at one book

Writer(s): Amir Othman

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