Amir Tataloo - Haramsara - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Amir Tataloo - Haramsara

أعوذ بالله، منم شیطان رجیم
I seek refuge in God from the accursed Satan
عشق که پولی باشه
When love is about money,
آدمای فقیر تنها میمونن و آدمای پولدار میوفتن به فکرِ حرمسرا
Poor people are left alone, and the rich start thinking about a harem.
نمیکردی کاش منو صدا
I wish you hadn't called me,
میوفتن به فکرِ حرمسرا
They start thinking about a harem.
نمیکردی کاش منو صدا، اَه
I wish you hadn't called me, ugh.
آ٫ زمین یه حرمسراس امّا تو این حرمسرا
Yeah, the world is a harem, but in this harem,
وقتی پُره جنده میشد معلم ساختم از صبا
When it was full of whores, I would have made teachers out of the mornings.
تو بگو جِر بگو پاره بگو جنگ من هستما
You say جر, say torn, say war, I'm here.
تنها رفتیم همه جا ولی اونا یهو ریختن بد مَصبا
We went everywhere alone, but they suddenly attacked, those bastards.
تو همین حرمسرا، ننمون کُلفَت بود
Don't stay a servant in this harem,
منم که بچه بودم و میگرفت بغضم زود
I was a child and my throat would quickly tighten up with tears.
بابا معتاد شد و رفت، یهو هیز شد عموم
Dad became an addict and left, then my uncle became a pervert.
بزرگ شدیم امّا فیریکش خب مونده کلا روم
We grew up, but his physique, well, it's still on my mind.
صاحبِ حرمسرا، یه شیخ اَ خامنه بود
The owner of the harem was a raw sheikh, Khamenei.
جَوونا رو تشنه میذاشت که بشن حامله زود
He left the young people thirsty so they would get pregnant quickly.
گرون که باشه همه چی جوش میخوره معامله خوب
When everything is expensive, a good deal boils up.
با فقر و ترافیک و دزدی شدن عاملِ دود
With poverty, traffic, and theft, they became the cause of smoke.
پول که نباشه بگو به چه درد میخوره بابات پَه؟
If there's no money, tell me, what good is your father, huh?
آخه خب تو دنیا مگه چن تا مثه آرات هه؟
Well, in the world, how many are there like Arat, huh?
هر چقدم خوب باشی میمیری توو بی کِسی پَس
No matter how good you are, you'll die alone, so,
وگرنه تو همون شهرستانا صدتا لیونل مسی هس
Otherwise, there are a hundred Lionel Messis in those small towns.
منم و ترس، حبس، تند زدنِ نبض و استرس
It's me and fear, imprisonment, rapid heartbeat, and stress.
منم و یه صدا که میگه سفت بمون و بهش برس
It's me and a voice that says stay strong and get to it.
منم و درس، منم و درس، کلی درسِ زندگیو یه حس حرص
It's me and lessons, me and lessons, a lot of life lessons and a feeling of rage.
منم و ترس، نقض، تند زدنِ نبض و استرس
It's me and fear, violation, rapid heartbeat, and stress.
منم و یه صدا که میگه سفت بمون و بهش برس
It's me and a voice that says stay strong and get to it.
منم و درس، منم و درس، کلی درسِ زندگیو یه حس حرص (منم و درس)
It's me and lessons, me and lessons, a lot of life lessons and a feeling of rage (me and lessons).
گاهی تنها مرگ درمان است نیک گوش بسپار: تنها مرگ
Sometimes only death is the cure, listen carefully: only death.
امّا برای رفتن بلیطی گران تر از ماندن نیاز است
But leaving requires a ticket more expensive than staying.
گاهی آنان که میمانند بلیط و پای رفتن نداشتند
Sometimes those who stay didn't have the ticket or the ability to leave.
وگرنه میرفتند، وگرنه میرفتند
Otherwise, they would have gone, otherwise they would have gone.
منم و کمبود که هزارتا فکرِ منفی به سرم زدا
It's me and deprivation, a thousand negative thoughts have crossed my mind.
انقده زده بالا، انقده داغِ مخم که فقط دلم میخواد یه حرمسرا
It's gone up so much, my brain is so hot that I just want a harem.
منم و هیولای تاریکی، منم و ابهام، منو فکرِ ملیکا مونا و الهام
It's me and the monster of darkness, it's me and ambiguity, it's me and the thought of Malika, Mona, and Elham.
منو کمرِ پُر، داره میزنه اِه بیرون اَ چشمام، پُع
My full waist is bursting out of my eyes, ugh.
بس سَکو سینه دیدم، خب فقط من از زَنا
I've seen so many platform breasts, well, I'm only from women.
مغزِ حرومم شده خودش یه پا حرمسرا
My damned brain has become a harem itself.
توی صفحه م فقط از کُص شنیدم و از زِنا
On my page, I've only heard about pussies and women.
اینجا حتی بد آدمِ کُصکشین موذنا
Here, even the bad guys are cunning assholes.
مردمو بِگا بعد، اِسلامو پله کن
Look at the people, then, step on Islam.
خودت دنبال سکسی فقط حتی پشتِ تلفن
You're only looking for sex, even on the phone.
خون بُکن تو شیشه بعد قایم شو پشتِ ریشت
Put blood in a glass then hide behind your beard.
توی شهر ما هرکی عاقل شد کُشته میشه
In our city, anyone who becomes wise is killed.
رئیسِ حرمسرا، رفتارا گاز اَنبُری
The head of the harem, behaves like a gas pedal.
اِنقده در جا زدم که نفسم بازم برید
I've stalled so much that my breath has been cut off again.
مردا همه اسکناسی، بی محتوا مثه ساسی
Men are all banknotes, empty like Sasy.
دخترا همه سوراخ فوری، همش پیِ قصه سازی
Girls are all instant holes, always looking for storytelling.
همه دنبالِ گولاخ طوری، عشقِ برنامه، عشقِ ماشین
Everyone is looking for a good ass, love of programs, love of cars.
معلوم نی شوهر داری یا جنده حق داری دچار اشتباه شی
It's not clear if you have a husband or are a whore, you have the right to be mistaken.
اینجا عشقی نمونده که بیخودی چشم به راشی
There's no love left here to wait in vain.
حتی بهت کار نمیدن خره، یه خورده زشت که باشی
They won't even give you a job, donkey, if you're a little ugly.
هرجا بری یه آدمِ مریض میبینی سَرِ پُسته، آره
Everywhere you go, you see a sick person at the post, yeah.
اگه دنبال دادن نیستی، پس گمشو کصِّ خوارت
If you're not looking to give it up, then get lost, you cunt-licker.
خوب بمالی محبوبی، عقب مونده ای اگه محجوبی
If you rub well, you're popular, you're backward if you're modest.
ولی خودشون عقب ترینن، طرز فکر، دوره سلجوقی
But they themselves are the most backward, mindset, Seljuk era.
منم و ترس، حبس، تند زدنِ نبض و استرس
It's me and fear, imprisonment, rapid heartbeat, and stress.
منم و یه صدا که میگه سفت بمون و بهش برس
It's me and a voice that says stay strong and get to it.
منم و درس، منم و درس، کلی درسِ زندگیو یه حس حرص
It's me and lessons, me and lessons, a lot of life lessons and a feeling of rage.
منم و ترس، نقض، تند زدنِ نبض و استرس
It's me and fear, violation, rapid heartbeat, and stress.
منم و یه صدا که میگه سفت بمون و بهش برس
It's me and a voice that says stay strong and get to it.
منم و درس، منم و درس، کلی درسِ زندگیو یه حس حرص (منم و درس)
It's me and lessons, me and lessons, a lot of life lessons and a feeling of rage (me and lessons).
منم و چهارتا دیوارِ به هم گره خورده
It's me and four interconnected walls.
رو به روم انگاری هرچی دله مرده
In front of me, it's like everything is dead inside.
منو یه تنه ی خشک، یه میوه ی کهنه
It's me and a dry body, a stale fruit.
منو یه عده دریده ی گنده
It's me and a bunch of big, shameless people.
منو فکر امضا تو پلیس
It's me and the thought of signing at the police station.
ببین یه جو معرفت توو تو نیست
See, there's not a bit of decency in you.
منو نگرفتنِ حقم و غربت
It's me and my rights not being given, and alienation.
منو یه مُشت لاشی، یه مُشت عشقِ شهرت
It's me and a bunch of assholes, a bunch of love for fame.
این تنم روحی نداره تو بیا چشمِ منم کور کن
This body of mine has no soul, come and blind my eyes too.
من خایه شو ندارم خودکشیو تو منو مجبور کن
I don't have the balls to commit suicide, you force me to.
صبح تا شب، عین شب تا صبح
From morning till night, like night till morning.
همه روزا عین همن
All days are the same.
غُر میزنم عینِ ننم، ببین این رَگَرو کِی بزنم
I complain like my mom, see when I'll cut these veins.
از عشق و حال عُقم میگیره
I'm disgusted by fun and games.
زندگی یه جور اجباری عنه
Life is a kind of forced shit.
پوچ شدن انگاری همه
It's like everyone has become empty.
موزیک تنها دلداری منه
Music is my only comfort.
من روزا رو خوابم ولی شب طعمَمو بیا بچش
I sleep during the days, but come and taste my flavor at night.
توو آلبومت رو عکسِ من دوتا شاخ سیاه بکش
Draw two black horns on my picture in your album.
معلوم نی چه مرگمه اصلا معلوم نی که فازم چیه
It's not clear what's wrong with me, it's not clear what my phase is.
کی این ترکیبو واسم چیده، حال ندارم که بسازم دیگه
Who put this combination together for me, I don't have the energy to build anymore.
هر کی اومد دوشید و غیب شد، شمارشو پاک کن بعد بگو
Everyone who came, milked and disappeared, delete their number then say
گم کردی گوشیتو حیف شد، ای بابا اینجوری که زشت شد
You lost your phone, what a pity, oh man, that's not cool.
تکراریه تصویر هر روز، مغزِ رَدِ تعطیلتم گوز
The image is repetitive every day, even my holiday brain farts.
هنو شبای ما سردِ چرا میاد توو سال تحویلتم سوز
Our nights are still cold, why does it still burn on New Year's Eve?
منم و ترس، حبس، تند زدنِ نبض و استرس
It's me and fear, imprisonment, rapid heartbeat, and stress.
منم و یه صدا که میگه سفت بمون و بهش برس
It's me and a voice that says stay strong and get to it.
منم و درس، منم و درس، کلی درسِ زندگیو یه حس حرص
It's me and lessons, me and lessons, a lot of life lessons and a feeling of rage.
منم و ترس، نقض، تند زدنِ نبض و استرس
It's me and fear, violation, rapid heartbeat, and stress.
منم و یه صدا که میگه سفت بمون و بهش برس
It's me and a voice that says stay strong and get to it.
منم و درس، منم و درس، کلی درسِ زندگیو یه حس حرص (منم و درس)
It's me and lessons, me and lessons, a lot of life lessons and a feeling of rage (me and lessons).
آری، من از هموطنِ خود دیدم، تهمت و قتل و ریا
Yes, I've seen from my own countrymen, slander, murder, and hypocrisy.
چاقو از هم جنسِ خود خوردم، نه از اَجنبیا
I've been stabbed by my own kind, not by foreigners.
من از اسلام دیدم، اعدام، شلاق، اجبار و تکرار
From Islam, I've seen execution, whipping, coercion, and repetition.
من از پدر و مادر خود دیدم، طلاق و جنگ و استکبار
From my own parents, I've seen divorce, war, and arrogance.
آشنا که هست صداقت نيست
There is no honesty when there is familiarity.
اين سكوتم از رضایت نیست (رضایت نيست)
This silence of mine is not out of consent (not consent).
دلت خونِ، چشاتم خيس
Your heart is bleeding, your eyes are wet.
بغضت نوزده، گریه هاتم بیست
Your grief is nineteen, your cries are twenty.
نفسم هست، هوا نيست
I have breath, but there is no air.
هیچ نورى توو شبا نيست
There is no light in the nights.
تَنِ من هست، صفا نيست
I have a body, but there is no peace.
هيچى عينِ اَولا نيست
Nothing is like it used to be.
هه، تازگیا شعر مینویسم، خودکارم کافر میشه
Heh, I've been writing poetry lately, my pen becomes an infidel.
ورقو که حرفشو نزن، پُرِ فحش خوار مادر میشه
Don't even mention the paper, it's full of cursing and insults to mothers.
چشاتو باز کن درست ببین، چندتا داری آدم پیشت؟
Open your eyes and see clearly, how many people do you have with you?
دور پُرِ گاوه با این فرق که اینجا میزنه گاوم نیشت
It's full of cows around here, with the difference that here the cow bites you.
میگفتم، حرمسرا کارگر و بَرده میخواد
I was saying, a harem needs workers and slaves.
بی پول که باشن مغزِ پدر مادرو بچه میگاد
When they're broke, it fucks with the parents' and children's minds.
مُخ نَمونه حیوون بمونی دزدیَم راحت تره
There's no brain left, you become an animal, theft is easier.
هالو که باشی عزیزم خب میکنن راحت خَرت
If you're naive, my dear, well, they'll easily take advantage of you.
مدیرِ حرمسرا هر رو یه جور فاز میده
The manager of the harem changes his mood every day.
آره شدی خطرناک چون بالا رفته بازدیدِ
Yeah, you've become dangerous because the views have gone up.
آشپزِ حرمسرا انگار پای گاز ریده
The harem's chef seems to have shit on the stove.
توو قفسه ی موسیقی اسلحه به جا ساز چیده
He's arranged weapons instead of instruments on the music shelf.
آسمونو گرفتن، دریا رو طوفان کردن
They've taken the sky, they've stormed the sea.
خنده مُرده اینجا همه ایران و توران سَردن
Laughter is dead here, all of Iran and Turan are cold.
گوسفندای گَله همه میوفتن تو دام بعداً
The sheep of the flock all fall into the trap later.
از گرگ میترسن امّا خب میزنه چوپان گردن
They're afraid of the wolf, but the shepherd cuts their throats.
قلبِ من تیر میکِشه، کیرم توو این داوری
My heart is aching, fuck this judgment.
امیدم به تَش بود، اینم از این آخری
My hope was in the fire, so much for this last one.
با این وضعیت ببین حق داری اگه کافری
With this situation, see, you have the right to be an infidel.
خبری نی دیگه از اون سرزمینِ مادری
There's no news anymore from that motherland.
منم و ترس، حبس، تند زدنِ نبض و استرس
It's me and fear, imprisonment, rapid heartbeat, and stress.
منم و یه صدا که میگه سفت بمون و بهش برس
It's me and a voice that says stay strong and get to it.
منم و درس، منم و درس، کلی درسِ زندگیو یه حس حرص
It's me and lessons, me and lessons, a lot of life lessons and a feeling of rage.
منم و ترس، نقض، تند زدنِ نبض و استرس
It's me and fear, violation, rapid heartbeat, and stress.
منم و یه صدا که میگه سفت بمون و بهش برس
It's me and a voice that says stay strong and get to it.
منم و درس، منم و درس، کلی درسِ زندگیو یه حس حرص (منم و درس)
It's me and lessons, me and lessons, a lot of life lessons and a feeling of rage (me and lessons).
ببین، کِسی که قراره مثلا توو سی سالگی جنده شه
Look, someone who's supposed to become a whore, say, at thirty,
چه فرقی میکنه از هیجده سالگی دادَنو شروع کُنه یا مثلا از بیست سالگی؟
What difference does it make if they start giving it up at eighteen or, say, at twenty?
توو حرمسرا با اعداد بازی میکنن که صورت مسئله رو پاک کنن
In the harem, they play with numbers to erase the problem.
وگرنه هر کاری کنی و هروقت شروع کنی ته بازی همونه (ته بازی همونه، ته بازی همونه)
Otherwise, whatever you do and whenever you start, the end of the game is the same (the end of the game is the same, the end of the game is the same).
اِه، با پول و اسکناس سینه هارو وا کردن
Ugh, with money and banknotes they opened up breasts.
با بی پولی ولی خب شومبول مارو بستن
But with poverty, well, they tied up our dicks.
صدتا عضله هست، از زیرِ پا تا گردن
There are a hundred muscles, from the bottom of the feet to the neck.
ولی رو یکیش زومَن که نبینی بقیه رو اصلا (هِه)
But they're zoomed in on one so you don't see the rest at all (heh).
دخترای مملکتو میشه با پا رفت توشون
You could walk into the country's girls with your feet.
کاری کردن که حتی زده شی از بوشون
They've made it so you're even disgusted by their smell.
پسرای مملکتو میگیرن نفت روشون
They pour oil on the country's boys
که بزنه بالا نازک شه اَبروشون
So they rise up and their eyebrows get thin.
بس که فضا بسته بوده همه چیو توو کُص دیدن
Because the atmosphere has been so closed, they've seen everything in pussies.
بس که معلما بَدَن بچه ها همه کُص میخن
Because the teachers are bad, all the kids are fucking.
حقِ ما رو خوردن و بعد با پولمون پُز میدن
They eat our rights and then show off with our money.
تا فشار روم نباشه که نمیکُنم دزدی من
If there's no pressure on me, I won't steal.
میگفتم، حرمسرا خب حور و پری میخواد
I was saying, a harem needs houris and fairies.
میدونی حوری پری رو مانتو روسری میگاد
You know, a manteau and headscarf ruin a houri and a fairy.
پس بیا زوریش کنیم ملت ازش زده شن
So let's force it, let the people get tired of it.
اون ورم که فیلم سوپر، بعد از ده شب
On the other side, there are super movies after ten o'clock.
اوه اوه، جالب شد
Oh oh, it got interesting.
آقای داروغه، داداش چقد کاسب شد؟
Mr. Daroogheh, bro, how much business did you get?
آمریکا بَده چرا بَچَت داره پاسِشو؟
America is bad, why does your kid have its passport?
چطو وسطِ شلوغی کرونا یهو غالب شد؟ خداییا!
How did it suddenly prevail in the midst of the Corona chaos? My God!
حرمسرا رو ولش کن، تو بگو زایشگاه
Forget the harem, you say maternity ward.
بگو یه زندون و مام موشِ آزمایشگاه
Say a prison and we're lab mice.
واسه ی مخ زدن باس بری دانشگاه
You have to go to university to pick up chicks.
درس و مدرسه کجاس؟ زیرِ تخمای شاه
Where are the lessons and school? Under the Shah's balls.
منم و ترس، حبس، تند زدنِ نبض و استرس
It's me and fear, imprisonment, rapid heartbeat, and stress.
منم و یه صدا که میگه سفت بمون و بهش برس
It's me and a voice that says stay strong and get to it.
منم و درس، منم و درس- (زندگیو یه حس حرص، زندگیو یه حس حرص)
It's me and lessons, me and lessons- (life and a feeling of rage, life and a feeling of rage).
منم و ترس، حبس، تند زدنِ نبض و استرس
It's me and fear, imprisonment, rapid heartbeat, and stress.
منم و یه صدا که میگه سفت بمون و بهش برس
It's me and a voice that says stay strong and get to it.
منم و درس، منم و درس، کلی درسِ زندگیو یه حس حرص
It's me and lessons, me and lessons, a lot of life lessons and a feeling of rage.
منم و ترس
It's me and fear.
پس حرمسرا حقِ من است
So the harem is my right.
زیرا که من بزرگ شده ی آنم
Because I am raised by it.
من بزرگ شده ی آنم
I am raised by it.
یک یک دو دو هشت
One one two two eight.
The end.

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