Amna feat. Dorian Popa - Cealalta ea - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Amna feat. Dorian Popa - Cealalta ea

Cealalta ea
The other woman
Ne stim de-atata vreme
We've known each other for so long
Multi ziceau ca noi doi suntem unul pentru altul
Everyone used to say we were one of those couples that were just made for each other
Adica suflete pereche
You know, soulmates
Dar de fapt cumva noi am ratat startul
But we missed the start somehow
Si am mai vrut o sansa, am incercat
And then we wanted another chance, we tried to make it work
Da′ ce sa vezi, nu stiam in ce m-am bagat
But what do you know, I didn't realize what I was getting myself into
Jucai la doua capete si ce sa zic
You were playing both sides and what can I say
Sper c-a meritat
I hope it was worth it
Eu nu sunt ea, nu, nu sunt cealalta fata
I'm not her, no, I'm not the other girl
Eu nu sunt ea si nici n-o sa fiu vreodata
I'm not her and I never will be
Vezi, tu tre' sa-mi dai din timpul tau
Look, you have to give me your time
Sa ma pui pe primul loc mereu
To put me first in everything
Eu nu sunt ea, nu, nu sunt cealalta fata
I'm not her, no, I'm not the other girl
Nu am fost corect de la-nceput, imi asum
I wasn't fair from the start, I admit it
Tre′ sa recunosc ca mi-a fost greu sa m-adun
I have to confess that it was hard for me to change
Nu ti-am spus de ea in acea seara
I didn't tell you about her that night
De frica sa nu te pierd pentru a doua oara
For fear of losing you for the second time
N-am fost sincer dar voiam sa-ti spun
I wasn't honest but I wanted to tell you
Despre ea, despre tot, despre viata mea de-acum
About her, about everything, about my life now
Hai mai bine sa vorbim la mine la o cafea
Come on, let's talk at my place over coffee
Unde esti, esti acasa, vezi ca sunt pe drum deja
Where are you, are you at home, I'm already on my way
Eu nu sunt ea, nu, nu sunt cealalta fata
I'm not her, no, I'm not the other girl
Eu nu sunt ea si nici n-o sa fiu vreodata
I'm not her and I never will be
Vezi, tu tre' sa-mi dai din timpul tau
Look, you have to give me your time
Sa ma pui pe primul loc mereu
To put me first in everything
Eu nu sunt ea, nu, nu sunt cealalta fata
I'm not her, no, I'm not the other girl
Si cand tu o strangi in brate
And when you hold her in your arms
Sa nu te gandesti la mine
Don't think of me
Ai ales, stii prea bine
You made your choice, you know it well
Cum e mai simplu pentru tine
Whichever is easier for you
Chiar nu stiu ce-i cu mine, dar stiu ca nu sunt bine
I don't really know what's wrong with me, but I know I'm not okay
Atunci cand nu te simt mereu in preajma mea
When I don't feel you constantly near me
Am aνut clipe de vis si-acum pare interzis
We had moments of bliss and now it seems forbidden
E ciudat ce orice as face nu te pot uita
It's weird that no matter what I do, I can't forget you
Eu nu sunt ea, nu, nu sunt cealalta fata
I'm not her, no, I'm not the other girl
Eu nu sunt ea si nici n-o sa fiu vreodata
I'm not her and I never will be
Vezi, tu tre' sa-mi dai din timpul tau
Look, you have to give me your time
Sa ma pui pe primul loc mereu
To put me first in everything
Eu nu sunt ea, nu, nu sunt cealalta fata...
I'm not her, no, I'm not the other girl...

Writer(s): Alex Parker, Cristina Andreea Musat, Robert Toma

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