Amparo Sánchez feat. Maria Rezende - Pa´llegar a Tu Lado - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Amparo Sánchez feat. Maria Rezende - Pa´llegar a Tu Lado

Pa´llegar a Tu Lado
To Get by Your Side
Gracias a tu cuerpo doy
Thanks to your body, I give
Por haberme esperado.
For having waited for me.
Tuve que perderme
I had to lose myself
Pa′ llegar hasta tu lado
To get by your side
Tu nombre está en mi boca,
Your name is in my mouth,
Labio adentro,
Inward lip,
Labio afuera.
Outward lip.
Tu nombre bajo la piel,
Your name under my skin,
Encima del músculo,
Above the muscle,
En el intervalo entre las venas.
In the gap between the veins.
Tu nombre me despeina,
Your name dishevels me,
Ensucia mis uñas,
Dirties my fingernails,
Me pervierte el rostro,
Distorts my face,
Se retuerce el gesto,
Distorts my gesture,
Látenme los pies,
Makes my feet throb,
Se descontrola el ojo izquierdo.
Makes my left eye go wild.
Tuve que perderme
I had to lose myself
Pa' llegar hasta tu lado.
To get by your side.
Gracias a tus brazos doy
Thanks to your arms, I give
Por haberme alcanzado.
For having reached me.
Tuve que alejarme
I had to move away
Pa′ llegar hasta tu lado.
To get by your side.
Tu nombre ya lo amo.
I love your name already.
Nombre preferido.
Favourite name.
Ya fue hijo imaginario,
It was once an imaginary son,
Se volvió mi mejor amigo.
It became my best friend.
Tu nombre abre mi sonrisa.
Your name opens my smile.
Nombre deleite,
Delightful name,
Yo me relamo.
I lick my lips.
Yo te deseo en este diciembre sin prisa.
I want you in this unhurried December.
Y mientras espero tu voz y tus labios
And while I wait for your voice and your lips
Repito tu nombre
I repeat your name
Lamiendo los míos.
Licking mine.
Tuve que alejarme
I had to move away
Pa' llegar hasta tu lado.
To get by your side.
Gracias a tu mano doy
Thanks to your hand, I give
Por haberme aguantado.
For having put up with me.
Tuve que quemarme
I had to burn myself
Pa' llegar hasta tu lado.
To get by your side.
Tuve que quemarme
I had to burn myself
Pa′ llegar hasta tu lado.
To get by your side.
Seu nome está na minha boca,
Your name is in my mouth,
Lábio adentro,
Inward lip,
Lábio afora,
Outward lip,
Seu nome embaixo da pele,
Your name under my skin,
Acima do músculo,
Above the muscle,
No intervalo entre as veias.
In the gap between the veins.
Seu nome me despenteia,
Your name dishevels me,
Me perverte o rosto,
Distorts my face,
Se contorce o gesto,
Distorts my gesture,
Pulsam-me os pés,
Makes my feet throb,
Se descontrola o olho esquerdo.
Makes my left eye go wild.
Seu nome eu amo,
I love your name already,
Nome preferido,
Favourite name,
foi filho imaginário
It was once an imaginary son
Virou meu melhor amigo.
Became my best friend.
Seu nome abre meu sorriso,
Your name opens my smile,
Nome deleite
Delightful name
Eu me lambuzo.
I lick my lips.
Eu te desejo nesse dezembro sem pressa
I want you in this unhurried December
E enquanto espero sua voz e seus lábios
And while I wait for your voice and your lips
Repito seu nome
I repeat your name
Lambendo os meus.
Licking mine.
Tuve que quemarme
I had to burn myself
Pa′ llegar hasta tu lado.
To get by your side.

Writer(s): Lhasa De Sela, Jean Massicotte

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