Amuk - Pergi Tak Kembali - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Amuk - Pergi Tak Kembali

Pergi Tak Kembali
Gone and Not Returning
Setiap insan pasti merasa
Every human being must feel
Saat perpisahan terakhir
At the time of final separation
Dunia yang fana akan ditinggalkan
The mortal world will be left behind
Hanya amalan yang dibawa
Only good deeds will be carried
Terdengar sayup surah dibaca
The faint sound of the Surah being read
Sayunya alunan suara
The sweet melody of the voice
Cemas di dada, lemah tak bermaya
Anxiety in the heart, weak and powerless
Terbuka hijab di depan mata
The veil opens before the eyes
Selamat tinggal pada semua
Farewell to all
Berpisahlah kita selamanya
We will be separated forever
Kita tak sama nasib di sana
Our fates in the hereafter will not be the same
Baikkah atau sebaliknya
Be it good or otherwise
Amalan dan takwa jadi bekalan
Good deeds and piety are the provisions
Sejahtera bahagia pulang ke sana
Prosperity and happiness upon returning there
Sekujur badan berselimut putih
The body is covered in white
Rebah bersemadi sendiri
Lying in state alone
Mengharap kasih anak dan istri
Hoping for the love of children and wife
Apa mungkin pahala dikirim
Is it possible for rewards to be sent?
Terbaring sempit seluas pusara
Laid narrow within the confines of the grave
Soal-bicara terus bermula
The questioning begins relentlessly
Sesal dan insaf tak berguna lagi
Regret and remorse are useless now
Hancurlah jasad dimamah bumi
The body is destroyed, consumed by the earth
Berpisah sudah segalanya
Everything is parted already
Yang tinggal hanyalah kenangan
Only memories remain
Diiring doa dan air mata
Accompanied by prayers and tears
Yang pergi takkan kembali lagi
The departed will never return

Writer(s): Edry Abdul Halim, Halim Norman Abdul, Halim Yusry Abdul, B Nury

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