Ana Moura - De Quando Em Vez - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Ana Moura - De Quando Em Vez

De Quando Em Vez
De Quando Em Vez
De quando em vez te entregas
From time to time you surrender
Nesse sim, em que te negas,
In that yes, in which you deny yourself,
Ou se não, que me é tanto
Or if not, which is so much to me
Não te pergunto os porquês
I don't ask you why
Deste amar, de quando em vez,
Of this love, from time to time,
Ou talvez de vez em quando
Or maybe from time to time
Quase sempre de fugida,
Almost always on the run,
Como criannça escondida,
Like a hidden child,
Nosso amor brinca com o fogo
Our love plays with fire
Se queremos dizer adeus,
If we want to say goodbye,
Porque dizemos meu Deus
Why do we say, my God
Simplesmente um até logo
Simply a see you later
E o enleio continua
And the shame continues
À mercê de qualquer lua
At the mercy of any moon
Que nos comanda os sentidos
That commands our senses
E a paixão que não tem siso,
And passion that has no sense,
Deixa-nos sem pré-aviso
Leaves us without notice
De corpo e alma despidos
Our body and soul stripped
Por teimosia, ou loucura,
Out of stubbornness, or madness,
Algemamos a ventura,
We shackle the fortune,
Do amor, em nós, reencarnando
Of love, in us, reincarnating
Prefiro, como tu não vês,
I prefer, as you don't see,
Amar-te de qundo em vez
To love you from time to time
Ou talvez de vez em quando
Or maybe from time to time
Coś od czasu do czasu dajesz
Every now and then you give
Tym, co tak, i tak zaprzeczasz
That, so and so, and deny
Ale to nie wiele dla mnie
But that is not much to me
Nie pytaj, zatem, dlaczego
Do not ask, therefore, why
Od czasu do czasu cię kochać
From time to time to love you
Albo raz na jakiś czas
Or once in a while
Prawie zawsze uciekając
Almost always escaping
Ukrywając się jak dziecko
Hiding like a child
Nasza miłość z ogniem igra
Our love plays with fire
Jeśli chcemy się pożegnać
If we want to say goodbye
Czemu mówimy, mój Boże
Why do we say, my God
Zwyczajnie, do zobaczenia
Simply, see you later
I to wstydu ciągłe trwanie
And this constant shame
Na łasce byle księżyca
At the mercy of any moon
Który zmysłom rozkazuje
That commands the senses
Pasja, co rozsądku nie ma
Passion, which has no sense
Zostawia bez uprzedzenia
Leaves without warning
Nasze ciało, duszę nagie
Our body, naked soul
Przez zawziętość lub szaleństwo
Through stubbornness or madness
Do losu trwale przykute
To fate permanently chained
Z miłości w nas reinkarnują
From love in us reincarnating
Ale ja jak widzisz wolę
But I as you see prefer
Od czasu do czasu cię kochać
From time to time to love you
Lub może raz na jakiś czas
Or maybe once in a while

Writer(s): Mario Rainho, Joao Maria Dos Anjos

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