My path leads to the sun, a destination beyond control,
Mi suerte va solo hacia el sol, manejando valor.
My fortune lies only in the sun, embracing courage.
(Yo no tengo casa propia. Si tuviera casa propia, al menos la podría como hipotecar o hacer un préstamo sobre ella. Yo no bebo, no fumo, todo lo que consigo es para mis hijos y mi esposa pues y para la casa...)
(I don't have a home of my own. If I had a home of my own, at least I could mortgage it or take out a loan on it. I don't drink, I don't smoke, everything I earn is for my children and my wife and for the house...)
Mi viaje se hace solo al andar,
My journey unfolds as I walk,
Mi ruta en busca de su lugar.
My path in search of its place.
Mi camino se traza al viajar,
My way is drawn as I travel,
Se hace solo el camino al andar.
The path is made only by walking.
Mi rumbo va hacia el sol,
My path leads to the sun,
Mi destino sin control.
My destination beyond control.
Mi suerte va solo hacia el sol, manejando valor.
My fortune lies only in the sun, embracing courage.
(X es un barrio muy especial, la gente es especial. Es bravo, es bravo. Tenes que saber donde te metes también. Por donde tenes que caminar y por donde no.
(X is a very special neighborhood, the people are special. It's tough, it's tough. You have to know where you're going and where you're not.
*Algo en portugués)
*Something in Portuguese)
Mi viaje se hace solo al andar,
My journey unfolds as I walk,
Mi ruta en busca de su lugar.
My path in search of its place.
Mi rumbo va hacia el sol,
My path leads to the sun,
Mi destino sin control.
My destination beyond control.
Mi viaje se hace solo al andar,
My journey unfolds as I walk,
Mi ruta en busa de su lugar.
My path in search of its place.
Mi rumbo va hacia el sol,
My path leads to the sun,
Mi suerte sin control.
My fortune beyond control.
Tantas historias que podría contar,
So many stories that I could tell,
Tantas miradas que no pude olvidar.
So many gazes that I couldn't forget.
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