Anda Adam feat. Alex - Ce Ti-as Face (Selecta) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Anda Adam feat. Alex - Ce Ti-as Face (Selecta)

Ce Ti-as Face (Selecta)
What I Would Do To You (Selecta)
Patru pereți 5000 de Watti fac booom
Four walls, 5000 Watts go boom
Căldura crește atunci cănd intru în club
The heat rises when I walk into the club
Eu știu, tu știi deja, DJ-ul face legea
I know, you know, the DJ makes the law
Strigă uuuh, selecta
Shout uuuh, selecta
simt atrasă de atitudinea ta
I'm attracted to your attitude
Nici prea vulgar nici prea cuminte, da
Not too vulgar, not too innocent, yeah
Cu tine simt high, iubirea face legea
With you I feel high, love makes the law
Strigă uuuh, selecta
Shout uuuh, selecta
Vreau știi (ce?)
I want you to know (what?)
Alunec zi de zi spre inima ta
I slide day by day towards your heart
Mi-aș dorii să-ți spun: (uh-uh-uh)
I wish I could tell you: (uh-uh-uh)
De-ai fi cu mine ce ți-aș face de-ai fi (ce?)
If you were with me, what I would do to you, if you were (what?)
De-aș fi cu tine am face numai prostii
If I were with you, we would only do crazy things
De-ai fi aproape te-aș atinge ușor
If you were close, I would touch you gently
Te-aș săruta aici in văzul tututror
I would kiss you here, in front of everyone
Hai odată, baby hai
Come on, baby, come on
Hai odată ce mai stai?
Come on, what are you waiting for?
De-ai fi cu mine ce ti-aș face de-ai fi
If you were with me, what I would do to you, if you were
De-aș fi cu tine am face uuuh, selecta
If I were with you, we would do uuuh, selecta
De-ai fi cu mine ce ti-aș face de ai fi
If you were with me, what I would do to you, if you were
O viață am, o viață te-aș iubi
I have one life, one life I would love you
Seară de seară-n club, arată-mi vrei
Night after night in the club, show me you want me
Și strigă uuuh, selecta
And shout uuuh, selecta
Ăsta-i momentul baby nu te opri
This is the moment baby, don't stop
Dansează după ritmul inimii
Dance to the rhythm of your heart
Cănd privești așa
When you look at me like that
E dragoste din prima strigă uuuh, selecta
It's love at first sight, shout uuuh, selecta
Vreau știi
I want you to know
Alunec zi de zi spre inima ta
I slide day by day towards your heart
Mi-aș dori să-ți spun: (uh-uh-uh)
I wish I could tell you: (uh-uh-uh)
De-ai fi cu mine ce ți-aș face de-ai fi
If you were with me, what I would do to you, if you were
De-aș fi cu tine am face numai prostii
If I were with you, we would only do crazy things
De-ai fi aproape te-aș atinge ușor
If you were close, I would touch you gently
Te-aș săruta aici în văzul tuturor
I would kiss you here, in front of everyone
Hai odată, baby hai!
Come on, baby, come on!
Hai odată ce mai stai?
Come on, what are you waiting for?
De-ai fi cu mine ce ți-aș face de-ai fi
If you were with me, what I would do to you, if you were
De-aș fi cu tine am face uuuh, selecta
If I were with you, we would do uuuh, selecta
Vino și cu mine vei fi
Come with me and you will be
Ce ti-aș face de-ai fi
What I would do to you, if you were
Când intri în club toți băieții strigă honey, honey
When you walk into the club, all the boys shout honey, honey
Estoy aqui para fallar contigo mami, mami
Estoy aqui para fallar contigo mami, mami
De-ai fi a mea sigur încerca
If you were mine, I would surely try
te fac vrei, simti te rog deschide-ți inima
To make you want me, to feel me, please open your heart
Mamasita eres bonita
Mamasita eres bonita
Venga para acá porque me gusta tu boquita
Venga para acá porque me gusta tu boquita
Ia-mă de mână și împreună vom zbura uh-uh-uh
Take my hand and together we will fly uh-uh-uh
De-ai fi cu mine ce ți-aș face de-ai fi
If you were with me, what I would do to you, if you were
De-aș fi cu tine am face numai prostii
If I were with you, we would only do crazy things
De-ai fi aproape te-aș atinge ușor
If you were close, I would touch you gently
Te-aș săruta aici în văzul tuturor
I would kiss you here, in front of everyone
Hai odată baby hai
Come on baby come on
Hai odată, ce mai stai?
Come on, what are you waiting for?
De-ai fi cu mine ce ți-aș face de-ai fi
If you were with me, what I would do to you, if you were
De-aș fi cu tine am face uuuh,selecta
If I were with you, we would do uuuh,selecta
De-ai fi cu mine ce ți-aș face de-ai fi
If you were with me, what I would do to you, if you were
De-aș fi cu tine am face numai prostii
If I were with you, we would only do crazy things
De-ai fi aproape te-aș atinge ușor
If you were close, I would touch you gently
Te-aș săruta aici în văzul tuturor
I would kiss you here, in front of everyone
Hai odată, baby hai
Come on, baby, come on
Hai odată, ce mai stai?
Come on, what are you waiting for?
De-ai fi cu mine ce ți-aș face de-ai fi
If you were with me, what I would do to you, if you were
De-aș fi cu tine am face uuuh, selecta
If I were with you, we would do uuuh, selecta

Writer(s): Alexandru Ionut Velea, Marius Moga

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