Andra feat. Cabron - Niciodata sa nu spui niciodata - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Andra feat. Cabron - Niciodata sa nu spui niciodata

Niciodata sa nu spui niciodata
Never say never
Ai grija ce-ti doresti de la viata
Be careful what you wish for from life
Cand te intalnesti cu
When you meet
Destinul de care vorbesti tu
The destiny that you speak of
Si de care se lovesc si restul
And that the rest collide with
Stii viata e ciudata
You know life is strange
Tot ce nu credeai ti se intampla o data
Everything you didn't believe happens to you once
Si inca o data si inca o data
And once and again and once again
Niciodata sa nu spui niciodata
Never say never
Oooo la inceput cand l-am vazut
Oooo at the beginning when I saw him
Nici unul n-a crezut in dragoste
Neither of us believed in love
Oooooo da ne-a luat valul pe amandoi
Oooooo yes the wave took hold of both of us
Acum uita-te la noi e dragoste
Now look at us it's love
Si daca cineva imi spunea ca tu esti jumatatea mea
And if someone told me that you were my soulmate
As fi ras ha ha
I would have laughed ha ha
Acum nici nu-mi pot imagina as plange intr-una de-ai pleca
Now I can't even imagine I would cry forever if you left
Din viata mea
From my life
Orice se poate intampla
Anything can happen
Niciodata sa nu spui niciodata
Never say never
Niciodata sa nu spui niciodata
Never say never
Vezi ai grija ce-ti doresti
See be careful what you wish for
Ca s-ar putea sa si primestiOoo
Because you might just get itOoo
Ne certam din cand in cand
We argue from time to time
Sa nu te aud spunand ca e greu
Don't let me hear you say it's hard
Noi doi am facut un legamant cat suntem pe pamant
The two of us made a covenant while we are on earth
Ne vom iubi mereu
We will always love each other
Si de mi-ar spune cineva ca tu te joci cu mintea mea
And if someone told me that you were playing with my mind
As rade ha ha ha
I would laugh ha ha ha
Te cunosc atat de bine da si stiu ca n-ai pleca
I know you so well yes and I know that you would not leave
Din viata mea
From my life
Orice se poate intampla
Anything can happen
Niciodata sa nu spui niciodata
Never say never
Niciodata sa nu spui niciodata
Never say never
Vezi ai grija ce-ti doresti
See be careful what you wish for
Ca s-ar putea sa si primesti
Because you might just get it
Invevitabil va fi dor
Inevitable there will be longing
Desi nu te-ai fi gandit la asta deloc
Although you would not have thought of it at all
Langa el stai langa el iubesti
Next to him you wait next to him you love
Langa el n-ai fi vazut prima data vreun trai
Next to him you would not have seen any life for the first time
Nu-i vreun crai dar nu-ti vine sa crezi ba sa mai stai
He's not a king but you can't believe to stay even longer
Indragostita lulea cand ziceai ca nu se poate intampla
In love the flower bloomed when you said it couldn't happen
Destinul rupe primul regulile firesti
Destiny breaks the first natural rules
Regulile pur omenesti
Purely human rules
Dupa care ai mers pana sa-l intalnesti
After which you walked until you met him
Niciodata sa nu spui niciodata
Never say never
Niciodata sa nu spui niciodata
Never say never
Vezi ai grija ce-ti doresti
See be careful what you wish for
Ca s-ar putea sa si primestiii.
Because you might just get iiit.

Writer(s): Andi Grasu, Madalin Rosioru, Marius Moga

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