Ai stiut mult prea bine c-o sa am incredere in tine
You knew far too well that I would trust you.
Nu te-ai putut abtine, Nu ti-a pasat deloc de mine, acum decizia-mi apartine, Nu mai sunt a ta.
You couldn't restrain yourself. You didn't care about me at all. Now the decision is mine. I'm not yours anymore.
Si-ti spun adio, adio, Du-te, du-te, du-te, nu mai sta
And I say goodbye, goodbye. Go away, go away, go away, don't stay anymore.
Si nu lasa nimic te rog in urma ta, Stiai si tu ca n-o sa-ti mearga mult asa, Spun adio, adio, Du-te, du-te, du-te, nu mai sta
And please don't leave anything behind you. You knew that it wouldn't work for you for long like this. I say goodbye, goodbye. Go away, go away, go away, don't stay anymore.
Si nu lasa nimic te rog in urma ta, Stiai si tu ca n-o sa-ti mearga mult asa.
And please don't leave anything behind you. You knew that it wouldn't work for you for long like this.
Strofa 1:
Verse 1:
Degeaba incerci sa fii altfel
It's useless for you to try to be different.
Cand eu nu mai pot sa fiu la fel, Ai luat in gluma tot ce mai simteam, Ma intreb eu oare asta meritam, Iti pare rau dar nu-o de ajuns
When I can no longer be the same. You made light of everything I still felt. I wonder if this is what I deserved. You're sorry, but it's not enough.
Si cred ca timpul tau s-a scurs, Tu poate credeai ca dragostea-i un joc, Joci carte pe carte si n-o sa ai noroc.
And I think your time is up. You probably thought that love is a game. You play your cards right, but you won't be lucky.
Strofa 2:
Verse 2:
Spune-mi tu, dar ce tot grabesti sa ma alungi precum, Ultimul caine cand eu pentru tine traiam oricum, Spune-mi ca daca sunt departe, te-ai cam rupt de drum, Iar acum ca si cum nu s-a intamplat nimic
Tell me, why are you in such a hurry to chase me away like the last dog? When I was living for you anyway. Tell me, if I'm far away, you've lost your way.
Dar tot ce ai vrut tot vrei, Atata timp cand niciodata n-am crescut in ochii tai, Recunosc ca ti-am gresit dar tot ce faci e crud, Dar cu toate asta tot ce pot sa fac e sa te-ascult.
And now it's as if nothing ever happened. But everything you wanted, you still want. As long as I never grew in your eyes. I admit that I wronged you, but everything you do is cruel. But despite all that, all I can do is listen to you.
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