Langa tine, Ai nevoie, nevoie, nevoie doar de mine, Langa tine, Ai nevoie, nevoie, nevoie doar de mine, Langa tine, Ai nevoie, nevoie, nevoie doar de mine, Langa tine, Ai nevoie, nevoie, nevoie doar de mine.
By Your Side, You need, need, need only me, By Your Side, You need, need, need only me, By Your Side, You need, need, need only me, By Your Side, You need, need, need only me.
Strofa 1:
Verse 1:
Daca lumea nu crede in noi, Vom razbi printre vant si ploi, Va fi soare, vor fi stele doar pentru noi, Doar o viata nu mi-e deajuns, Amnevoie de una in plus
If the world doesn't believe in us, We'll fight through the wind and rain, There will be sunshine, there will be stars just for us, Only one life is not enough for me, I need one more
Pentru mine, pentru tine, doar pentru noi.
For me, for you, just for us.
Si imi pare rau dar noua nu ne pasa, Pentru ca inima ne lasa sa fim cum vrem, Si imi pare rau dar noua nu ne pasa, Pentru ca inima ne lasa sa fim cum vrem sa fim.
And I'm sorry, but we don't care, Because our hearts let us be who we want to be, And I'm sorry, but we don't care, Because our hearts let us be who we want to be.
Langa, langa, langa tine Strofa 2:
By, by, by your side Verse 2:
Credeai ca dragostea-i de negasit, Fiindca inima ta n-a simtit fiori vreodata, Niciodata nu ai zambit, Si-ntorc o pagina din viata ta, Ce sa scriu pe rand, ce va urma?
You thought that love was impossible to find, Because your heart had never felt butterflies before, You'd never smiled, And I'm turning a page in your life, What should I write next, what will follow?
Povestea noastra cum n-a scris-o altcineva.
Our story like nobody else has ever written.
Langa, langa, langa tine
By, by, by your side
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