Andreea - Prea Tarziu (Dj Raol Mix) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Andreea - Prea Tarziu (Dj Raol Mix)

Prea Tarziu (Dj Raol Mix)
Too Late (Dj Raol Mix)
Nca scriu, imi place mult sa scriu
I still write, I love to write
Imi place mult sa scriu, imi place mult
I love to write so much, I love it so much
Cu Flou rege, Paranoia 13, Dj Albu
With Flou king, Paranoia 13, Dj Albu
Doamne inca scriu,
God, I still write,
Asta ma mentine viu
This keeps me alive
Fac muzica adevarata pentru tine
I make real music for you
Nu ma schimb in difuzor pana′am sa mor
I won't change in the speaker until I die
Si cand va fi sa fie, sufletul n'o sa′mi fie gol
And when it's meant to be, my soul won't be empty
Ca'n jur e multa vanitate
Because there's a lot of vanity around
Si fie vorba intre frati, se fura frate pe frate!
And let it be said between brothers, brother steals from brother!
E nici un strop de libertate,
There's not a drop of freedom,
Nici o primavara fara iarna
No spring without winter
Viata fara moarte
Life without death
De multe ori e trista,
It's often sad,
Emontionanta, rece ca o roua
Emotional, cold as dew
Caci stai la etaju' 4 si nu intr′o casa noua
Because you live on the 4th floor and not in a new house
Si ai vrea sa ai si sa stii si sa vezi
And you'd like to have and know and see
Cand toate fetele bune sunt cele care le pierzi
When all the good girls are the ones you lose
Si ce crezi ca o sa mai ramana
And what do you think will remain
Cand ceasu bate cu secunde repezi relativ
When the clock ticks with fast seconds relatively
Ce o sa se intample atunci cand construiesti
What will happen when you build
Si vezi cum totul se darama
And you see everything fall apart
Si tot ce reprezinti se stinge fara nici un motiv
And everything you represent fades away for no reason
Intarziat rasplata vine dupa, ceva care sa′mi justifice
The reward comes late, something to justify me
Toti anii astia grei de munca
All these hard years of work
Sa vrei sa reusesti cand totul e pustiu
To want to succeed when everything is empty
Devreme ce in muzica nu pare prea tarziu
Since it doesn't seem too late in music
E prea tarziu prea tarziu prea tarziu
It's too late, too late, too late
Acum prea tarziu prea tarziu pentru alt drum
Now it's too late, too late for another path
Prea tarziu sa ma opresc devreme ce in muzica
Too late to stop since in music
Nu e tarziu sa reusesc!
It's not too late to succeed!
Iti multumesc tata pentru forta
Thank you dad for the strength
Pentru bine, pentru rau
For the good, for the bad
Si iti promit ca o sa
And I promise I will
Fac ce'mi sta′n putinta sa nu cedez nervos
Do my best not to give in to nerves
Caci aici e greu si stii, greu a fost mereu
Because it's hard here and you know, it's always been hard
Nu am cum sa ma gandesc ca viitoru' suna bine
I can't think that the future sounds good
Cand stiu ca maine trebuie sa merg sa′mi caut chirie
When I know tomorrow I have to go look for rent
Ca trebuie sa trag de fiecare hartie
That I have to pull on every piece of paper
Care sigur nu va fi din poezie
Which surely won't be from poetry
Dar soapte din capul meu imi spun scrie!
But whispers from my head tell me to write!
E ceva normal sa vrei totul dintr'o data
It's normal to want everything at once
Sa′ti vina pe tava, treaba rezolvata fara munca, plata
To have it on a silver platter, the job done without work, payment
Dar trebuie sa tragi pentru pielea ta! stii
But you have to work for your own skin, you know
Depasim iluzii spunem gata la prostii
We overcome illusions, we say goodbye to nonsense
Nu mai suntem copii, ei bine fie ce o fii
We're not children anymore, well, whatever happens
Ca ne fuug ochii dupa hartii in coltu strazii
Because our eyes are chasing papers in the corner of the street
Pot fi ingerii sau demonii ai grija unde vrei sa fii
They can be angels or demons, be careful where you want to be
Deschide ochii cate putin te'a proprii
Open your eyes little by little, your own
Asa trec anii si te schimbi
This is how the years go by and you change
Oamenii sunt ipocriti
People are hypocrites
Si te trezesti si tu la randul tau ca minti
And you wake up and you lie too
Ca faci rau cuiva, raul se intoarce dur
That you hurt someone, evil comes back hard
Cand faci bine, binele te tine pur
When you do good, good keeps you pure
Da e esential sa fii conturat de bunatate
Yes, it's essential to be shaped by kindness
Armonie'n toate, dragoste, rabdare, sufletul, luciditate
Harmony in everything, love, patience, soul, lucidity
Lucind tu nu esti orbit esti entitate
Shining you are not blinded, you are an entity
Asa ca tine capu′ sus frate!
So keep your head up brother!
E prea tarziu prea tarziu prea tarziu
It's too late, too late, too late
Acum prea tarziu prea tarziu pentru alt drum
Now it's too late, too late for another path
Prea tarziu sa ma opresc devreme ce in muzica
Too late to stop since in music
Nu e tarziu sa reusesc!
It's not too late to succeed!

Writer(s): MARIUS MOGA

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